Zee Thursday, July 8th, 2010
Confirmation of World Cup Final-
Confirmation of 3rd Place Playoff-
URUGUAY v GERMANY - N.M. Bay, 7/10/2010
So I get a couple-day break again! Look out for my 3rd Place Playoff match report/Final Preview on Saturday and my FIFA World Cup 2010 Final Report on Sunday. Peace!
等待了整整12年,世界盃終於迎來了一位全新的冠軍得主:第3次闖入決賽的荷蘭,將在約翰尼斯堡靜候曆史上首次進入世界盃決賽 的西班牙 。經過90分鐘壓倒性但異常艱苦的鏖戰,依靠後衛普約爾下半場第73分鐘價值連城的頭球,西班牙隊力克德國與荷蘭會師決賽。本周日,新的世界冠軍即將誕生在南非。
整場比賽西班牙隊在控球上佔據了絕對的優勢,上半場前30分鐘甚至超過68%。此前淘汰賽 2場打入8球的德國隊,直到第32分鐘才由特羅霍夫斯基門前27米遠射完成第1次射門。整場比賽,德國人只在第69分鐘由替補出場的克羅斯 門前11米右腳淩空推射最接近得分。相反,西班牙人儘管面對著德國隊布下的鐵桶陣,仍然利用出色的技術創造了足夠多的機會。兩隊的射門次數為13比5,如果不是德國隊在最後時刻全力反撲製造了3次射門機會,這個統計上的懸殊差距更能準確地反映場上的形勢。
儘管在德國後衛嚴密的看管下,比利亞同樣沒能抓住機會,但關鍵時刻普約爾挺身而出,下半場第73分鐘 ,哈威左側開出角球,皮克 起跳阻擋了赫迪拉,普約爾在他身前距門9米處甩頭頂進大門右側,這是他89場國家隊比賽的第3球。儘管德國隊全力反撲,但終因技術略遜一籌,控球和進攻上都不佔優勢,最終抱憾出局。
這是西班牙國家隊參加世界盃76年歷史上,首度殺入決賽。同時,這也是歐洲杯冠軍得主繼1968年的意大利、1972年和1980年的西德之後,時隔28年第1次進入隨後的世界盃決賽。同時,西班牙有望成為繼1972年的西德之後,第2支以衛冕歐洲冠軍身份獲得世界盃冠軍的球隊。2000年法國隊接連獲得世界盃和歐洲杯的壯舉,有可能在西班牙身上上演。此前,來自歐洲的球隊曾有4次功虧一簣,1976年歐洲杯,世界盃衛冕冠軍 西德隊還倒在點球點上。不過,西班牙隊歷史上的決賽戰績並不樂觀。歐洲杯歷史上他們3次進入決賽2次奪冠,1984年輸給普拉蒂尼的法國。奧運會上他們也曾3次進入決賽,卻只贏了1992年本土奧運會的冠軍。
爾頭球破門。 Puyol celebrates sending Spain into their first ever World Cup Final!
Spain have reached their first ever World Cup final, in 2010. They will face Netherlands in Johannesburg on Sunday in order to play out who exactly will be World Champions.
And do you know what? Many, including me, have criticised Spain's lacklustre performances so far in thsi campaign. We've all equally hyped up Germnay for hittinf 4 passed 3 teams. Well today, Spain absolutely shitted on Germany and all their hopes of glory again. From the first minute to the last, Spain's keep-ball posession style hussled the Deutsch, and all the sudden, their 'perfect' positioning, classy players, knowhow - it was nowhere! Spain have a huge chance now to get World Glory. Whether it happens or not depends on which spanish team turns up on Sunday - but they will obviously need no motivation. Netherlands will put up an awesome fight, and it should be an amazing game. This game was convincing enough for 2 reasons - Spain finally changed their tactics AND personnel. And Germany are some cocky mo'fos!
Regardless of who we were backing, we should be happy because the 2 most effective and most consistant performance will battle it out in a classic final. The Dutch have won every game so far, and Spain usually put in decent all-round performances. They don't beat Argentina 4-0 one day, and lose in a shit performance the next. Germans! Hah!
Anyways - Robin van Persie, Arjen Robben, Wesley Sneijder v David Villa, Xavi, Xabi Alonso & Sergio Ramos. DREAM Final.
A deserved win for Spain. They probably dominated Germany better than Germany dominated Argentina a few days ago - only goals were lacking in their play. Their posession, man for man superiority and every thing also was just top class. Where has this Spain been so far!? A guess all winners have slow build ups!
There was to be a repeat of the Euro 2008 final here. No revenge for Germany. Deutsch started with that same team that screwed over the Argies. There was one HUGE and SIGNIFICANT change for Spain however (finally!) FERNANDO TORRES was left on the bench due to lac of form and fitness, Barcelona striker PEDRO was used instead. Genius by Del Bosque. Pedro was my man-of-the-match with a scintillating, dashing and classy all action performance. He used his short frame to play in great throughballs and run defenders ragged all game. A star for Barca last season, this boy should've played more for Spain. He had one bad moment - after the goal he could'a squared to sub Torres while screwing up a one on one, but hey - we're all human!
Germany held a good defensive line and chances were few and far between. It's just that they focused on defence and didn't attack anywhere near enough. This helped Spain's ownership of this game.
The first half came and went, the second was much more exciting. It had to be! Spain passed around for fun again and this time they actually took shots and tested Neuer. DAVID VILLA & XABI ALONSO were the main men in the spotlights for these efforts, but they were either miscued or saved well. Spain also missed two sitters from low crosses that SERGIO RAMOS just failed to connect with, while sub TONI KROOS, who has a right future ahead of him, had Germany's legit chance, but his shot was well blocked by Casillas. Spain's goal finally came on 73 minutes when CARLES PUYOL'S bullet header from Xavi's corner was headed in, to atone for a similar earlier miss. Cue on Espana crazyness! Well deserved. PEDRO had the finest game of his life for Spain today, and my favourite BUSQUETS did an awesome job yet again. Cesc is amazing, but with so much quality, theres a reason why he's benched. JOAN CAPDEVILA continues to be a weak link and a problem. Ass. MESUT OZIL is arguably the player of the tournament alongside Sneijder and Villa and is desparately unlucky to miss out. HE'll get a big move real soon at this rate.
So Germany will play Uruguay in the 3rd Place Playoff on Saturday in N.M. Bay, before the big one on Sunday. Netherlands v Spain - ITS ON.