Secret宋智恩齊劉海造型可愛 緊緊抓住少男的心


以《Shy boy》回歸的Secret成員宋智恩,她那齊齊的前劉海造型緊緊抓住了少男的心。為了配合這首明快活潑的歌曲,宋智恩變身為可愛明朗的女孩。作曲家姜志 元和金基範共同完成的《Shy boy》是一首曲風輕快讓人印象深刻的舞曲,加上Secret的可愛明朗的演繹,使整首歌得到升華。上週透過某音樂節目回歸的Secret,13日將在 TV Mnet《M Countdown》中演唱該歌曲。

by VITALSIGN on December 15, 2010

SECRET will be making their comeback this coming January, as revealed recently by their agency.

A representative spoke with TV Report on December 15th and stated, “SECRET will be releasing a single album in January. They have already completed the recording.”

The album will contain two musical style tracks, much like their past hits “Magic” and “Madonna,” in order to maintain their unique SECRET style.

The representative continued, “The title track was already decided many months ago. They’ve prepared a very long time for it and we are confident that listeners will be able to feel a jump in quality.”

    創作者 葉總裁 的頭像

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