
13日,4minute為拍攝有線電台E頻道的《4minute的Mr.teacher》來到了機場,公開了護照照片。成員們的面貌和現在幾乎沒有什麼差別,但隊長南智賢的素顏證明照吸引了人們關注。照片中,南智賢披著長髮,端莊的面孔與舞台上的性感形象完全不同。另外,當天她們的機場服飾也吸引了關注。南智賢身著清爽的花紋連衣裙,配上一件紅色的針織外套;而全智允身著連帽外套,並配上太陽鏡,顯得很帥氣; 權昭賢則穿了厚厚的針織外套;泫雅則以圍巾吸引人們的矚目,紅白相間的水滴狀圍巾點綴出了她的魅力;許嘉允則考慮到前往的馬來西亞是伊斯蘭教國家,身著牛仔褲,最大限度地防止了暴露的衣著。


Source: Newsen via Nate
by Supermar on January 25, 2011

During a recent filming for E Channel’s ‘4minute’s Mr. Teacher‘, the girls were leaving Incheon International Airport for Malaysia. On this day, 4minute members’ airport fashion has captured interest.
Jihyun wore a floral-patterned dress with a red cardigan, and Jiyoon showed her charisma with gray jumpers and sunglasses. Sohyun sported a cardigan, while HyunA had a gray scarf with red and white decorations. Gayoon also exhibited her edgy fashion with her baggy pants.

Additionally, 4minute’s passport photos were revealed for the first time. In particular, Jihyun’s fresh face has garnered attention.

This episode will be aired on January 26th.

4minute visits Modern Toilet restaurant in Taiwan 便所主題餐廳

4MINUTE台北嘗鮮 蹲馬桶灌小便斗


Source: Sohyun (@4M_kkwonsso) and Hyuna’s (@4M_hyunah) Twitter accounts
by chloejn on January 25, 2011

On January 23rd, members of 4minute revealed pictures from their recent visit to a restroom-themed restaurant called, ‘Modern Toilet‘ in Taiwan. From toilet chairs to toilet bowl bowls, the members of 4minute posed with the various features of this interesting restaurant.

First, Sohyun tweeted,

Restroom restaurant~~!!! I made nothing of it and ate the food tastefully kekeke Toilet keke cute huh..? ke

Soon after, HyunA posted,

Wow guess where we are keke hoohahoohahoo~~!! There is a restaurant like this in Taiwan~~~~~~!♥♥ Strange right ~~~^-^♥

Check out the photos below!

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