最強昌珉在24日即將播出的SBS TV電視劇《天國的牧場》中飾演濟州牧場中的一個農村男孩,他和前妻李妍熙一起生活在濟州島某小村內,本次公開的照片讓人感受到昌珉的全新一面。照片中昌珉 一副孤傲神情,身穿肥大的褲子並用毛巾裹住頭,半蹲在房頂上,眼神還透露出為什麼身為富家子弟的我會是如此鄉土裝扮的疑惑,這身裝扮引起了大眾對於他在新 劇中發生怎樣故事的好奇心。《天國的牧場》講述了19歲青年人閃婚閃離的愛情故事。
Source: Newsen, Star News,TV Daily #1 and #2 via Nate
Photos: Sports Korea
by VITALSIGN on January 18, 2011
The PD and cast members of SBS’s upcoming drama, “Paradise Ranch“, met with reporters at their press conference held on January 18th at the SBS building.
PD Kim Chul Kyu truthfully revealed, “I was quite worried about Changmin’s acting. Every night, I called him into my office and tutored him in acting. Even people who have acted for decades still find trouble with certain elements, and I figured since Changmin’s a rookie, there had to be something he lacked in.”
He continued, “Viewers will feel that his acting isn’t up to par in the beginning episodes of the drama. What’s fortunate is that his acting will quickly become a lot more natural. His role tends to joke around, and is sometimes even cranky, but there’s warmth inside his character. I think those characteristics fit well with Changmin.”
Changmin admitted, “Whenever I had a kiss scene, I wasn’t able to eat or sleep the night before. I think I gargled at least a dozen times. I still don’t know why I was so nervous.”
Actress Lee Yeon Hee, who had been listening to Changmin’s shy confession, commented, “I was a bit nervous because he treated Yoo Ha Na with more ease than me.”
When asked for his thoughts about the various judgments on his acting that will be made after the broadcast of the first episode, Changmin carefully replied, “There will definitely be some who will view my acting in a negative light. I’ll be taking those criticisms in order to learn from them, since I realize that I am still lacking in some aspects. As long as they’re constructive criticisms, I’m prepared to accept them.”
He continued, “However, I worked extremely hard these past six months, so I have no regrets. I’ll be monitoring the episodes every week, and I’m sure I’ll find parts I’d be upset with, but I definitely won’t be disappointed.”
Referring back to the kiss scene, Changmin confessed, “I was already stiff at the fact that I was acting, but the added kiss scene made me even more nervous.”
Lee Yeon Hee clarified, “It’s not so much a kiss scene as it is a light peck on the lips. We had fun filming without any pressure. I actually thought it was funny seeing Changmin so nervous.”
Changmin added, “Yeon Hee is my labelmate, as well as my acting senior. She helped by leading me in our kiss scenes, even though I’m the male (laughter).”
Lee Yeon Hee pouted, “I’m still disappointed about why Changmin would have more fun with Yoo Ha Na and even joke around with her, when he’s mostly silent around me.”
She continued, “Still, he did a great job despite it being his first time acting. It was surprising to see how fast he learned, as time went by. We worked extremely well together.”
Aside from Changmin and Lee Yeon Hee, “Paradise Ranch” also stars Ju Sang Wook and Yoo Ha Na in a story that uses the beautiful scenery of Jeju Island as a backdrop for love between four youths.
The drama began filming in December 2009, and wrapped up six months later in May of 2010. The drama will air in the time slot of “It’s Okay, Daddy’s Daughter,” starting January 24th.
Max Changmin and Lee Yeon Hee for CeCi
Source: Asia Today via Nate
by Supermar on January 17, 2011
Upcoming drama Paradise Ranch stars Max Changmin and Lee Yeon Hee were chosen as the models for the February issue for the Korean and Chinese CeCi magazine.
Paradise Ranch was the theme for this photoshoot, and Changmin and Lee Yeon Hee exhibited various appearances together. They were able to digest many different concepts, earning praise from the staff.
A representative expressed, ‘This photoshoot will not only be viewed by fans in Korea, but also in China. Paradise Ranch is Changmin’s first challenge in acting, and it has received interest from fans all over Asia.‘
Paradise Ranch will air on January 24th on SBS.
TVXQ's Changmin & Lee Yeon Hee share a ‘pajama kiss’ for “Paradise Ranch”
Source + Photos: Osen via Daum
by VITALSIGN on January 9, 2011
New still cuts of SBS’s upcoming drama, “Paradise Ranch“, have been revealed!
The drama previously caught the attention of fans with TVXQ’s Changmin and Lee Yeon Hee’s wedding photos; now they’ve followed up with pictures of the couple’s “first night pajama kiss.”
Lee Yeon Hee plays the role of a high school senior, while Changmin plays the role of a high school graduate taking his college entrance exams for the third time. Their cute matching pajamas emphasize their young ages, making many anticipate how the first night of their marriage will go.
This “teenage love scandal” drama will air its pilot episode on January 24th.
最強昌珉李沇熹親熱照曝光 浪漫氣息包圍2人
SBS TV周一,二電視劇《天國的牧場》劇組公開了年幼情侶李沇熹和最強昌珉兩人的初夜照片。
Directed by Kim Cheol-gyoo (김철규)
Screenplay by Jang Hyeon-joo (장현주), Seo Hee-jeong (서희정)
SBS | Airing dates : 2011/01/24~Upcoming
16 episodes - Mon, Tue 20:50