by VITALSIGN on December 13, 2010

With the exit of member Soomi, trio SeeYa became a pop duo.

Unfortunately, it appears that Soomi’s exit marked the beginning of the end, as SeeYa has now announced their official disbandment after five years in the music industry.

The group first debuted in 2006 with their single, “Scent of a Woman” and were widely known in the industry as the female version of SG Wannabe.

Member Nam Gyuri then left in acrimonious circumstances for an acting career after the third album, “Hot Girl,” and the group returned with “That Man’s Voice” with new singer Lee Soomi in tow.

SeeYa 1st generation

After Soomi left them for rookie group Co-Ed earlier this year, SeeYa continued promotions as a duo.

However, Core Contents Media representatives revealed on December 14th, “The members (Lee Boram, Kim Yeon Ji) visited CEO Kim Kwang Su and stated that they would like ‘to go separate paths.’ Kim Kwang Su agreed and said that he would help them in any way he could.”

SeeYa will be releasing their last album on January 10th titled “Goodbye My Love,” which will include all of the group's hit tracks and two new songs. They will then part ways afterwards.

남규리 南圭麗將參加錄製씨야See Ya的告別專輯

三人女生組合See Ya的之前的成員南圭麗將參加錄製See Ya的告別專輯。12月15日,經紀公司Core Contents Media通過報道資料透露稱“南圭麗認為‘自己是See Ya永遠的成員,希望能有始有終’,轉達了希望參與錄製專輯的意願”。

南圭麗將參加計劃於明年1月10日開始發行的See Ya的告別專輯《Good Bye My Friend》的新歌錄音和MV製作。See Ya是由南圭麗、研智和寶藍組成的三人組合,在2006年出道後曾憑借《戀人的香氣》、《皮鞋》和《悲傷的腳步》大受歡迎,但隨著2009年南圭麗退出,組合便開始走上了下坡路。

Nam Gyuri for Photoshoot for Nail Up! Magazine

Nam Gyuri for Wedding Dress Pictorial

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