Each Other's Way ~旅の途中~
Catalog No. RZCD-46829
Label/Distributor avex trax /rhythm zone
Release Date 2011/02/09

EXILE史上最高に気持ちイイ、感動の新次元サウンド完成! 女性ファンはもちろん、男性ファンにもヒット間違いなしの、今までのEXILEとは違った新サウンド! ATSUSHI作詞の歌詞にも注目!

Catalog No. RZCD-46847
Label/Distributor avex trax
Release Date 2011/03/09

EXILEのニュー・アルバム! CD+DVDの2枚組。 【CD】VICTORY/願い 24karats STAY GOLD/My Station/掌の砂/GOING ON/もっと強く/I Wish For You/One Wish/Each Other's Way~旅の途中~ ※他、新曲多数収録/曲順未定 【DVD】 Video Clip集予定+メイキング集予定 ※内容/曲順未定

by CM on January 1, 2011
EXILE has recently announced their five big projects for the upcoming calendar year.

We already know that they will be releasing a single, “Each Other’s Way ~Tabi no Tochuu~“, on Feburary 9th, but they also revealed that a new album will be released as well. Titled “Negai no Tou“, the album will be available on March 9th.

Next, they said that they’ll go on a Dome Tour, “EXILE LIVE TOUR 2011: Dome Tour“, their first as a 14-member unit. The last time EXILE performed a Dome Tour was for their popular “2008 PERFECT YEAR LIVE“.

Additionally, EXILE members will be participating in the theater production of “Red Cliff“.

EXILE will also hold another vocal battle audition, but they aren’t looking for male vocalists this time around; the focus will switch over to the female side of the aisle.

Finally, they will hold a special event, called “Nidaime J Soul Brothers Versus Sandaime J Soul Brothers ~EXILE TRIBE~“, at the Kobe World Kinen Hall and the Saitama Super Arena.

To kick it all off, EXILE will join forces with Takashi Okamura on January 8th to form the 15-member group OKAXILE, for “Mecha Mecha Iketeru SP“.

EXILE releases “Each Other’s Way” audio teaser + cover

by CM on January 1, 2011
A little over a week ago, tokyohive reported that EXILE would be releasing a new single, titled “Each Other’s Way ~Tabi no Tochuu“, and we also mentioned that it was scheduled to be released on February 9th.

Recently, a short audio teaser for the track was released, and you can listen to it below!

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