Plenty of media reports around, but let us see what the Taiwan media have to say. After all, people in Hong Kong might be too upset because it was their citizens who were killed and people in mainland China are allegedly too chauvinistic.
馬尼拉警方攻堅狂凸槌 網友:他們有受過訓練嗎?
菲律賓首都馬尼拉23日發生重大案件,一名前高階警官不滿遭革職,挾持一輛載有25名港籍乘客的遊覽車要求復職,最後歹徒遭狙擊手擊斃收場。有媒體隨後將攻堅過程PO上網,但就連菲律賓人都對警方的表現感到汗顏,直言警方的SWAT應該翻成「Sorry Wala Akong Training(對不起,我沒經過訓練)!」
菲律賓前高階警官門多薩(Rosario Mendoza)2008年遭到革職,原因是他涉嫌擄人勒贖、勒索以及侵佔沒收的毒品,但他始終不認罪,其胞弟也為他喊冤,指控是有人蓄意陷害。據了解,門多薩不但遭到革職,連原本的退休金也一併遭到沒收,更被終生禁止再當公務人員。
對於處分相當不滿的門多薩,終於在2010年8月23日「爆發」,於馬尼拉觀光勝地黎薩公園(Rizal Park)挾持一輛載有25名港籍乘客的遊覽車,要求當局讓他復職。警方找來他的胞弟向他溫情勸說,讓他願意釋放車上的老弱婦孺共9人,但他依然不願投降,甚至揚言下午3點將會「有大事發生」。
更多人則是語帶諷刺,「SWAT在菲律賓大概是『Sorry Wala Akong Training(對不起,我沒經過訓練)』的縮寫」、「我9歲的兒子都能制定比這更好的策略」、「NYPD(紐約警方)應該也會使用相同的方法,真正失敗的原因是『愚蠢』!」
In 2008, former police officer Rolando Mendoza was dismissed for suspected involvement in kidnapping, extortion and stealing confiscated drugs. However, he has never accepted those charges and his brother also said that he had been set up. According to information, Mendoza even lost his pension during the process, as well as being barred from public service for life.
On August 23, 2010, Mendoza hijacked a tourist bus carrying 25 Hong Kong tourists in order to demand restitution. The police got his brother to talk to him so that he agreed to free nine children and elders. However, Mendoza refused to surrender and even claimed that "something big" will take place at 3pm.
At past 6pm, gunshots were heard. The situation was chaotic. According to one account, the kidnapper fired shots in the bus. According to another account, the police started an assault. At this time, the bus driver who was dressed in a white shirt climbed out of the bus and reached safety. He told the police that all 15 hostages on the bus have been shot and killed! The news shocked the media, and it also convinced the police to begin an all-out assault.
The media provided live coverage of this assault. But that meant that the incompetence of the Filipino SWAT was on full display.
At the time, many policemen surrounded the bus. Some of them used axes to break the side windows, the back windows and the front door window. Incredibly, when they tried to throw what is probably a teargas canister into the bus, they failed many times. The person on the right threw first, but the object bounded off the window. The person on the left carefully picked up the object and threw it again. But the object bounded out once again. This time the person on the right stood up and, disregarding his own exposure, jumped up to throw the object inside. It took him two attempts before he succeeded.
Meanwhile the people trying to break through the front door were even more incompetent! A policeman hacked at the door with an axe, but he tried too hard and the axe fell inside the bus! Quickly he leaned back on the side of the bus because he was afraid that the gunman would shoot him. Then he stuck his hand out to retrieve the axe.
Finally, the Filipinio police finally killed the gunman and saved the remaining hostages. But their appalling performance let people to say: "The shame of Philippines," "What idiotic SWAT!" "Manila police are garbage." They said that if the affair would have ended a lot earlier on if the police hadn't "fucked it up."
People even said: "In Philippines, SWAT probably stands for 'Sorry Waka Akong Training' (Sorry, I have not received train)." "My 9-year-old son would have come up with better tactics."