年末頒獎典禮是非多 南韓3大電視台被批


首當其衝的就是比其他電視台提前一天舉行頒獎典禮的MBC。2010年可以說是MBC電視劇的災年,甚至無法評論出誰夠資格獲得大獎,最後無視《同伊》20%的反對票讓其獲獎。主角韓孝珠雖隨著劇情的深入演技漸熟但實則還沒有足夠的實力證明自己能夠獲獎。收視率一路飆升的《逆轉女王》雖然有金南珠坐鎮,但從貢獻度方面來說卻比《同伊》少了10個百分點,雖有遺憾但兩人仍同時成為最佳女主角的候選。最終MBC卻仍然打了一手壞牌,在無論把獎頒給誰都會遭到質疑的情形下,頒獎典禮誕下雙黃蛋選出兩位最佳女主角。對此民眾也是怨聲載道,獎項的公信力也降到谷底,讓人不知該說什麼是好。為了趕時間而辦的頒獎 典禮也將MBC的社長推向了風口浪尖。


SBS也不甘落後和其他電視台一樣創造出不少輿論話題,從組委會的公正性到主持人資質問題再到獲獎人充滿火藥味兒的獲獎感言,實在是讓人眼花撩亂。 主持人李秀景和李範秀,朴真熙3人自彈自唱,在介紹候選名單之前卻失口報出獲獎名單;不僅如此在演技方面最被人看好的《GIANT》鄭寶石雖然入主大獎候選名單卻止於特別企劃獎項的優秀獎,同劇組的李範秀獲得同個獎項的最佳優秀獎,而大獎最終花落《大物》高賢貞。她在電視劇中飾演首位女總統,雖然她以精鍊 純熟的演技帶動整個故事的發展也挽救了不少收視率,但從故事的完整度和劇中角色也存在不足之處來看,不及《GIANT》相對來說完整的故事情節以及40% 壓倒性的收視率,還有該劇2位主角都入選卻最終未能得獎,高賢貞到手的大獎也不禁讓人心存懷疑。

緊接著高賢貞的獲獎感言也火藥味十足。她說道:「有非常想說的話,我一直認為電視劇的製作過程是非常優美的,請那些不知道該過程的人們不要輕易指責 這個演員演得怎麼樣,那個演員又怎麼樣」,有種訓誡觀眾的味道,不少觀眾事後感到不快。高賢貞最後獲獎激起千層浪,有力候選人李範秀的所屬經紀公司透過新聞對於高賢貞的獲獎顯出不悅之色,迂回說出其中必有隱情。希望2011年的頒獎典禮能夠區別於充滿輿論和新聞的2010年頒獎典禮。

SBS dominates ratings for 2010 year-end shows
SBS, 연말시상식 시청률 전쟁 '완승!'

by VITALSIGN on January 2, 2011

SBS has managed to come out smiling in the competition between year-end shows.

Taking away the fact that different shows were shown on different days from December 25th – 31st, SBS still managed to dominate rankings during this period (with the exception of the ‘KBS Entertainment Awards‘, which was the only award show on the 25th).

A SBS representative said, “The fact that SBS took #1 in ratings amongst all of the other broadcast programs celebrating the year-end, meant that viewers were that much more interested in us. We will be showing off a variety of well-planned programs for our viewers to love and enjoy.”

TV ratings at a glance (Part 1, 2 rating)

▲ December 25th
KBS Entertainment Awards – 14.3%, 22.8%

▲ December 29th
SBS Gayo Daejun – 16.3%, 14.5%
MBC Entertainment Awards – 15.6%, 11.2%

▲ December 30th
SBS Entertainment Awards -15.9%, 16.6%
KBS Music Festival – 14.5%, 13.8%
MBC Drama Awards – 11.1%, 15.1%

▲ December 31st
SBS Drama Awards – 13.9%, 14.5%
KBS Drama Awards – 11.6%, 14.4%, 13.4% (they had 3 parts)
MBC Gayo Daejun – 10.1%, 9.3%

[2010 SBS演技大賞]
Part1: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/iV2nlo9Wr8g/
Part2: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/oox1klGkUIg/

MBC plans global Hallyu concert tour for 2011
MBC "일본ㆍ중국ㆍ베트남 지사 설치"


同時還表示:“2011年是‘Global(全球)MBC’計畫的元年。我們將在非洲、南美、中東地區建立分公司,使之成為韓流擴展的基地。”電視臺相關人士說:“海外分公司將以‘one-source multi-use’(一個資源多重使用)的理念,進行電視劇和廣播文化內容的銷售。具體的準確位置和規模等細節還沒有確定。”同時,作為‘Global MBC’的一個環節,為了使韓流和南韓文化國際化,還會在美國和亞洲地區舉行巡迴演唱會。

by VITALSIGN on January 3, 2011

In celebration of their 50th anniversary, MBC has revealed their 2011 plans on January 3rd.

After announcing that they’ll be opening branches in Japan, China, and Vietnam, their “2011 MBC 50th Anniversary Agenda” went on to state:

“‘Global MBC’ will be the plan for the year. We will be opening branches in Africa, South America, and the Middle East in order to expand Hallyu content in these selected areas. The plan is to develop a ‘one-source multi-use’ in the sales of drama and broadcast content by setting up international branches. Details regarding the specific cities the branches will be established in have yet to be finalized.

We will also be holding ‘Hallyu concerts’ to globalize Hallyu and Korean culture. The concerts will tour all over Asia and in the U.S. as well.”

MBC first started up in 1961 with a radio broadcast program, and started TV broadcasting in 1969.

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