아이유-GD&탑, 어떻게 아이돌을 놀라게 했나?
Source + Photos: Osen via Daum
by VITALSIGN on February 4, 2011
Music analyst Hanteo revealed that the top digital songs for January were IU’s “Good Day” and GD&TOP’s “High High“, which ranked first and second respectively.
While these two tracks are of different genres and attract different fanbases, they share something in common – they demonstrate the artists’ grip on their music, and their natural flair for their craft.在音樂上展現了個人的影響力和歌唱的天賦
took charts by storm with her impressive vocal talent, playing up to the music fans’ desire of wanting to hear an artist’s voice ‘as is’. MR removed videos, a popular ‘tool’ amongst fans, allowed listeners to scope IU’s natural voice and talent.
What’s ironic about success is that she secured it in an industry where auto-tune is considered ‘trendy’ and ‘modern’. IU went back to the roots of music with her famous ‘three high notes’, and many are of the belief that if “Good Day” didn’t feature those high notes, IU wouldn’t have earned the explosive popularity she enjoys today.
Meanwhile, GD&TOP went the complete opposite direction by immersing themselves in the electronic hip hop genre. They debuted as a sub-unit group of Big Bang in order to fully express their personal musical tastes.
Having earned a bit more freedom in both style and music, the unit came up with an interesting blend of club sounds that ‘revolutionized’ the image of idol groups. Instead of strict choreography, the two moved about on stage freely, to the ‘feel of the music.’
T.O.P expressed earlier that they wanted to “break the stereotypes of idols,” and the duo managed to achieve just that.
Though they focused on different aspects, they managed to accomplish their goal of showcasing true musicality. The two broke out of the molds that idols are often enclosed in by performing and creating music that doesn’t restrict their liberties as musicians.
裴勇俊和崔智友的<冬季戀歌>可以說是南韓流的一記響箭,也是上面提出的落差問題的一個好例子.日本的某研究所公佈,2004年<冬季戀 歌>在韓日兩國一共創收3萬1300億元韓幣(約等於人民幣184億).韓日觀光客,以及主演演員代言產品銷量等也包含在了計算內.而且,裴勇俊和崔智友等當時紅極一時的主角最近都還在日本開展演藝活動.
K-POP熱風的盛行使得南韓歌手進軍日本的收入非常可觀.東方神起2009年登上了日本某年度綜合創收排行榜的第3名,共計創收金額約938億元韓幣 (約等於人民幣5.5億元).2010年儘管鬧出了解約糾紛,還是沒有影響他們的受歡迎,那一年登上了該排行榜的第2位,創收總計約1284億元韓幣(約 等於人民幣7.6億元).這個數字包括了所有他們在日本的專輯發行,DVD售賣,演唱會公演,廣告等的收入.