本次海報拍攝和美國著名品牌聯手,成功變身創意總監的朴詩妍以及今年迎來創立15周年的icb共同拍攝了主題為「I CAN BE ANYTHING I WANT TO BE」的海報。海報中,朴詩妍嘗試了從羞澀少女到成熟女人的多款造型,散發了從明朗可愛到成熟優雅的多種魅力。朴詩妍的海報將在雜誌《inStyle》十月號中刊登。

InStyle revealed recently a photo shoot of Park Si Yeon with fashion brand icb.

Park Si Yeon collaborated with icb for their 15th anniversary in order to create a photoshoot with a theme titled “I CAN BE ANYTHING I WANT TO BE.”

In the photos, Park Si Yeon shows off mature, womanly vibe fit for the fall season. Her beauty was even said to have received the applause of the staffs on set.

A representative of icb stated, “We were looking for a woman that was natural and chic, but still had the possibility of transformation. We decided on Park Si Yeon since her confidence and womanly qualities makes her the perfect style icon.”

Other pictures will be released in the October edition of InStyle.

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