東洋天后宇多田明年起無限期暫別歌壇,12月8日、9日於橫濱Yokohama Arena舉辦名為「WILD LIFE」的暫別歌壇演唱會,儘管早已售票完畢,在供不應求的情況下,宇多田決心回饋歌迷,不但確定在日本64家電影院共70廳大螢幕現場轉播,創下「日本史上規模最盛大的電影院轉播」外,心繫全亞洲歌迷的她更決定與網站合作,日本時間8日晚上7時起現場直播,網址為http://www.ustream.tv/channel/wl1


by Shiso on December 5, 2010

Utada Hikaru will be holding her last live concerts, “WILD LIFE“, at Yokohama Arena before she goes on hiatus on December 8th and 9th. It’s also been announced that the entire live concert on the 8th will be live broadcasted via “Ustream“! This was planed as Utada wants to be fair to all her fans, and she wants as many fans as possible to see the concert. It was also to respond to many requests from fans who couldn’t get tickets, as well as fans overseas.

Moreover, it will be broadcasted live at 64 movie theaters (70 screens) all over Japan (only concert on the 8th). The live concert will also be aired on “SKY perfec TV!” on January 22nd, and “SPACE SHOWER TV” in February as well.

Ustream channels: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/wl1(700kbps) http://www.ustream.tv/channel/wl2 (300kbps) It will start on December 8th at 7:00 p.m. in Japan.
Source: Oricon style

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