Source: Daum Media
by wafflecone on January 27, 2011
即將於3月23日在日本正式發行的BEAST的出道專輯《SHOCK》登上了日本Tower Record預售榜的第一名。此外,計劃於3月2日開始發售的DVD《SO, BEAST - THE CLIPS》也登上了排行榜的第五名。1月26日,經紀公司轉達稱“BEAST將在日本出道的消息發布後,僅四天便登上了預售排行榜的第一位。出道第一張專輯就得到如此的關注,實在令人驚訝”。
去年11月,BEAST曾在一萬名觀眾的觀看下在日本唱片界相關人士面前成功進行了“The Legend of Beast”的宣傳演出。此後便一直在準備在日本的出道。此外,他們進軍日本的歌曲《Shock》還是南韓國內的熱曲,而不是由日本作曲家創作的歌曲,從這個層面上,更是意義非凡。BEAST的代表歌曲《Shock》曾於去年在國內大受歡迎。
It’s a ‘beastly’ indication of their impending success in Japan - B2ST’s Japanese debut single, ‘SHOCK’, has topped the album pre-order charts from Tower Records Japan!
On January 25th, fans noted that B2ST had locked down the top two spots on the chart with their “SHOCK [CD + DVD] Limited Edition C” at #1, and “Limited Edition B” at #2.
But it’s not just their CDs that are carving niches – B2ST’s first DVD, ‘SO, BEAST – THE CLIPS’ placed 5th on the chart.
Considering how the group managed to land 50% of the slots in the ‘top 10′, many are commenting on the level of anticipation for B2ST’s powerful debut.
A representative from the Japanese music industry mused, “It’s rare to see a debut album take over half the charts. B2ST will be a top candidate in sweeping Japan as a new boy group.”
They continued, “It’s anticipated that B2ST will create another sensation in Japan, considering how they have a solid level of popularity in Korea as well.”
Last year in November, B2ST successfully held their first Japanese showcase with 10,000 fans in attendance.
Be sure to check back with allkpop for updates on B2ST’s upcoming Japanese single!
So, Beast -The Clips-
Catalog No. UMBF-9533
Label/Distributor Universal Music
Release Date 2011/03/02
今南韓で最も勢いのあるボーイズグループ、BEAST! 日本デビューに先駆けてBEASTの魅力を余すところなく収録した映像作品!! 人気の高いMUSIC VIDEOの数々や膨大なレア映像を収録したファン垂涎の内容。 初回限定盤は、DVDサイズ フォトカードセット (7枚綴り)、トレーディングカード (1種/1枚)封入。スリーブケース仕様。
BEAST演唱會接連發生安全事故 拿粉絲的性命開玩笑開演唱會嗎?
26日下午在首爾廣津洞舉行的BEAST演唱會上,規模龐大的觀眾蜂擁而至,導致了事故的發生。大批觀眾擁擠到了狹窄的入口之處,一名觀眾的身體被 夾在了門上,而後面的觀眾繼續擁擠,現場響起了悲鳴聲。BEAST還沒有站到舞台之上現場就已經亂作一團,發生事故的可能性增大,使演唱會推遲了開始的時間,原定2點開始的公演過了1個小時30分卻依然沒有開始,粉絲開始了抗議。
這一事故發生的根源在於主辦方接受了公演現場無法容納的大批觀眾,而已經進入公演場所內部的觀眾同樣危險,人與人之間的間距過窄,導致觀眾無法呼 吸,而且工作人員與警衛同樣數量不足,無法控制現場。幸運地是被夾在門上的觀眾沒有受傷,如果站在他身後的數百名觀眾全部擁過去,就會發生令人難以想象的 悲慘事故。這不是BEAST演唱會上首次發生的安全事故,在上月13日的演唱會上也曾發生事故,並導致公演一度中斷。
BEAST與活動主辦方應該銘記五年前在慶尚北道發生的演唱會慘死事件,當天的活動中眾多觀眾擁至入口,導致11名觀眾被壓死,162名觀眾受傷。 在BEAST的公演場內同樣發生了入口安全事故,BEAST與主辦方不考慮粉絲安全的態度令人惋惜。
B2ST auctions off personal items during BBQ mini-concert
Source: Newsen
by sweetrevenge on January 26, 2011
On January 26th, chicken company BBQ held a ‘BBQ B2ST Mini-Concert‘ in Seoul.
During the event, personal items belonging to the individual members of B2ST were auctioned off, and the profits made will be used to benefit children suffering from leukemia.
In order to attend this event, the public was asked to visit BBQ Chicken’s official website and leave a comment to the statement, “Reason(s) why BBQ chicken is good for using extra virgin olive oil and 100% organic chickens.” 2,000 individuals were chosen at random, and received an invitation to watch B2ST’s mini-concert this afternoon, although it was delayed for close to 2 hours after some fans got overzealous and started pushing around, creating safety concerns for others.
Affiliated members of BBQ commented, “This will be a multiple beneficial event where a customer can enjoy eating BBQ chicken at a reduced price, use the event comment box to have a chance of meeting B2ST, and know that the money they donate to the auction will be used for good purposes. We will try hard to make sure that customers are satisfied knowing that they are participating.”
B2ST's 起光Kikwang releases encore concert teaser
by VITALSIGN on January 26, 2011
B2ST has revealed the final teaser for their upcoming encore concert, “Welcome BACK to B2ST Airline.”
In the teaser, member Kikwang expresses his anticipation for their encore concert by stating, “I wasn’t who I am. I woke up and realized.. what in the world!”
He then reflects back to a statement he made back at their first concert, in which he promised, “If you guys come back in February, we will do an ab wave!! Promise!”
Kikwang continued, “I got in trouble… They told me to take responsibility for what I said. But.. a promise is a promise. The members have gone into ab training. An unprecedented event of B2ST’s ab wave! Ah~ I want to show it to you!”
Their encore concert will be held for two days, February 18th and 19th, at the Seoul Olympic Stadium.
Check it out below!