TVXQ unveils covers and tracklist for Japanese release of “Keep Your Head Down”

Source: TVXQ official website
by asphodel on January 10, 2011

Charismatic duo TVXQ will be re-releasing their hot comeback track in Japan!

TVXQ recently made a long-awaited return to the Korean music scene after a lengthy, much-publicized lawsuit that led to members Hero Jaejoong, Xiah Junsu, and Micky Yoochun to leave their agency and form their own unit, JYJ.

Both songs included on the single will be sung in Japanese, with the title track renamed as “Why? (Keep Your Head Down).” Fans can purchase this single on January 26th. In the meantime, check out the track listings and covers below!
[ CD+DVD version ]

Dong Bang Shin Ki (Tohoshinki) - Why
Catalog No. AVCK-79022
Label/Distributor avex trax
Release Date 2011/01/26
初回:a jacket-size card randomly selected from six designs, off-shot movie

人気絶頂の中、"東方神起"衝撃の活動休止より約1年・・・、韓国はもちろん、アジア全域待望の約1年ぶりの"東方神起"の"YUNHO"と"CHANGMIN"の音楽活動復活第1弾は、関西テレビ・フジテレビ系ドラマ『美しい隣人』主題歌に決定! 「タイトル未定1」「タイトル未定2」他、全2曲4ヴァージョン収録予定。 DVDのはPVを収録。

[ CD-only version ]

< CD Track List >

01. Why? (Keep Your Head Down)
03. Why? (Keep Your Head Down) -Night Rod man Regeneration Mix- (CD Only exclusive
04. Why? (Keep Your Head Down) -Less Vocal
05. MAXIMUM -Less Vocal-

< DVD Track List >

01. Why? (Keep Your Head Down) (PV)
02. Off Shot Movie (First Press Only)拍攝過程

“Why? (Keep Your Head Down)” Japanese Teaser

TVXQ's Yunho is not satisfied with their comeback performances

Source: Sports Chosun via Daum
by VITALSIGN on January 9, 2011

With TVXQ’s MR-Removed video being a hot topic lately because it showed the duo’s impeccable live skills, leader Yunho revealed that he wasn’t satisfied at all with their comeback stage.

A representative of the group revealed, “Yunho is not in good condition right now because of his cold. His throat and nose are closed up so his voice wasn’t 100% what he wanted it to be. He worried a lot before their ballad performance because of the high notes, and although he fortunately did not show it on screen, he’s highly disappointed in not being able to perfect their comeback performance.

Regardless, netizens and industry juniors were more than impressed with this week’s comeback performances, especially with the way they made an effort to reach out to their juniors first.

5日發佈的新專輯《Keep Your Head Down》在hanteo,hottracks,YES24等各大網站的銷售量經統計後排名第一。另外,主打歌《Keep Your Head Down》在音樂網站排名第一,昭示著2011年上半年將會掀起東方神起熱風。東方神起透過電視屏幕攜帶主打歌《Keep Your Head Down》回歸舞台。播放後,隨即引發網友的討論,沒有絲毫瑕疵的歌唱實力和令人無法抗拒的魅力得到一致好評。特別是12日即將發售的特別版裡共收錄了 11首歌曲,它將於與普通版共同發售,這也預示著短期內將是東方神起一家獨霸的局面。

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