花草系 ! 「清新可人」 ! 最好用 !

本以為【陽光練習曲】Sunshine Cleaning是個清新可人的【小太陽的願望】續篇。電影海報上就大大的「小太陽的願望製作群最新力作」!沒想到是一對失意姐妹花的「命案善後清理公司」。好咧家在時時傳來「清新可人」的「花草般的背景音樂」,沖淡了自殺爆腦的血腥味,稍解翻到長滿蛆的地毯背面的驚嚇。音樂方面,【小太陽的願望】製作小組倒是一脈相承,原來【小太陽的願望】電影原聲帶就是一張「清新可人」電影原聲帶最佳範例,現在的【陽光練習曲】也不遑多讓。這種電影原聲帶最好用,單獨欣賞可也,回憶劇情可也。



「花草系」國外曰「Indie Pop」=「獨立樂界的流行曲調」,去除一些龐克、搖滾的憤怒&故作姿態,留下一樣的獨立自主&智慧。大紅的貝兒與賽巴斯汀(Belle & Sebastian)、Club 8(八號會所)皆耳熟能詳;台灣學習這種樂風的樂團&歌手少說有上百組:留給樂迷無限思念的「壞女兒」、女主唱跑掉剩下男捲毛繼續奮戰的「自然捲」、辛苦多年終於簽入主流唱片旗下的「棉花糖」、「花草系女王-陳綺貞」…族繁不即被宰。


(3)野獸冒險樂園(Where the Wild Things Are)

Label Interscope (USA)
Release Date Sep 29, 2009

For the WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE's soundtrack, director Spike Jonze recruited former girlfriend and frequent collaborator Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. In turn, O drafted a who's who of indie rock talent, among them her chief co-writers Bradford Cox of Deerhunter and Yeah Yeah Yeahs associate Imaad Wasif and her bandmates Brian Chase and Nick Zinner, all of whom perform under the aptly storybook name Karen O & the Kids. With their help, O uncovers new musical directions. Wildness abounds in her work with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Native Korean Rock, but neither band's music is particularly childlike. Here, she taps into a rainbow of youthful expression, from "All Is Love"'s pure joy to the tribal festivity of "Rumpus" to "Animal"'s feral folk, which puts O's ferocious scream in a completely different context than her other work. Yet on "Igloo" and "Sailing Home," her voice is gentler than it's been almost anywhere else--the only other time she has sounded so soft is on "Hello Tomorrow," the song she wrote for Jonze's 2005 Nike television commercial. Likewise, despite the wealth of indie rockers on it, WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE rarely sounds self-consciously indie, even on the cover of Daniel Johnston's "Worried Shoes." Cox's xylophone gives the album a dreamlike feel, particularly on "Rumpus Reprise," while Zinner's guitar is unmistakable on the excellent "Capsize," which moves from a fierce tantrum to sweeping mystery like its own self-contained story. Balancing abstract pieces with more attention-getting pop songs like the adorable "Heads Up," WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE doesn't resemble a typical children's film soundtrack, although it will make a great first soundtrack for kids' music collections. Neither a straightforward score nor a collection of kid-friendly indie rock songs, it lies somewhere intriguingly in between--and it's just as good, if not better, than the music these artists make with their main projects.

Audio Mixer: Thriller.Rolling Stone (p.77) - 3.5 stars out of 5 -- "[P]unked-out folk pop that's haunted yet playful....'Building All Is Love' is a hopeful Arcade Fire-like anthem."
Spin (p.82) - "[T]he rumbling acoustic guitars and schoolyard choruses are both joyful and foreboding..."
Entertainment Weekly (p.60) - "Assorted hums, hoots, and hollers unfold over imprecise folk-psych instrumentation....As memorable as anything Karen O's primary band has done lately." -- Grade: B+




Label Nettwerk
Release Date Jul 28, 2009

Composer: Christopher Lennertz.
Personnel: Lucy Schwartz, Miranda Lee Richards, Maria Taylor, Joshua Radin (vocals).
Audio Mixer: Jeff Vaughn.
Arranger: Dana Niu.

