Released Date: July 21, 2010
Genre : Anime
1. 君がいる場所 (Kimi ga Iru Basho)
2. わたしだけの空
3. You Raise Me Up
4. 君がいる場所(Inst.)(Kimi ga Iru Basho)
Takagaki Ayahi’s solo debut single was released last week (7/21) and bundled with the limited edition is the PV to the title track, “Kimi ga Iru Basho”. As a member of the seiyuu group sphere, Ayahi’s solo precedes Kotobuki Minako’s by a couple of months, but seems to be part of some master plan by their record label, Music Ray’n (a subdivision of Sony Music Entertainment Japan), to milk their four singers for everything they can. Tomatsu Haruka already had her solo debut prior to the formation of sphere, whereas Toyosaki Aki had hers not too long after. The fact that they all have official websites under their own .com domains sort of reiterates how much they’re being promoted separately and together, which is actually nice to see since seiyuu groups don’t tend to last very long. I find sphere to be one of the better groups to come along since all the girls can sing well enough on their own to justify solo debuts, so it’ll be interesting to see how much more of their music is featured in upcoming anime.
Debut single release from Ayahi Takagaki featuring tracks created by Elements Garden and directiv. Also includes a cover of the song "You Raise Me Up."
音大出身のズバ抜けた歌唱力で知られる声優・高垣彩陽(あやひ)が、ついに待望の歌手デビュー!! ソロデビュー曲は、7月から放送が始まる大注目のオリジナルアニメ「世紀末オカルト学院」のエンディングテーマに決定! 高垣彩陽自身もメインキャストとして作品に出演し、そのノスタルジックなエンディングの世界観を伸びやかな歌声で歌い上げる。表題曲は水樹奈々・茅原美里などを手掛けるアニメ・ゲーム界の超有名楽曲制作ブランド「Elements Garden」が、カップリング曲は中川翔子などを手掛ける「directiv」が制作を担当。3曲目に収録される「You Raise Me Up」のカヴァーでは、本格的に声楽を学んだその歌唱力を存分に披露している。
- Aug 23 Mon 2010 23:41
Sony Music 索尼音樂 nippon 高垣彩陽 Ayahi Takagaki - 君がいる場所 (Kimi ga Iru Basho)