Source + Photos: Newsen, Star News via Daum (1) (2), Asia Economy via Naver
by VITALSIGN on February 4, 2011




另外,勝妍和智英的父母也陪同孩子們來到日本,雖然是為了檢查KARA的活動,但是DPS Media則表示他們並沒有一起來到拍攝現場。另一方面,雖然KARA成員展現出了非常親密的面貌,媒體表示期待5人重新開始活動,但是同時也表達了對合同問題還未完全解決的擔憂。

Ever since KARA returned to Japan as all five this week, the Japanese media has been hot on their trail.

The girls were bombarded by media attention immediately upon their arrival and followed them throughout their drama schedule for “URAKARA,” as well as their third single jacket album photoshoot.

Fuji TV even went as far as to follow the girls to their “URAKARA” film set, which is exceptional in itself since the drama is broadcast by their rival network, TV Tokyo. The network risked giving media exposure to the other network in order to report on their day-to-day activities as well as minor details like their plane seating list.

One news program nicknamed the arrival of KARA and the attention they’ve garnered as the “KARA Phenomenon,” which is a term that hasn’t been used since the legendary Hallyu star, Bae Yong Joon.

On the “URAKARA” episode broadcast on February 4th, the girls gave a short message for their fans stating, “We’ll be promoting in Japan into the future, so please look forward to us.”

Meanwhile, it was found that Seungyeon and Jiyoung’s parents accompanied the girls on their trip, and although they were revealed to be monitoring the girls’ activities, DSP Media added that they were not going on set with the girls.

KARA looks happy on set of “URAKARA”

Source: Sports Today via Nate
by VITALWARNING on February 4, 2011

Following news of their return back to Japan as five members on February 3rd, Tokyo TV’s live broadcast of ‘7 Star Bratch’ revealed behind-the-scenes footage of the KARA members happily filming for their show, “URAKARA.”

The program stated, “The KARA members arrived happily together as five at the Tokyo Haneda Airport yesterday (February 3rd),” and showed footage of the members walking out of the airport while being surrounded by the warm support of their fans. The whole studio panel applauded upon watching the footage and warmly welcomed the members with, “Welcome back.”

The show’s reporter added, “They have started the filming of “URAKARA” today. The members looked tired and sleepy, but they still continued on with the same bright and friendly image.”

Fuji TV reveals KARA's plane seating on their flight to Japan

Source + Photos: Sports Chosun via Daum
by VITALSIGN on February 4, 2011

KARA’s plane seating on their flight to Japan earlier this week has been a hot topic ever since Japan’s Fuji TV recently reported on it.

The network created a computer graphic visual of the information they discovered and reported that leader Park Gyuri sat in the center on her own, while the rest of the four members sat in a single row.

Fuji TV went on to report that the girls fell asleep immediately after boarding.

Netizens said, “They even investigated where they sat, that’s really amazing,” “Is it okay for a public broadcast network to do this?,” and “I guess it’s understandable since KARA’s popularity is so high.”

Check out Fuji TV’s full report here:

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