Label Dik Hayd (DHI)
Discs 3
Release Date Sep 28, 2010
Photographers: P.R. Brown; Gene Kirkland.
Personnel: Slash (guitar); Josh Freese (drums); Leonard Castro (percussion).
Audio Mixer: Eric Valentine .
Rolling Stone (p.68) - 3 stars out of 5 -- "It's the anti-CHINESE DEMOCRACY. If Axl's masterwork was a solitary quest for perfection, Slash's solo debut is a freewheeling group hug."
Kerrang (Magazine) (p.48) - "[L]ike so much rock 'n' roll, here the results appear to be effortless, nothing less and nothing more than the result of excellent instincts combining with exceptional talent."
Mojo (Publisher) (p.92) - 3 stars out of 5 -- "[T]hankfully SLASH doesn't lack guts, tunes, potent solos or giant-slaying riffage."
1. Ghost (Ian Astbury) 金屬搖滾界異教徒The Cult主唱Ian Astbury
2. Crucify The Dead (Ozzy Osbourne) 搖滾大魔頭Ozzy Osbourne
3. Beautiful Dangerous (Fergie) 嘻哈天團黑眼豆豆之菲姬
4. Back From Cali (Myles Kennedy) 美籍Post-Grunge團隊Alter Bridge領袖Myles Kennedy
5. Promise (Chris Cornell) 90搖滾風潮中重要樂團Soundgarden和Audioslave主腦Chris Cornell
6. By The Sword (Andrew Stockdale of Wolfmother) 滾石雜誌力薦澳洲搖滾團Wolfmother核心Andrew Stockdale
7. Gotten (Adam Levine) 葛萊美加冕快紅新生團Maroon 5主唱Adam Levine
8. Doctor Alibi (Lemmy Kilmister) 入籍Hit Parader「史上百位偉大金屬主唱」Lemmy Kilmister
9. Watch This (Dave Grohl / Duff McKagan) 經歷Nirvana+Foo Fighters榮耀的Dave Grohl+槍與玫瑰老夥伴Duff McKagan
10. I Hold On (Kid Rock) 累積千萬銷售的搖滾界壞小子Kid Rock
11. Nothing To Say (M Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold) Kerrang!盛讚為自槍與玫瑰之後最具危險性的搖滾團Avenged Sevenfold支柱M Shadows
12. Starlight (Myles Kennedy) 美籍Post-Grunge團隊Alter Bridge領袖Myles Kennedy
Slash feat Myles Kennedy - Starlight - Pinkpop 2010
13. Saint Is A Sinner Too (Rocco DeLuca) 美國獨立搖滾界亮眼新團Rocco DeLuca and The Burden主角Rocco DeLuca
14. We`re All Gonna Die (Iggy Pop) 龐克教父Iggy Pop
15. Sahara (Koshi Inaba) 日本國民天團B`z主唱稻葉浩志
16. Baby Can`t Drive (Alice Cooper / Nicole Scherzinger) 美利堅金屬大老Alice Cooper對上性感小野貓主唱妮可
17. Paradise City (Fergie / Cypress Hill) 黑眼豆豆之菲姬首遇南岸拉丁饒舌先驅Cypress Hill
Slash Songs DISC 2:
*01. Sahara (English) (feat Koshi Inaba) (03:58)
*02. Paradise City (feat Cypress Hill and Fergie) (05:16)
03. Mother Maria (feat Beth Hart) (05:19)
*04. Baby Can’t Drive (feat Alice Cooper and Nicole Scherzinger) (03:21)
05. Sahara (Japanese) (feat Koshi Inaba) (03:59)
06. Beautiful Dangerous Radio Mix (feat Fergie) (04:12)
07. Demo #4 (03:52)
08. Demo #16 (03:24)
09. Back From Cali (Acoustic) (feat Myles Kennedy) (03:43)
10. Fall To Pieces (Acoustic) (feat Myles Kennedy) (04:29)
11. Sweet Child O’ Mine (Acoustic) (feat Myles Kennedy) (06:04)
12. Watch This (Live) (feat Myles Kennedy) (03:44)
13. Nightrain (Live) (feat Myles Kennedy) (05:00)
Slash Album DISC 3:
1. Back To Cali [Live]
2. By The Sword [Video] - (featuring Andrew Stockdale)
3. Starlight
4. Mean Bone
Label Dik Hayd
Release Date Apr 06, 2010
★夢幻級空前陣容力挺:大魔頭Ozzy Osbourne、黑眼豆豆之菲姬、魔力紅主唱Adam Levine、搖滾壞小子Kid Rock、龐克教父Iggy Pop、小野貓主唱妮可、日本國民天團B’z主唱稻葉浩志、槍與玫瑰好夥伴Izzy Stradlin+Duff McKagan+Steven Adler全員到齊★
頂著全球破億銷量搖滾超級隊伍Guns N’ Roses槍與玫瑰光環,入籍時代雜誌「史上十大最優電吉他手」亞軍、Gigwise.com網站「50位偉大吉他手」第21名,與Jimi Hendrix、Jimmy Page和Eddie Van Halen等前輩共享「搖滾星光大道」榮耀的Slash,透過神乎其技的速彈造詣、大展魅力無限的舞台爆發力,加上一頭狂爆捲髮、黑色高頂禮帽、大副酷炫墨鏡、吊兒郎當的叼根菸,這些都是Slash令人爭相模仿的深刻印象,登基當代吉他巨擘至高地位!
