애프터스쿨, 이르면 3월 컴백..9인조 체제 첫 선
After School will be returning as a nine-member group this March!

On January1st, Pledis Entertainment spoke with Star News and revealed, “After School will be releasing their album as early as March. Their latest addition, Noh Lee Young, will be joining them, so please look forward to a new nine-member After School.”

After School debuted with the concept of ‘admissions’ and ‘graduations,’ just like a real school. Through auditions, they’ve been adding members since their debut in 2009, starting with UEE, then Raina and Nana, Lizzy, and more recently, Noh Lee Young.

Lee Young becomes After School's 5th generation member
Noh Lee Young was first introduced at MBC’s “2010 Gayo Daejun” held on December 31st and appeared in the middle of the group’s “Bang!” performance with an impressive guitar break. Despite her introduction being short, she’s already left quite the impression on viewers and netizens.

She’s also the winner of the 2007 and 2008 Geumsang and Daesang at the Kangwon-do Teen Gayo Festival, and will be graduating from high school this February.

1月1日,經紀公司Pledis透露:“After School最早將于3月份發行新專輯。新成員盧伊英(音譯)從這張專輯開始加入,請期待9人After School的新面貌。”

After School以類似真實學校入學和畢業的概念展開活動,從2009年開始就不斷地加入新成員。



After School利英吉他演奏視頻 網友贊其技法出神入化

這段視頻是利英為了參加「2010 MBC歌謠大戰」,《BANG》的第一次演出,而練習電吉他的視頻。這段視頻是透過After School的所屬公司理事的Twitter流出。同時他還寫上附注:「After School新成員,aka~為了準備處女秀辛苦了。新年伊始,向著期待已久的美麗的夢和目標,向著更廣闊的世界前行。」 看到短片的網友紛紛表示:「彈奏的太出神入化了~」「看到短片讓人大吃一驚。」「會不會是所有組合中,唯一一個會彈電子他的人呢?」

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