Source: UNIQLO
by CM on February 3, 2011
在25日~27日首爾奧林匹克體操競技場舉行晚'2011 BIGSHOW'以後,他們將于5月在日本主要城市進行巡迴演出.
BIGBANG在2011年的巡迴演出在當地也引起了極大的關心.服飾品牌UNIQLO還為此推出了BIGBANG日本之行紀念版'BIGBANG 協作T恤',將從5日開始在日本出售.
It was previously announced that South Korean group Big Bang will resume activities in Japan in April, and their activities include a new single, a tour, and a collaboration with fashion brand UNIQLO.
The collaboration between the two will involve tour goods for their upcoming concerts. They have created eight shirts and four hoodies, all starting at ¥1,500 ($18.36 USD).
All merchandise will be sold at all UNIQLO locations, as well as online, starting on February 5th at 9 AM.
Check out the merchandise below!
- Feb 05 Sat 2011 02:04
nippon UNIQLO x 태양 fashion collaboration in Japan 將販售17種 Big Bang 圖案服飾做為五月份巡迴演唱會的周邊商品