4 Oct 2010
Label: Columbia
01 “Hard Knocks”
02 “Get On”
03 “Unforgiven”
04 “The Fall”
05 “So It Goes”
06 “Runaway Train”
07 “Stay The Same”
08 “Thankful”
09 “So”
10 “I Hope”
◎Matt Serletic(Aerosmith、Santana、Celine Dion)操刀掌盤,唱紅電影「魔鬼剋星」主題曲〈Ghostbusters〉的Ray Parker, Jr擔綱吉他演奏
來自英倫的白人靈魂男歌手、傑出的藍調搖滾大師,入籍滾石雜誌「百大經典歌手」名單的Joe Cocker,以辨識度極高的煙燻嗓音走紅國際,闖蕩歌壇40餘年,至今仍然活躍並持續有新作發行。自1982年替「軍官與紳士An Officer And A Gentleman」演唱主題曲〈Up Where We Belong〉,一口氣抱走奧斯卡+金球的「最佳原創歌曲」大獎、葛萊美「最佳流行重唱或組合」加冕,後續受到電影「愛你九週半」、「終極保鑣」、「西雅圖夜未眠」等賣座影片青睞,站台獻唱動人歌謠。
本名John Robert Cocker的Joe,1968年以翻唱The Beatles的作品〈With A Little Help From My Friends〉拿下英國金榜冠軍寶座,一夕爆紅的Joe,獲邀參加1969年的世紀音樂祭典Woodstock,整個70年代風靡了美國市場,其中直奔第5名的〈You Are So Beautiful〉,更是最招牌的巔峰主打歌。因為酗酒和毒品的關係,讓Joe嗓音越來越沙啞,也沉寂好一陣子。82年靠著〈Up Where We Belong〉重新站起來,89年的〈When The Night Comes〉,不光寫下英美兩大市場的耀眼戰績,更於歐洲各榜上闖出佳績!
轉換跑道至Sony音樂懷抱,推出睽違3年的新碟《Hard Knocks》,請到跨界製作高手Matt Serletic(Aerosmith、Santana、Celine Dion)操刀掌盤,唱紅電影「魔鬼剋星」主題曲〈Ghostbusters〉之多才多藝的黑色藝人Ray Parker, Jr,擔綱吉他演奏。打從同名曲〈Hard Knocks〉掀起序幕開始,老樂迷絕對能欣喜Joe把早期的Bluse和Soul精采聯姻,濃烈的小酒館韻味油然而生;輕鬆擺動Funky頻率的〈Get On〉,搭配仍然寶刀未老的過癮聲頻,如同一口飲盡杯裝伏特加般刺激過癮;討好雙耳的抒情小品〈Unforgiven〉,調製時髦Electro細微顆粒,令人耳朵為之驚喜一開;弦樂適度輔佐的〈The Fall〉,副歌好聽易記的橋段,不斷散發感動人心的音線;Acoustic的〈So It Goes〉,包覆都會民謠的韻腳,是支好咀嚼的清爽佳餚;把玩電子搖滾風的〈Runaway Train〉,會使你想再反覆聆賞;加拿大朱諾獎「最佳女藝人」Chantal Kreviazuk,還特別量身打造〈So〉,貼附Joe Cocker平易近人卻又野心勃勃的音樂世界。
Joe Cocker has been a major player in the music business for more than forty years. He has released 21 studio and four live albums. His unmistakable bluesy soul voice is a musical trademark in its own right. He is a Grammy, Golden Globe and Academy Award-winning artist.
The 10 new tracks on Hard Knocks were recorded with Matt Serletic at the helm. It’s the first collaboration between him and Cocker. The recording sessions took place in Serletic’s own Emblem studios in Los Angeles involving a host of acclaimed musicians like Ray Parker Jr., Tim Pierce and Joel Shearer on guitar, Josh Freese, Matt Chamberlain and Dorian Crozier on drums, Chris Chaney on bass and Jamie Muhoberac on keyboards. The songs were mixed by Chris Lord-Alge and mastered by Bob Ludwig.