by asphodel on February 11, 2011

After School嘉熙新專輯照公開 或狂野或自然性感無極限

After School成員嘉熙正在華麗蛻變。嘉熙9日公開了第一張迷你專輯《回來吧,壞人》的封面照片,強烈的視覺效果給人留下深刻的印象。本次的造型強調嘉熙性感好身材,引起大家注意。照片 中嘉熙的POSE不輸任何專業模特,而S形曲線也體現出無限性感魅力。每次公開的照片造型都大不相同,刺激了不少粉絲的好奇心。透過封面照片也能感覺到嘉 熙本次迷你專輯體現出的嘉熙式音樂的色彩和質感,從狂野造型到自然風格都體現了嘉熙不同的魅力。

粉絲表示:「即使是古典風格的衣服嘉熙也能穿出性感的感覺」,「這好像是主打歌曲的舞台服裝」,「其它照片什麼時候公開」,對嘉熙的新專輯充滿期 待。此外11日下午將透過Pledis官方網站公開《THE FIRST MINI ALBUM回來吧,壞人》的宣傳MV。

After numerous delays, After School’s Kahi is finally ready to embark on her solo mini-album promotions!

A music video teaser for her debut track, “Come Back, You Bad Person” has just been unveiled, and Kahi is seen rocking two different looks: innocent and elegant, as well as fierce and edgy.

Judging by how the MV plays with contrasts of light and dark, we’re probably going to be looking at a story of ‘before and after’.

Check it out below!

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