Source + Photos: Star News via Daum
by VITALSIGN on February 3, 2011
男女共學子團 5dolls 正忙著準備出道, 但他們也從日程中抽出時間 穿著韓服向大家拜年.加上了忙內[徐恩喬], 女孩們說他們準備用好聽的音樂擄獲2011年.
當被問到只有女孩們表演的感覺如何, [微笑秀美]說 “換衣服變很輕鬆 彼此也更要好. 跟男團員相處時, 我們會保持形象 想令人順眼.”不同於男女共學之前活力的形象, 5dolls 會以一首人人喜愛也能跟著哼唱的歌 展現可愛和更多女人味.
[星光燦美]說 “我們的表演會讓人很舒服快樂. 這是純為女孩打造的舞臺 5dolls的整體色彩會變的更閃亮. 你們準備好驚訝我們的新形象了沒?”
春節佳期之後, 5dolls 會公佈由[勇敢兄弟]製作的數位單曲 “Lip Mark”. 這是一首可愛的POP舞蹈 並帶有超棒的聲音和節奏.
[韓星惠媛] 說 “現在全部女孩都聚齊了, 感覺氣勢很強 缺一不可. 我們會以快樂的心情享受舞臺. 看能否在音樂節目拿第一(?) 當然想要 !!”
Co-Ed’s first sub-unit, 5dolls, is busy preparing for their upcoming debut, but they took the time out of their schedule to greet everyone for the Lunar New Year wearing hanboks.
With the addition of maknae Seo Eun Gyo, the girls claimed that they were ready to grab 2011 by the horns.
When asked how it felt to be promoting with only girls, Smile Soomi replied, “It’s a lot easier to change clothes and we sync better as well. When we’re around male members, we try to keep up a certain image and try to look our best.”

Unlike Co-Ed’s rather powerful image, 5dolls will be expressing a cuter and more feminine charm with a ‘public friendly’ song that anyone can follow along.
Star Light Chanmi revealed, “Our performances this time will be a lot more comfortable and fun. Since it’s a stage made up entirely of just girls, the overall color of the group has become a lot brighter. Are you ready to be surprised at our new image?”
After the Lunar New Year holiday, 5dolls will be releasing their debut track by Brave Brothers, “Lip Mark.” The song is a cute pop dance track that features a synth sound with a strong and addictive beat.
One Star Hyewon concluded, “Now that all of the girls have come together, we feel a lot stronger. Most important of all, we’ll truly be enjoying the stage with a happy heart. A #1 win on a music program? Of course we want that!”

5dolls reveal Co-Ed's male members are preparing for their own unit group

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
by VITALSIGN on February 1, 2011
Core Contente Media
Although many idol groups are taking a break during the Lunar New Year holiday, Co-Ed’s first sub-unit group will be stuck in their rehearsal rooms in preparation for their debut.
The girls of 5dolls took time away from their busy schedules (and sweaty rehearsal clothes) in order to get dolled up in hanboks (traditional Korean dresses) to greet their fans.
The girls nicknamed themselves ‘recycled rookies,’ as they’re made up of Co-Ed’s female members (with the exception of one new addition). Although this can have advantages, they revealed that it’s actually quite a lot of pressure because they have to live up to the standards they’ve already set.
Leader Soomi stated, “We haven’t even thought about going on break for the Lunar New Year holiday. We have to work on matching up our choreography during that time to ensure an amazing comeback.”
While many have expressed interest in this new sub-group, fans were more focused on the elements of the name. A lot of different names were said to have been brought to the table, such as Girl Scout, Ruby, and The Day.
The girls decided to focus on a sweeter, more natural look and go with a name that would reflect that. Hence, while the girls did decide on ‘5dolls’, they also took out the nicknames preceding their names like ‘Smile Soomi’ and ‘One Light Hyoyoung‘, in order to further accentuate that unembellished concept.
Naturally, their wardrobe and makeup will also reflect their new image. Hyoyoung commented, “Our outfits are cute and casual, and our makeup is done as naturally as possible in order to make it look almost bare.”
The upcoming debut of 5dolls, however, put much attention on what the remaining male members were up to.
Hyewon revealed, “When ‘Co-Ed’ was first created, plans for unit promotions were already being made. Yet there won’t be a disbandment of Co-Ed. Just like how the girls are getting their own unit, the boys will be making their unit as well and are currently preparing for it.”
5dolls is scheduled to make their debut in the second week of February and are in the finalization stages of their music video.
Chanmi expressed her excitement by stating, “Because Co-Ed had to deal with negative rumors, we weren’t able to show off our true potential. We also have a lot members, so there’s a big difference in the way parts are divided. This time, we’ve divided the parts fairly to show off everything we’ve got.”
When asked about their goal, they revealed, “To get #1 on a music program and to win a rookie award at a year-end ceremony.”
5dolls will break onto the music scene with their debut track, “Lip Mark“, which was produced by composer Brave Brothers .
5dolls releases debut concept photos
Coed school's subunit 5Dolls will be making their debut next week with debut song Lip Mark.
Coed school子團 5Dolls 下周將會以 Lip Mark 這首歌出道.
The song is produced by popular producers Brave Brothers,are you anticipating their debut stage?
這首歌是由熱門作曲家 勇敢兄弟 製作的. 你期待他們的出道舞臺嗎?