Catalog No. RZCD-46824
Label/Distributor avex trax
Release Date 2011/03/30

m-floの☆Takuのソロプロジェクト遂に始動! m-floの活動でTOPプロデューサーの地位を築き上げた☆Taku。近年の積極的なDJ活動でクラブシーンでも絶大なる支持を集める☆TakuのMIX CDが遂に登場!! 収録楽曲はエレクトロ、ドラムンベース、ダブステップを中心とした世界のクラブシーンで注目の楽曲、新録楽曲としてはソロプロジェクト第1弾オリジナル楽曲や☆Takuによるm-flo楽曲のセルフREMIX2曲を収録。m-floのセルフREMIX楽曲は☆TakuもDJ時に使用しておりフロアを盛り上げるキラー・チューンと呼べる仕上がり。m-floファンはもとよりクラブミュージックファンも納得のMIX CD。

by Novaforever on January 7, 2011

m-flo member and DJ, ☆Taku Takahashi, has finally announced a full solo album that will come out on March 30th.

Taku has already earned a position of one of the top producers in Japan with his work as a part of m-flo. Over the past few years he has been working with the club scene as a DJ, and now he is finally putting out his own ☆Taku Mix CD.

The album will be a combination of recorded tracks of electro and drums and bass, with a focus on dub step. It will all be music from the club scene and will be the first solo project from ☆Taku. There will be original music as well as self remixes of m-flo’s previous tracks, making it an interesting release for club music fans and m-flo fans alike.

The release will be the first for him since his work on the “Panty & Stocking” soundtrack album. It also comes at a good time, as fellow m-flo member VERBAL is already at work on his upcoming solo album.

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