by Casper on February 5, 2011

Having only launched their follow-up promotions two weeks ago with ‘Still…‘, the Orange Caramel girls ended their 2nd mini album promotions on the February 5th episode of Music Core.

Orange Caramel have certainly launched a wave of popularity for themselves and their primary group, After School, with their cuteness. The girls will now take a short break before linking up again with the other After School members in preparation for their debut in Japan in the coming months.

Check out their double-song goodbye performances of ‘Still…’ and ‘A~ing‘ below!


Mighty Mouth的成員生菜公開了Orange Caramel成員NANA的照片

2月6日,生菜在自己的Twitter微博上寫道“這是人,還是洋娃娃呀?人體模型?娃娃?到底是什麽啊?洋娃娃!”並上傳了照片。照片中,Mighty Mouth的成員SHORRY正看著酷似人體模型的NANA,露出一臉驚詫的表情。像人體模型一樣做出可愛表情的NANA紋絲不動地做出造型,非常吸引眼球。看到照片的網友們紛紛留言表示“真的像洋娃娃一樣,不,比洋娃娃還要漂亮”等,反響熱烈。

Orange Caramel's Nana learns how to work cameras

Source: TV Daily via Nate
by VITALSIGN on February 1, 2011

A little while back, Orange Caramel recorded their follow-up track, “Still…“, and a staff member has just revealed another photo of member Nana fiddling around with the recording equipment in the studio.

The producer already revealed a video featuring the scene on January 29th, and followed up with another picture by writing, “The hidden secret of the ‘Still…’ video~ Nana and Raina are showing off the skills they learned in their free time.

The members made the effort to learn how to handle the equipment, which led staff members to use the footage they took in the ‘Still…’ video.

Netizens commented, “She’s a goddess even while holding the camera,” “I like seeing new sides of Orange Caramel like this,” “I wonder which part Nana shot,” and “Now I want to go back and see the video.”

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