史上最年輕 韓孝珠奪MBC演技大賞




MBC電視台頒發的29個獎項中,有16個項均由兩位演員瓜分,難怪有觀眾狠批MBC電視台慣性分豬肉,更有指賽果早已內定,無視網友投票,而MBC則回應這是與演員分享成果的祭典。可惜其收視不敵同時段播映的「SBS演藝大賞」,而宋智孝在「SBS演藝大賞」獲特別獎,李勝基則獲頒最優秀獎。名主持人姜虎東以綜藝節目「Star King明星王」、「強心臟」勇奪最大獎的「演藝大獎」,讓他感動落淚。


MBC방송연예대상 17.7% VS SBS가요대전 14.1%

MBC clarifies why “2010 Drama Awards” had co-award recipients

by VITALSIGN on December 31, 2010

Receiving criticisms for awarding two winners, producers of MBC’s “2010 Drama Awards” decided to defend their decision via Star News.

The ceremony held on the night of December 30th gave out two awards for not only the daesang, but most of the other categories as well, leading many to question whether the awards show was simply handing out trophies as they pleased.

On the 31st, a high associate of MBC’s drama team stated, “The drama awards is not a contest, but a ceremony to end the year on a good note by supporting and encouraging each other. The fact that we’re even judging the dramas we made ourselves takes away from the ‘contest’ aspect of the show. The point of the ceremony was to congratulate those who worked hard throughout the year in the form of a trophy, and to support the programs that received poor ratings.”

He continued, “Regarding the winners for this year, it was difficult to clearly decide on a superior winner, which is why they were co-awarded. Regardless, two of the award categories were originally meant for two winners anyway.”

With regards to co-receipients having caused the awards ceremony’s status to decline, he further explained, “We’re the ones that made the dramas and we’re the ones judging them, so it’s difficult to determine the ’status’ of the awards. We know that it might be more meaningful for a person to win an award on their own, but from our viewpoint, all of the actors and actresses are amazing and impressive people. We don’t feel the need to specifically rank them in first and second.”




1.대상(大獎) = 韓孝珠(同伊), 金南珠(逆轉的女王)
2.남자 최우수상 (最優秀男演員獎) - 鄭俊浩(逆轉的女王), 池珍熙(同伊)
3.여자 최우수상(最優秀女演員獎) - 孔孝珍(Pasta), 申恩慶(慾望的火花)
4.남자 우수상 (優秀男演員獎) -朴時厚(逆轉的女王), 李民浩(個人的取向)
5.여자 우수상 (優秀女演員獎) - 朴恩惠(粉紅Lipstick), 李素妍(同伊)
6.황금 연기상 연속극(黃金演技獎連續劇) = 朴相元(黃金魚), 金寶妍 (黃金魚)
7.황금 연기상 중견배우 부문 (黃金演技獎 中堅演員部門) = 朴正洙(享受人生) , 林采茂(享受人生)
8.황금 연기상 조연배우(黃金演技獎 配角演員) : 金有錫(同伊), 河有美(逆轉的女王)
9.남자 신인상 (男新人獎) - 李相允(喜歡我的家), 李泰成(惡作劇之吻)
10.여자 신인상 (女新人獎) - 朴河宣(同伊), 趙允熙(黃金魚)
11.아역상(童星獎) – 金有貞(同伊), 李炫錫(同伊)
12.연기자부문PD상 (演技者部門PD獎) - 李泰坤(黃金魚), 蔡貞安(逆轉的女王)
13.PD상 (最佳PD獎) -吳景勳PD(喜歡我的家)
14.공로상 (功勞獎) - 鄭惠善, 羅文熙
15.가족상(家族獎) - 周末劇 “Gloria”
16.라디오 최우수상 (最優秀廣播DJ獎) - 趙英男
17.라디오 우수상(優秀廣播DJ獎) - 裴七秀, 玄英
18.라디오 신인상(廣播DJ新人獎) - 盧洪哲
19.올해드라마(本年度最佳電視劇獎) - 同伊
20.남자 인기상 (人氣男演員獎) - 金賢重(惡作劇之吻)
21.여자 인기상 (人氣女演員獎) - 韓孝珠(同伊)
22.베스트커플상 (最佳情侶獎) -李善均-孔孝珍(Pasta)

金賢重Kim Hyun Joong Red Carpet and winning the Popularity Award:

Source: nate
by kimchisteve on December 30, 2010

Two talented and beautiful actresses Han Hyo Joo and Kim Nam Joo laughed and smiled together, as they both were awarded the Daesang at this year’s MBC Drama Awards.

Awarded by MBC’s chairman, Kim Jae Chul and Go Hyun Jung (who was awarded the Daesang last year), the two actresses were recognized for their excellent acting in dramas Dong Yi and Queen Of Reversals.

For their award speech, Han Hyo Joo stated, “Although I lack a lot, thank you for giving me this award. I would like to share this award with the Dong Yi staff, who were together for all four seasons. This award should be given to them, not me. Thank you to my family and fans, and also thank you to baseball player Yang Joon Hyuk, who told me he is a fan forever.”

Kim Nam Joo stated, “I wish time would just stop at this moment, thank you. I don’t even know if I even deserve this award. Thank you to god, my family and my husband, Kim Seung Woo.”

Top Excellence Award: Jung Jun Ho, Jee Jin Hee, Shin Eun Kyung, Gong Hyo Jin
Excellence Award: Lee Min Ho, Park Si Hoo, Lee So Yeon, Park Eun Hye
Golden Popularity Award: Lim Chae Moo, Park Jung Soo (veteran actor), Kim Yoo Suk/Ha Yoo Mi (minor role), Park Sang Won/Kim Bo Yeon (soap opera)
Rookie Award: Park Ha Sun, Jo Eun Hee, Lee Tae Sung, Lee Sang Yoon
Child Actor Award: Kim Yoo Jung, Lee Hyung Suk
Actor PD Award: Lee Tae Gon, Chae Jung Ahn
PD Award: My Fun House
Merit Award: Jung Hye Sun, Na Moon Hee
Family Award: Gloria
Radio Top Excellence Award: Jo Young Nam
Radio Excellence Award: Bae Chul Soo, Hyun Young
Radio Rookie Award: Noh Hong Chul
Best Drama Picked By Netizens: Dong Yi
Popularity Award: Kim Hyun Joong, Han Hyo Joo
Best Couple Award: ‘Pasta’ Lee Sun Kyun and Gong Hyo Jin


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