1985-1996年間步上槍與玫瑰的舞台讓Slash聲名大噪,因為和主唱Axl意見相左而脫隊,隨後新闢出堅持把玩Hard/Blues Rock的樂團Slash’s Snakepit。2002年找回Duff McKagan(貝斯手)及Matt Sorum(鼓手)最強三劍客,併入90年代Grunge樂派之超強勁旅Stone Temple Pilots主唱Scott Weiland,合體成型的Velvet Revolver贏取葛萊美的喝采,迅速突破百萬人次膜拜,再現搖滾神蹟!
經過14年離開槍與玫瑰單飛的組團生涯,Slash終以個人名義重回舞台,推出首張真正的個人專輯【Slash】,請到炙手可熱名師Eric Valentine(Maroon 5、Good Charlotte、Third Eye Blind)操刀,陣容極度堅強的橫跨各領域,槍與玫瑰的好夥伴Izzy Stradlin+Duff McKagan+Steven Adler全數回籠、還有blink-182鼓手Travis Barker+Foo Fighters靈魂人物Dave Grohl等大明星,都是幕後樂器演奏的功臣!散射咄咄逼人吉他穿腦的“Ghost”,讓金屬搖滾界異教徒The Cult主唱Ian Astbury盡情高歌伴隨;大魔頭Ozzy Osbourne寶刀未老的綻放“Crucify The Dead”無邊霸氣,柔情與飆速Solo相互替換以及狠狠重擊鼓點,無不勾勒最熱辣的音場反應;嘻哈第一天團黑眼豆豆之菲姬,釋放狂野嗓音灌滿“Beautiful Dangerous”,教人刮目相看;葛萊美加冕的快紅新生團Maroon 5魔音主唱Adam Levine,讓弦樂輔佐的抒情小品“Gotten”更為動聽;累積千萬銷售的搖滾界壞小子Kid Rock,將Acoustic之Blue Soul韻味淋漓盡致的鋪入“I Hold On”裡頭;龐克教父Iggy Pop妝點“We`re All Gonna Die”更具Punk色澤;Shock Rock始祖之一Alice Cooper,意外於“Baby Can`t Drive”對上小野貓主唱妮可,剪貼70搖滾的爽快片段;菲姬首遇南岸拉丁饒舌先驅Cypress Hill,重新詮釋槍與玫瑰演唱會必唱安可曲“Paradise City”,讓你直到最後一刻情緒依然高漲,High翻聆聽感官世界!雖然巨星雲集的齊聲獻藝,但是,Slash扣人心弦的主奏吉他和組織創意大膽題材,勢將掀起一波世代搖滾的新革命!
Like Jeff Beck before him, Slash is a superstar guitarist who can't sing a lick -- a situation that poses a considerable problem when it comes time to record a solo album, which apparently is whenever his band collapses under the preening ego ... Full Descriptionof a lead singer. When combing through the wreckage of GNR he decided to form a band whose singer almost seemed like an afterthought, but he took a different route after the meltdown of Velvet Revolver, choosing to follow Santana's Supernatural blueprint, hauling in a different singer for each track. Of course, Supernatural was designed with the intention of having Santana cross over to a new audience, but Slash, with the exception of Fergie howling "Beautiful Dangerous," was made with his old fans in mind, bringing in gnarled old rockers like Ozzy, Lemmy, and Iggy to carry the brunt of the work, slipping in a few new faces -- like Andrew Stockdale of Wolfmother, Rocco DeLuca (the first signing to Kiefer Sutherland's label), and Myles Kennedy, chosen to front Slash's supporting tour for the record -- along the way. It's a comfortable and familiar fit, with the exceptions to the rule being Fergie, who winds up pushing Slash in an interesting hooky direction, and the instrumental jam between the guitarist, his GNR/Velvet bandmate Duff McKagan, and Dave Grohl. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine