美國宅男亞當楊(Adam Young)自組一人樂團「貓頭鷹城市」(Owl City),創作單曲《螢火蟲》稱霸7國iTune下載冠軍,新歌《香草星空》則被國片《一頁台北》選為預告片配樂。

BUY Owl City - Ocean Eyes: HERE

Songwriters: Young, Adam

The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere
Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'll send a postcard to you, dear
Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly
The silence isn't so bad
Till I look at my hands and feel sad
Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
[ Find more Lyrics on http://mp3lyrics.org/dqwA ]
Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone
But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist deep in thought because when
I think of you I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone
I don't feel so alone

As many times as I blink
I'll think of you tonight
(Tonight, tonight, tonight...)

I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again
And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh if my voice could reach
back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear:
"Oh darling I wish you were here"

i know what this song means...

well adam youngs gf died right before this song came out... so it is prolly fact that this song was written thinking of her

he lies awake thinking of her because she isnt there "pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere" he needs to come back to reality she isnt there but he wants to be in her arms still

he cant send her a post card but he would if she were still here

he can watch everything that is going on around him but it isnt the same without her "the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly" he wants to hold her hand

he'll try to sleep some how because he hasnt been able to yet

if you didnt know nastalgia is to want to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life... basically he misses her

when talking of "vanilla twilight" he is talking about sitting on the porch in moonlight
thinking of his girl makes him not lonely
he is always thinking of her
he is coming back to reality and he wants to forget everything about the past but "i swear i wont forget you"
he want to let her know that he misses her so he i still thinking about the past...

no matter what you believe this song is about it will always be a sad story. it is a good song and i love owl city! great music with great lyrics!

people will always be listening to this and i know i will! ily till the end!!~4real

Owl City - Ocean Eyes Deluxe Edition

Label Republic
Orig Year 2009
Discs 2
Release Date Jan 26, 2010

A surprising and unexpected indie success in 2007, garnering over a million plays on his Myspace page, Minnesota-based songwriter Adam Young is poised for major success with his project, Owl City. A follow-up to MAYBE I'M DREAMING, Young's critically acclaimed 2008 debut as Owl City, OCEAN EYES (2009) finely hones his already prodigious songwriting talents to a pleasing mix of sweetly lovelorn indie pop and electronica-influenced beats.

Filled with bubbling electronics and light, G-rated club anthems, Ocean Eyes sets its sights on the MySpace generation, targeting the younger siblings of those who bought the Postal Service's Give Up six years earlier. This is computerized pop music, replete with programmed drum loops, digital symphonies, and all the amenities of modern recording software. Only Adam Young's vocals carry a hint of human presence, and his fanciful lyrics -- which turn even the most mundane content (see "Dental Care," a good ol' fashioned ode to oral hygiene) into whimsy -- serve to strengthen the album's escapist appeal. Such syrupy sweetness builds to a feverish pitch throughout the album's 12 tracks, peaking during the viral sensation "Hey Seattle" and the number one single "Fireflies." Those who don't have a sweet tooth should stay away, but Ocean Eyes will serve as a tasty dessert for those who can stomach it. [The album was reissued one year later as a double-disc record, with seven bonus cuts added to the existing track list.] ~ Andrew Leahey

Additional Tracks; Deluxe Edition

Audio Mixer: John Goodmanson.

Recording information: Sky Harbor Studios, Owatonna, MN; Two Sticks Audio, Seattle, WA.

Photographers: Eric Ryan Anderson; Akira Peck; Megan Baker.Alternative Press (p.111) - 3 stars out of 5 -- "[T]here are some charming slices of pop. Young has a good chance of becoming a worthy replacement for the Postal Service..."

貓頭鷹城市樂團 Owl City - Ocean Eyes 海洋眼眸(2CD限量加值盤)

◎入圍BBC「Sound Of 2010」名單,由電氣搖滾創作鬼才Adam Young建構的一人樂團音樂計劃
◎專輯囊括美國搖滾和電子雙榜冠軍+流行榜TOP8,2010加值版超載附贈:熱門影集「90210亂愛高校生」重點襯樂“Sunburn”、加強舞國節拍的“Hello Seattle”混音版...等7首新作


1. Cave In 陷落
2. The Bird And The Worm 鳥與蟲
3. Hello Seattle 哈囉西雅圖
4. Umbrella Beach 洋傘海灘
5. The Saltwater Room 鹹水房間
6. Dental Care 牙齒保健
7. On The Wing 展翅飛翔
8. Fireflies 螢火蟲
9. The Tip Of The Iceberg 冰山一角
10. Vanilla Twilight 香草星空
11. Tidal Wave 海嘯


1. Hot Air Balloon 熱氣球
2. Butterfly Wings 蝴蝶翅膀
3. Rugs From Me To You 給你的’毛毯’
4. Sunburn 曬斑
5. Hello Seattle 〔Remix〕 哈囉西雅圖(混音版)
6. If My Heart Was A House 假如我的心是間房子
7. Strawberry Avalanche 藍莓潮湧

堪稱2009年快紅新生代,藉著電子樂風成為主流新寵,大行其道的橫跨各領域,Owl City/貓頭鷹城市持續發威延燒至2010年!一首霸佔英美兩大排行冠軍的“Fireflies”,超過2百萬張的銷售量,成為告示牌年度暢銷單曲第16名。結合輕鬆愉悅的節拍、令人舒服聆聽的旋律,同時不失搖滾本色,暗藏許多橋段讓樂曲更具深度且豐富多元,讓Owl City率先入圍BBC的「Sound Of 2010」名單之中!

  由電氣搖滾創作鬼才Adam Young建構的一人樂團音樂計劃「Owl City」,是施展音樂抱負的舞台。來自明尼蘇達州的Adam,著迷於70年末始為興盛的狄斯可樂、80年代新浪潮派系,同時受到歐洲電子曲風的影響,整合出五光十色的一人團隊Owl City。創作力旺盛的Adam,希望世界各地朋友能聽到自己的歌,利用MySpace網路平台散發,驚人締造多首單曲點播率大破五百萬人次。在2007和2008年獨立推出『Of June』、『Maybe I’m Dreaming』兩張細碟,靠著Universal Republic娛樂部門的委任律師Ken Abdo穿針引線,順利簽下一紙合約,準備大展身手!

  Owl City的首張主流國際廠作品【Ocean Eyes】,Adam一手包辦製作/詞曲撰寫的重責大任,登記美國搖滾和電子雙榜冠軍+流行榜Top8席次。利用吉他爽朗撥弦當引子的“The Bird And The Worm”,圍繞暖色系的淡雅情調;點燃入夜海灘派對高潮的“Umbrella Beach”,散佈Synth-Pop的閃亮音階;心情為之大開的“Dental Care”,輕Electro-Rock緩緩現形;紅翻全球的“Fireflies”,入選iTunes的「當週最佳單曲」,飄盪著如夢似幻的氛圍,更竄升出時髦的光束;必能受到Lounge Bar DJ喜愛之“The Tip Of The Iceberg”和“Tidal Wave”,百分百的提供慵懶與馳放環繞音場。2010年加值版超載附贈7首歌,其中新民謠味濃厚的“Sunburn”,已入選熱門影集「90210亂愛高校生」重點襯樂;一貫的大量運用合成樂特殊聲效堆疊之“Hot Air Balloon”、“Butterfly Wings”,伴隨無壓快樂的頻率持續流動;特別加速夜店跳舞強烈節拍的“Hello Seattle”混音版;由放任思緒遨遊的抒情線條作前引,就在稍不注意之下,突然爆出搖滾激流的“If My Heart Was A House”,編曲層次鮮明頗值得玩味。雙CD暢快升級享受Owl City建構的電子流行音樂新王國!

Label Universal Republic
Release Date Jul 28, 2009

    創作者 葉總裁 的頭像

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