1. Gone Away, song - Lucy Schwartz
2. Someone Else's Life, song
3. Plastic Flowers, song - The Hiders
4. Into the Light, for string quartet - The Alexandria Quartet
5. Beautiful Day, song
6. When You Find Me, song - Joshua Radin
7. Can't Go Back Now, song - The Weepies
8. Adam, film score: Prologue Main Theme - Christopher Lennertz
9. Adam, film score: Planetarium Suite - Christopher Lennertz
10. Adam, film score: Courtroom Suite - Christopher Lennertz
11. Adam, film score: Adam's Journey - Christopher Lennertz
12. Adam, film score: Reflection - Christopher Lennertz


其中特別推薦【亞當】,這部片在2009年被視為美國獨立小成本之星,跟幾乎同時發行的【戀夏五百日】常常被相提並論:都是獨立、小成本;電影原聲帶的成就都豪不遜於電影本身。當然,500 Days Of Summer的卡司都比Adam來得花錢,知名度當然也比較高。但我們並不以此為滿足,我們更要挖出一部部的「您未必知道的好電影原聲帶」才是我們斤斤計較的社會責任&文化使命。


(5)最後一封情書(Dear John)


咦?這個片那麼紅,怎輪得到你說嘴?昏昏欲睡的劇情走向中好佳在有一曲又一曲醉人的旋律讓我睡得更香…?不知演到啥時,突然聽到熟悉的唱腔,害我豎起耳朵,一直在回想「這是誰?這是誰?」搞得電影演啥都忘了?回家一查資料,原來是The Swell Season,就是演【曾經愛是唯一】Once那對苦命鴛鴦。好不容易得了「奧斯卡最佳電影主題曲」。理當就此事業/愛情一帆風順,卻在事業高峰再推出專輯時爆分手?...「夜市補教人生」揶?

話說【最後一封情書】原聲帶就是圍繞【Once】原聲帶(就是The Swell Season)的調性,舖出幾許「淡淡的哀傷」來賺您熱淚也。

(6)老爸行不行(Dan in Real Life)

Label Capitol / EMI
Release Date Oct 02, 2007

While in the beginning stages of making his film Dan in Real Life, director Peter Hedges went looking for someone to provide music the way Cat Stevens did for Harold and Maude or Simon & Garfunkel for The Graduate, someone to filter the meaning and feel of the movie through his songs. It's hard to argue with his choice; ever since his first record, 2002's Faces Down, Sondre Lerche has proven himself to be a fine chronicler of romantic confusion and winsome melancholy. Lerche was part of the process from almost the very beginning, even attending auditions for main characters and sleeping overnight in the house where the film was shot. The album is made up of a couple of songs from previous albums (a jazzy take on Elvis Costello's "Human Hands" from 2006's Duper Sessions; "Modern Nature," his lovely duet with Lillian Samdal from 2002's Faces Down; and the peppy "Airport Taxi Reception," one of the highlights from 2007's Phantom Punch), plus newly recorded songs. It being a soundtrack, there are several short instrumental pieces, most featuring Lerche on acoustic guitar with subtle backing from pedal steel, trumpet, or piano. They're all very pretty and surely sound nice when sprinkled through the film, but what makes this soundtrack very good are the actual songs Lerche composed for the film. Best of the lot is the lilting and sweet-as-punch "To Be Surprised," but the others are nearly as good, especially "Hell No," a witty duet between Lerche and a very snappy Regina Spektor. Along with short instrumentals, another thing you're sure to find on a soundtrack are stunt covers, easily recognizable songs rendered with a heavy dose of ironic hipness as an easy way to get audiences hooked without seeming like you're pandering to them. Here Lerche adds syrupy strings to Pete Townshend's "Let My Love Open the Door" and escapes pretty harmlessly, but A Fine Frenzy's stilted take on "Fever" makes one wish that Congress would pass a bill banning future covers of the song. At the end, (if you leave off the covers) the soundtrack presents a clear picture of Lerche's talent and the high quality of his songs and performances. It probably won't make him a huge star like soundtrack work did for Stevens and S&G, but it might hook a few people who had never heard of him before. Good for them and good for Lerche. He deserves every break he can get. ~ Tim Sendra

1. Family Them Waltz - Sondre Lerche
2. To Be Surprised - Sondre Lerche
3. I'll Be OK - Sondre Lerche
4. Dan and Marie Picking Hum - Sondre Lerche
5. My Hands Are Shaking - Sondre Lerche
6. Dan in Real Life - Sondre Lerche
7. Hell No - Sondre Lerche/Regina Spektor
8. Family Theme - Sondre Lerche
9. Fever - A Fine Frenzy
10. Airport Taxi Reception - Sondre Lerche/The Faces Down
11. Dan and Marie Melody - Sondre Lerche
12. Human Hands - Sondre Lerche/Faces Down Quartet
13. I'll Be OK - Sondre Lerche
14. Let My Love Open the Door - Sondre Lerche
15. Dan and Marie Finale Theme - Sondre Lerche
16. Modern Nature - Sondre Lerche/Lillian Samdal
17. Untitled Bonus Track - Sondre Lerche (Bonus Track)


