

DSP & reps for 3 KARA members meet for 8 hours, decide to continue activities as 5

Source: Star News via Nate
by esspee on January 27, 2011

KARA’s agency, DSP Media, and the representatives for three of the group’s members (Kang Jiyoung, Jung Nicole, Han Seungyeon) met for a second round of negotiation talks regarding the existing schedule and group members.

In a news item released on January 27th, it was revealed that as a result of the second talks, KARA will remain as a five-member group and will work together to continue their scheduled activities.

DSP Media representatives said, “The reached agreement for the five members to work together was in order to not cause problems for the scheduled activities.” Adding on, “In a restaurant in Gangnam, Seoul, the CEO of DSP and the parents of Kang Jiyoung, Jung Nicole, and Han Seungyeon met for the first time since the dispute occurred and talked for 8 hours. Because no negotiations were reached in the last meeting on the 25th between the legal representatives, this meeting was initiated.”

DSP Media continued, “At this meeting, the parents of the three members who were leaving the agency and the DSP Media CEO tried to agree on their demands. Thus, the urgent issue of the existing scheduled activities was resolved.”

Furthermore, DSP Media added, “The results of the issues discussed and plans of future meetings were not determined.”

South Korean officials hold conference to protect rights of idols

Source: Christian Today
by sarahsusiepak on January 26, 2011

In response to the growing public outcry over “slave contracts” and the alleged mistreatment of idols (as evidenced by the JYJ-SM Entertainment / KARA-DSP Entertainment controversies), government officials and broadcasting executives met today to discuss policies to protect the rights of idols, who are increasingly entering the industry at younger and younger ages.

Also discussed was the problem of defining “indecent exposure” (the amont of exposure deemed unsuitable for public broadcast), which seems to be more of a vague idea than an actual standard, as it varies from network to network.

Attendees included the Secretary of Health and Welfare, the Fair Trade Commission, the Communications Commission, and a number of other related government regulatory bodies. Representatives from the “big three” broadcasting stations included the KBS Content Director and the heads of production of MBC and SBS.

KARA's Goo Hara is searching for a new house!

Source: JoongAng via Nate
by Supermar on January 27, 2011

It was revealed that on January 22nd and 23rd, KARA’s Goo Hara had gone to Kangnam Nonhyun-dong to look for a new house.

On the 26th, a real estate agent expressed, ‘Goo Hara came with one associate on the 22nd to look for a house. She called to ask questions before her visit, and I heard that she also visited other real estate agents in the area.

It seems the sudden decision to find a new home is because she moved out of her dorm in Haengdang-dong in early January and has no where else to stay immediately.

自稱是KARA監護人的H Plus的代表趙賢吉(音)僅僅5個小時之後改變了立場。


1月25日南韓演藝製作者協會指責H Plus的代表趙賢吉是幕後主使,並公開了趙代表給KARA3名成員發的信息。對此,趙代表於1月26日控訴被冤枉,稱“既然被當做是幕後主使,那我就公開幫助KARA”。DSP傳媒則稱“將著手采取索賠、名譽侵害訴訟等法律措施”。




1月26日中午12時左右,被指控為KARA幕後主使的H Plus的代表趙賢吉(音)站出來稱“(既然已經這樣了)現在將公開幫助KARA”,不到5小時後DSP表示“這是讓人無法忍受的行為,不能再忍受更多的 損失,將著手采取索賠、名譽侵害訴訟等法律措施”,明確了雙方無法達成協議的意思。

這次KARA事件中,KARA三名成員方面自從1月 19日向DSP宣布解除專屬合約後,雙方在8天時間裏竟然展開了16次攻防戰。對立的當事人雙方即KARA三名成員和DSP分別6次、3次表明了自己的立 場。KARA三名成員通過法律代理人LAND MARK五次發布了表明自己立場的報道材料並召開了一次記者招待會。DSP也發布了兩次報道材料,並通過一次負責人的發言來作出了回應。

支持KARA三名成員的年輕製作者連帶公布了一次報道材料,而擁護DSP的Core Contents Media公司的代表金光洙(音)和南韓演藝製作者協會則分別發表了3次和1次意見。此外,還有KARA的母親在twitter微博上發了1次為自己辯解 的帖子,但僅過了6個小時便刪掉了,而被指控為KARA幕後主使的H Plus的代表趙賢吉則通過LAND MARK僅在1月26日一天裏就2次表明了自己的立場,一開始自稱是監護人,後又改口,反復著自己的立場,使關注此事的相關人士不禁搖頭。


KARA撈4.6億睡三溫暖 搖錢樹慘遭壓榨





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