Source: Star News via Daum
by Denouement on January 29, 2011
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JYP方面對作曲家兼歌手朴振英作曲作詞、IU演唱的歌曲“Some Day”抄襲爭議一事發表看法,表達了遺憾的心情。
最近KBS電視臺的電視劇“Dream High”的OST歌曲“Some Day”,因與歌手Ash于2005年10月發表的“給我的男人”副歌部分旋律相似,而被捲入了剽竊風波。相反,人們指出“Some Day”的節奏比“給我的男人”快。
對此,JYP方面於29日下午對Star News表示:“這件事發生後,我們今天聽了‘給我的男人’,確實有些地方相似。但是這些和弦和旋律是大眾音樂中普遍使用的。”“和‘給我的男人’這首曲子相關的人很多,知道這首歌曲的人也很多,因此故意抄襲按常理來說是很不像話的事情。”
另一方面,Star News也與金信日通了電話,他說:“事實上,我還沒有聽過‘Some Day’。聽了之後,我會(對是否抄襲)表明自己的立場。”金信日出身於伯克利音樂學院,之前曾與李文世尹度鉉金長勳等人合作,是實力派的音樂人和靈魂樂歌手。
An OST track from KBS’s “Dream High” had some netizens accusing JYP Entertainment of plagiarism. The song in question, “Some Day“, was written by Park Jin Young and sung by teenage sensation, IU.
According to the complaints, “Some Day” reportedly carries a chorus similar to 애쉬 Ash’s song ‘To My Man’, which released back in October of 2005. Others are of the view that it’s not just the chorus that was similar, but the progression of the song as well. The difference, they point out, is that ‘Some Day’s beat was faster than ‘To My Man’s.
JYP Entertainment released their official statement to Star News on January 29th, which began: “When this controversy sprouted, we listened to ‘To My Man’ today. When we heard it, the chorus part did seem similar, but these chord progressions and melodies are frequently used in mainstream music.”
“There are many people who are associated to the song ‘To My Man’, and there are a lot of people who know the song as well. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense to intentionally plagiarize.”
JYPE also explained that they utilize a system of checks to prevent these kinds of accusations. “To be honest, there have been controversies like this before, so in our company we always have some inside lyricists and/or producers, as well as employees who listen to the song. Of course, the A&R department also check the music very ‘hard’ too. We even utilize smartphone music-search applications.”
Was IU's ‘Some Day’ plagiarized?
Source: Korea Economy via Nate
by Denouement on January 28, 2011
Song ‘Some Day’, sang by popular singer IU, is receiving plagiarism accusations.
Recently on a community site, the idea that IU’s ‘Dream High’ OST ‘Some Day’ was similar to Ash’s ‘To My Man’, released in 2005, was suggested.
IU’s ‘Some Day’ is a song written by singer and songwriter Park Jin Young, and had received much popularity by taking the higher ranks of music sites.
Netizens have been raising strong doubts and suspicions that ‘Some Day’s chorus and ‘To My Man’s chorus are too similar, creating accusations of plagiarism.
Upon hearing the news, netizens have been reacting strongly with comments of, “Park Jin Young plagiarized a song made in Korea?”, “It’s way too similar. Give us an official statement.”, and “Poor IU.“
On the other hand, IU has been receiving positive critiques from the public with her role as Pil-sook in KBS’ drama ‘Dream High’.
[Spoiler: Dream High] “Pil Sook” succeeds with her diet + IU’s viewing habits
Source: SPN, Newsen via Nate
by VITALSIGN on January 28, 2011
Singer IU, who’s currently playing the role of ‘Pil Sook’ in KBS’s “Dream High,” has been earning much curiosity from viewers on how her diet will be affecting her love line with her ‘Milky Couple’ partner, 2PM’s Wooyoung.
Ever since her appearance in the first episode, ‘Pil Sook’ was known for her chubby body. Producers kept the anticipation for her eventual transformation high, leading viewers to begin wondering when exactly the change will take place. ‘Pil Sook’ is currently the best loved character of the show, with many finding her innocent school girl crush on ‘Jason’ endearing.
With the help of Teacher Maeng, ‘Pil Sook’ finally takes the first step towards her diet and sets a goal of losing 30 kg within a 200 day time period.
Her diet was shot in exactly one day, as a representative on set revealed, “IU showed off impressive jump roping skills and gave a victory sign towards the camera even after the recording was over. Her bright image gave us further anticipation towards Pil Sook’s transformation.”
The transformation will be unveiled in the drama’s eighth episode scheduled for January 31st.
Meanwhile, on January 27th, IU was interviewed by reporters of SBS’s “One Night In TV Entertainment” and revealed herself to be an avid fan of “Hometown at Six,” a KBS program that aims to bring back busy city dwellers to their hometowns, as well as introduce new culture and re-awaken the importance of enjoying life. She stated, “My grandmother loves ‘Hometown at Six,’ so I watch it as well.”
IU's autumn concept for clothing brand YS'B
Source: Newsen via Nate
by VITALWARNING on January 27, 2011
Still, the company did express their regret about having such an issue arise. “Despite our efforts, we are regretful that this kind of situation happened. We hope that the producer of ‘To My Man’, Kim Shin Il, and the public will generously understand this.”
On the other hand, Kim Shin Il said in a phone call with Star News, “Actually, I haven’t listened to ‘Some Day’ yet. After I listen to it, I’ll reveal my thoughts (about the possibility of plagiarism).”
Kim Shin Il, a talented musician and soul singer, graduated from the Berklee College of Music and has produced various albums from singers like Lee Mun Se and Kim Jang Hoon.