by Supermar on December 7, 2010
The new SMTown announcement has been released and it seems that Japan will be graced with all of SME’s talent.
これは事件です!SMTOWN LIVE in TOKYOの開催が決定!!1/25(火)&1/26(水)国立代々木競技場第一体育館で2Days公演。チケット販売や詳細についてはこちら→
SM Entertainment’s in-house joint concert, ’SMTOWN LIVE WORLD TOUR‘, will kick off in Tokyo on January 2011. So far, the destinations for the tour include Seoul, Los Angeles, and Shanghai.
The Tokyo stop will be held on January 25th and 26th at the National Yoyogi Stadium. This is especially exciting as it will be the first time that Korean artists from an entire company will come out to perform in Japan.
The Yoyogi Stadium houses 12,000 seats, and so 24,000 fans will be able to enjoy this large scale music event over the two nights.
Artists such as BoA, TVXQ, Super Junior, SNSD, SHINee, f(x), and many other SME artists are scheduled to attend.
SM娛樂公司所屬歌手的聯合大公演「SMTOWN LIVE WORLD TOUR」繼首爾、美國LA、中國上海之後,2011年1月將在日本東京舉行演出。
2011年1月25日和26日兩日,SM娛樂公司將在日本東京國立代代木競技場舉行「SMTOWN LIVE WORLD TOUR」演唱會,將SMTOWN品牌進一步進入日本。東京國立代代木競技場是一個可以容納1萬2千名觀眾的大型體育場,兩場公演將可以吸引2萬4千名日本粉絲參加。
屆時,和首爾、美國LA、中國上海的演出一樣,BoA、東方神起、少女時代、Super Junior、SHINee、f(X)等SM明星軍團將傾力而出,將會給粉絲帶來一場精彩的表演。特別是在日本有著超高人氣的BoA、東方神起、少女時代、Super Junior站上同一舞台,相信也將引起一場門票搶購大戰。