Katy's 3rd single 'Firework' video info & date
Katy Perry has entered into a marketing partnership that will see Europe's biggest telecommunications group Deutsche Telekom promote her next single and album, while she supports the company's consumer-brand message.
The campaign centers on Deutsche Telekom's involvement in the official video for "Firework," the third single from Perry's new album "Teenage Dream" (Capitol Records).
Deutsche Telekom is hosting a series of activities and competitions from which fans around Europe will be recruited to be in the video, which will be released in October. No official release dates are yet available.
Deutsche Telekom's collaboration with Perry is part of the communications giant's ongoing international "Life is for Sharing" branding. This promotes the use of its fixed-line service and wireless carrier T-Mobile as a means for "sharing life's memorable moments."
But this campaign centers on Perry's integrity as an artist and her desire to share her experiences with fans, Ralf Luelsdorf, Deutsche Telekom's head of international sponsorship, tells Billboard.biz.
"For this win-win relationship to work, it was important for us to have the full participation of the label, the artist and her management [Los Angeles-based Direct Management] in the video. The video is also not branded; there is no product placement."
The campaign kicked off Aug. 9 with a series of TV spots and Internet ads. In them, Perry invites fans to be in her video. The participating countries include Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Macedonia and Montenegro. Filming takes place at the end of September, but the exact location is yet to be determined.
Cell Phone Recycling
The campaign will include in-store promotions, print ads, and Perry appearing at Deutsche Telekom's stand at the IFA consumer electronics trade fair in Berlin during Sept. 3-8. Part of her role is to highlight why it is environmentally safer to return old handsets to retail outlets for recycling instead of throwing them away.
Deutsche Telekom will also be sponsoring Perry gigs in various European cities. Tickets for the first one in Berlin (at the Postbahnhof train station) on Sept. 5 will be distributed via multi-media competitions by Deutsche Telekom. Dates and venues for shows in Vienna, Warsaw and Budapest have yet to be finalized.
The partnership with Perry continues the company's marketing collaborations with major music acts, such as Robbie Williams in 2005 and 2006. Last year, Pink fronted a Deutsche Telekom flash mob karaoke event at London's Trafalgar Square.
Additionally, the communications group has been a significant investor in digital music distribution platforms. These are T-Mobile's Mobile Jukebox downloads service in the Germany, Austria and the U.K., and the PC-centric Musicload.de portal in Germany, which has more than 4 million registered users.
It also hosts a series of dance-music festivals under the Electronic Beats brand name.
Future plans include making digital music available on one seamless integrated multi-platform service across Europe. It is scheduled to launch later this year.
Luelsdorf adds.
"We're working on a platform that will be integrated and accessible via all types of screens and devices under one brand name. But the changes, roll-out and merging the different databases will take time,"
The new plans led to the closure of Mobile Jukebox in the U.K., where T-Mobile has merged with former rival Orange.
Katy Perry - Teenage Dream (Video Premiere)
The title track and second single from Katy Perry‘s ‘Teenage Dream‘ is less immediate than ‘California Gurls’, but it soon takes up residence in your head – and with a video featuring hunky actor Josh Kloss in frequent states of undress, what’s not to like? Enjoy Josh Katy’s ‘Teenage Dream’ below…
Katy Perry -- Teenage Dream (Official Music Video) from Top20MusicChannel on Vimeo.

凱蒂佩芮與新銳男模Josh Kloss激情貼身接觸而惹怒未婚夫的〈花漾年華〉8/23【一】全台首播
最吸睛的「夯世代花邊教主」凱蒂佩芮〈Katy Perry〉與未婚夫-羅素布蘭德的10月婚禮恐因最新單曲〈花漾年華〉而生變!以英、美冠軍單曲〈加州女孩California Gurls〉創下美國告示牌排行榜〈The Billboard 100 Hot spot〉連續六周冠軍紀錄的凱蒂佩芮,為了最新單曲〈花漾年華Teenage Dream〉的音樂錄影帶將大隊人馬拉回家鄉-聖塔芭芭拉進行拍攝,找來曾經製作【安全性行為】宣導動畫的法國導演Yoann Lemoine執導,並邀來新生代男模-Josh Kloss擔任男主角展現性感肉體與迷人鬍渣,卻沒有將兩人在汽車旅館的貼身接觸及半裸相擁的激情情節,事先向未婚夫-羅素布蘭德報備,伴隨著火辣又挑逗的歌詞「讓我們整晚就這樣親密,別後悔就愛吧!」導致羅素連音樂錄影帶都沒看完,就大為光火,決心凱蒂佩芮冷戰,讓事業如日中天的凱蒂佩芮為此傷神,而這支全球同步公開的〈花漾年華〉音樂錄影帶,也確定於8/23【一】在MTV音樂頻道正式首播,最新專輯《花漾年華》8/31【二】正式在台發行。
剛登上美國滾石雜誌〈Rolling Stone〉封面的凱蒂佩芮總是話題不斷,搞怪卻不改真性情的她,日前接受Youtube的獨家訪問,引起全球超過兩萬筆的問題湧進,頂著紫色假髮的凱蒂佩芮有問必答,面對全球網友對冠軍單曲〈加州女孩〉音樂錄影帶的反串和惡搞,凱蒂佩芮展現作風親民的一面並笑說:「我簡直愛死他們了!說真的,很歡迎大家拿把我當主題盡情發揮創意。」而出道曲〈親了一個拉拉〉所帶動的熱潮不減,當網友問到:「你真的有跟女生親吻嗎?」凱蒂佩芮笑說:「嗯…真的,想說不知道跟女生親吻是怎樣?就給她親下去,感覺還蠻好的」絲毫不遮掩大膽搞怪的作風。凱蒂佩芮最新專輯《花漾年華》限量進口雙CD已經全面開放預購。