by hellcat on December 30, 2010
Although Hitomi Shimatani’s year has been quieter than most, she plans to kick off the new year with the release of her 31st single, “Kantan ni Ietanara“.

Penned and composed by producer Toko Furuuchi, the song has been classified as a ballad and describes the exquisite struggles of an adult dealing with love.

Shimatani recently performed the song live, check out an audio rip of the performance below:

The new single is scheduled for release on February 16th, and will be featured as the CM song for “Fuji TV Flower Net”.

Label/Distributor avex trax
Release Date 2011/02/16島谷ひとみ

Features love song composed and written by Toko Furuuchi. Comes with a DVD with music video for the song "Kantan ni Ietanara" appearing Chinami Suzuki.

古内東子、作詞&作曲による、切なすぎる大人のラヴソング。2010年7月に行ったライヴ"Premium meets Premium"でいち早く披露し、その後のライヴやイベントでも積極的に披露していた楽曲が遂に発売! DVDには「簡単に言えたなら」(Music Video)を収録。Music Videoには、2010年東レ水着キャンペーンガールに選ばれ、女性ファッション誌「with」専属モデルの"鈴木ちなみ"がミュージックビデオ初出演!


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