12月14日下午,在首爾凱悅(Hyatt)酒店舉行了제26회 코리아 베스트 드레서 시상식“第26屆韓國最佳著裝天鵝奬(Korea Best Dresser Swan Award)”頒奬典禮。圖為演員部門的獲奬者黃靜茵於頒奬典禮前在記者面前擺出造型。
SHINee, f(x), and more awarded at the 26th ‘Korea Best Dresser Swan Awards’
by rhaldud on December 14, 2010
The “26th Korea Best Dresser Swan Awards” took place on the evening of December 14th in the Grand Ballroom of the Hyatt Hotel Seoul.
Since 1983, the “Korea Best Dresser Swan Awards” has become the nation’s leading and most prestigious fashion event, as it has strived to celebrate the most distinguished individuals in fashion.
Winners were not only judged on their fashion, …