電影演啥不要太在意,導演獨具慧眼找來挪威花草王子Sondre Lerche(山卓勒許)來客串並打造電影多段音樂就註定這個片萬世流芳。


(7)非關男孩(About a Boy)

Label XL Recordings / Beggars Group
Release Date Nov 09, 2004

What's a budding musical genius to do in the pent-up lull between albums? Mercury Prize-winning singer-songwriter Badly Drawn Boy (nee Damon Gough), in his spare time between heralded debut THE HOUR OF BEWILDERBEEST, and a follow-up to be released later in 2002, approached the filmmakers adapting Nick Hornby's acclaimed novel ABOUT A BOY about the soundtrack for the film starring Hugh Grant. There's no question to the logic of the combination as Gough's sublimely literate, disaffected yet still charmingly breezy pop music fits the story of life's apparent losers at two stages of life, one an apathetic womanizer approaching his 40s, the other a bullied misfit boy passing into his teens, between whom an unlikely friendship ensues.

A folky singer/songwriter scoring songs to help set the tone of a movie about unlikely friendship could stir up memories of Cat Stevens's unreleased soundtrack for "Harold & Maude," a fair enough assessment. In a similar fashion (but in its own way), Badly Drawn Boy's take on ABOUT A BOY weaves a mournful, yet upbeat tapestry drawing from its source material while managing to enrich the story itself. There are even some pop megahit hooks such as in the rolling "Silent Sigh" and in the head-bobbing, ostensible theme song "Something To Talk About."

Soundtrack to 2002 film, based on the Nick Hornby ('High Fidelity') novel of the same name, starring Hugh Grant, Rachel Weisz, & Toni Colette. Includes the singles, 'Silent Sigh' & 'Something To Talk About'.

Music composed by Badly Drawn Boy aka Damon Gough.

Producers: Tim Rothrock, Badly Drawn Boy.Rolling Stone (5/9/02, p.72) - 3.5 out of 5 stars - "...Gough's greatest strength is how calm and assured his voice and melodies are....You can tell he wanted to guild a grand orchestral-pop monument..."
Entertainment Weekly (5/3/02, p.87) - "...A mix of songs and themes balancing obsessive craft with flippant style..." - Rating: B+
Q (12/02, p.65) - Included in Q Magazine's "The 50 Best Albums of 2002."
Q (4/02, pp.106-7) - 4 out of 5 stars - "...Original and gladdening music..."
Alternative Press (7/02, pp.76-7) - 8 out of 10 - "...A solid set of songs..."
CMJ (4/22/02, p.4) - "...The CD is split between completely songs and fleeting instrumentals, all of it laced with that big-screen vibe..."
Mojo (Publisher) (April 2002, p.108) - "...Lush real strings and the familiar one-take roughness....milkman-friendly classics all..."
NME (Magazine) (4/6/02, p.34) - 8 out of 10 - "...At its best, it wears its misery with a casual wryness, breezy instrumentation blowing away the sad cobwebs....eminently listenable yet deceptively gentle..."

01 - Exit Stage Right
02 - A Peak You Can Reach
03 - Something To Talk About
04 - Dead Duck
05 - Above You, Below Me
06 - I Love N.Y.E.
07 - Silent Sigh.
08 - Wet, Wet, Wet.
09 - River, Sea, Ocean.
10 - S.P.A.T..
11 - Rachel's Flat.
12 - Walking Out Of Stride.
13 - File Me Away.
14 - A Minor Incident.
15 - Delta (Little Boy Blues).
16 - Donna And Blitzen.
17 - A Better Way (Japanese version extra song).

Songs featured in the movie, but not on the soundtrack
Marcus & Will - Killing Me Softly
Mystikal - Shake Ya Ass
U2 - Zoo Station

Not actually in the movie, but a really cool version of this song
Fugees (Lauryn Hill) - Killing Me Softly

High quality video clip of Marcus & Will at the talent show
Killing Me Softly - Marcus & Will (video)

這個電影在影史上地位不低,一方面是英倫大帥哥休葛蘭代表作,另方面是英倫青年才俊作家尼克宏比(Nick Hornby)的百萬暢銷小說改編。(尼克宏比另一部小說改編作品《失戀俱樂部》地位更高)。音樂找來英倫花草大王Badly Drawn Boy塗鴉男孩。(英國叫做新民謠運動)。每首都好聽得要命,任何鳥雜誌票選史上經典十大電影原聲帶一定不會漏掉這部【關於一個男孩】。






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