
2011/1/19 朝鮮日報記者 韓賢祐

採訪偶像明星就像是面對某一重大事件當事人。不但時間緊迫,而且場所也受限。更何況這次採訪的是當前最紅的歌手IU(原名Lee Ji-eun)。





IU最近推出了迷你專輯《Real》。她說“因為沒有使用輔助設備,只用我的聲音製作”,所以起了那樣的名字。在收錄曲中《Good day》最近非常流行。在這首歌後半部,IU發出“咪-發-發”的高長音,因此獲得了“三階高音”的美稱。這對女高音來說不是難事,但在偶像歌手中非常少 見。IU一舉成為“會唱歌的偶像歌手”。但這個還在同德女子高中三年級讀書的歌手對“唱功”有著不同的見解。






她說,最近出演的電視劇(《Dream High》)很有趣,綜藝節目也很好,3分鐘的電視舞臺也很有意思。IU說:“一個人在鏡頭前,一個人穿漂亮衣服,感覺單飛真好。但我希望自己能有女子組合姐姐們的美貌。”


IU and Seo In Kook model for UNIONBAY

by Supermar on January 18, 2011

Casual brand UNIONBAY released a sweet and cute pictorial featuring singers IU and Seo In Kook.
The theme for this shoot was ‘play with’, where IU and Seo In Kook posed with various iconic instruments such as the guitar and keyboard, showcasing their image as musicians. Other concepts show IU and Seo In Kook in casual wear and baseball jackets.

IU and Seo In Kook have recorded the UNIONBAY CM song together. After the song was revealed on the homepage, there has been a lot of attention from the fans.

IU代言休閒服裝青春洋溢 牽手徐仁國拍浪漫宣傳照

休閒品牌UNIONBAY 2011年代言人歌手IU化身為春之少女和徐仁國一起拍攝宣傳照片。

IU在本次「PLAY WITH」為主題的拍攝中不僅展現了歌手風格,還難得做回平常小女生,身穿色彩鮮豔的棒球服和牛仔短裙登場,到處洋溢著溫暖春天氣息。UNIONBAY營 銷代理人表示:「這次的春天宣傳照片的拍攝將向眾人展現IU和徐仁國日常的一面以及同齡人生活,他們不僅征服了歌壇現在在時尚界也能成為熱門人物,拍攝過 程中嫻熟的技巧讓現場工作人員贊嘆」。此外,本次宣傳照片結束後,IU還將為UNIONBAY廣告歌曲獻聲,讓眾多歌迷期待。

IU is afraid her popularity “bubble” will pop

Source: Star News via Nate
by VITALSIGN on January 17, 2011

Singer IU made an appearance on SBS’s night-time news program, “Night Line,” on January 18th and participated in their “Culture Icon” corner.

She introduced the popularity behind her third mini-album, “Real,” and her feelings behind her promotions for “Good Day.”

Asked about how she felt about the immense love and support her fans have been giving her, she replied, “It’s love and popularity that I received in such a short span that I’m always afraid of whether I’ll do something that disappoints them and lose it all. I think people look at more than what I’m capable of. I’m really just scared of the ‘bubble’ that’s going to pop soon.”

She continued, “I received so much love this promotion cycle, I’m truly thankful for everyone.” Regarding the secret behind her popularity, she replied, “I think my friendliness made me seem more like the little girl next door and not a celebrity.”

IU was then asked what she’d do if she had a day of free time, in which she replied, “I’d like to sleep.

Asked to choose between “Dream High” and “Heroes,” IU chose singing and expressed her determination in improving her career as a singer.






最後,如果在“英雄豪傑”和“Dream High”之間選擇一個的話,IU選擇了唱歌,表達了擴大歌手事業的抱負。


Ntreev Soft公開了IU為即將公開的新游戲“我和馬的故事,Alicia”做代言的画報。

IU says goodbye on Inkigayo with “Good Day”

by VITALSIGN on January 16, 2011

After shooting to stardom with her famous ‘3-high notes’ in “Good Day“, IU wrapped up her promotion cycle this week with a final stage on SBS’s Inkigayo.

The quick wrap-up was due to her agency’s concerns over her health, as the young star is now juggling an acting role in “Dream High“.

In an interview, IU reflected, “Looking back, these past five weeks have been dream-like for me. I still can’t feel the impact yet, and although my promotion cycle was short, I’m glad I was able to show everything I prepared. It is true that I’ve been in poor health due to working on my acting and variety shows, but I hope people will be understanding.

She continued, “I’m currently planning a follow-up promotion after my drama ends. I’ll show you a completely new side of me.

Check out her final performance (with a hilarious cameo by Jo Kwon) below!

Source: Star Today


1 月16日,IU以SBS《人氣歌曲》結束了《好日子》的宣傳活動。當天她在官方粉絲俱樂部發表了“非常感謝大家一直以來對我的關愛。雖然現在很可惜,但是 我會早點兒回來的”的視頻信息。IU提前兩周左右結束了唱片宣傳活動,之後將投入到電視劇《Dream high》的拍攝中。

[Spoiler] IU falls for Wooyoung on “Dream High”

Source via Newsen
by heartfacee on January 11, 2011

The January 10th episode of KBS2TV’s “Dream High” saw the budding romance between IU’s plump character ‘Pilsook‘ and 2PM Wooyoung’s character, ‘Jason‘.

Pilsook handed Jason a water bottle after dance rehearsal and Jason told her, “Thank you.” Pilsook was overjoyed by his nice reply.

Later in the episode, the school was giving out their uniforms and when they came across IU’s, they said, “Is this a blanket or a skirt? Owner of this XXL uniform, step forward!”

Pilsook instantly ran away and hid so that no one could point their finger at her for being the ‘XXL girl’. Then, Jacon took the uniform and said, “Mine.”

Insung, who was giving them out, said, “It’s a skirt. It’s for girls. Boys have to wear pants.” Jason replied, “Do you divide girls and boys by skirts and pants? So I guess those girls are all boys,” he pointed to girls wearing pants. He added, “Why are you so concerned? I’m saying it’s mine.”

Jason gave the uniform to Pilsook and then fled. Pilsook was touched by the kind gesture and shyly and quietly said, “Thank you,” but no one could hear her.

I wonder what kind of a love line these two will share.

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