
Kelis unveils album cover for ‘Fleshtone’

Kelis has unveiled a Grace Jones-inspired cover for her new album ‘Fleshtone‘.

Kelis has always been an unusual artiste and her latest video is just that; ‘Acapella‘ was directed by Rankin and Chris Cottam, and sees Kelis wandering around a jungle, followed by lots of fashion shots and ending in a desert. Probably the sweetest thing is Kelis showing off her eight-month-old baby at the end.

Kelis’ new album Flesh Tone will be released this summer.

sneak preview - (公開放映前的)預映

Kelis is getting ready to release her fifth studio album "Flesh Tone" this June! This will be her first album in four years and with Interscope Records. First single "Acapella" produced by David Guetta has already hit #1 on the U.S. Billboard Hot Dance Club Songs and is looking to impact mainstream radio now. Below I leave you with the singles promo CD including the instrumental and various remixes. Be sure to check it out and the Video Teaser set to premiere on Monday. Enjoy!!

Kelis has given a video preview for new single ‘Acapella’, and promising it looks indeed. The blacklight and neon colours work really well with the tribal theme. The full video will premiere in four days, Monday the 29th.

Kelis is back with a new sound. The feisty star has teamed up with 聯同(把把罩)事事都能賺大錢的大衛庫塔 David ‘Midas touch’ Guetta on new single ‘Acapella‘, and the result is a rather banging disco number which we 預告predict will take 夜店clubland by storm. A triumph!

Kelis Mixtape Fleshtone
Kelis Mixtape Flesh tone

酷莉絲 Kelis - The Hits 藏寶酷首張精選

Label Jive Aces
Release Date Mar 11, 2008

1. Caught Out There
2. Milkshake
3. Got Your Money (featuring Ol` Dirty Bastard)
4. Trick Me
5. Lil Star (featuring Cee-Lo)
6. Get Along With You
7. Young, Fresh N` New
8. Truth or Dare (featuring N.E.R.D.)
9. Bossy (featuring Too Short)
10. In Public (featuring Nas)
11. Millionaire (featuring André 3000)〞
12. Finest Dreams (featuring Richard X)
13. Suspended
14. Good Stuff

Kelis's influence has sometimes been overlooked, which is a shame because her spare, hooky R&B has been helping lead the charge in innovative pop since the 1990s. In part, this is due to her collaborations with the Neptunes, whose production skills give Kelis's singles a distinctive stamp.

THE HITS skims the cream from Kelis's studio releases, bringing her top-selling singles together in one place, from her first single, "Caught Out There," to her duets with Andre 3000 ("Millionaire") and Ol' Dirty Bastard ("Got Your Money"), and, of course, her dance-inducing million-selling single "Milkshake." Sexy, catchy, and surprisingly fresh, Kelis is a dance artist worth hearing. Those who know her will appreciate this well-chosen compilation; those who don't should start here.Q (Magazine) (p.123) - 3 stars out of 5 -- "These tracks, expertly produced by The Neptunes, placed Kelis at the cutting edge of urban music..."
Record Collector (magazine) (p.90) - 4 stars out of 5 -- "She's one of the few that easily straddles dancefloor and bedroom, sounding totally at ease in either."

★ 全英音樂獎「最佳國際新人」、節奏藍調界個性酷妹出道首張精選
★ 網羅4 張專輯11首暢銷單曲,外加三首首次收錄珍貴作品
★ Kelis這位節奏藍調界的個性酷妹,以紅遍大街小巷〈Milkshake〉,為早已公式化的節奏藍調樂壇,綻放出新意盎然的耀眼火花。驚人的創作才能、獨樹一格的演唱方式、再加上過目不忘的鮮明形象,讓這位出生於紐約曼哈頓的布魯克林區的女歌手,在出道之後的短短時間裡,分別獲得全英音樂獎「最佳國際新人」及NME音樂獎「最佳R&B歌手」的高度肯定!1999 發行首張專輯『萬花筒』,由The Neptunes操刀製作,在歐洲連續產生三首熱門歌曲,酷莉絲多變的風格,立即征服歐洲樂迷的音樂感官。隨即發行的第二張專輯『漫遊國度』也有不錯的表現,而真正讓酷莉絲事業更上層樓的,可說是在2003年發行的第三張專輯『甜蜜誘惑』,讓她真正在家鄉美國打開市場,專輯在全球開出百萬佳績。而2006第四張野心之作『百變歌姬』,發行立即空降告示牌TOP10,創下酷莉絲出道以來的最佳成績!

★ 當酷莉絲在準備邁向下一階段的時候,為一解歌迷的久候之苦,酷莉絲決定推出出道以來的首張精選。這張命名為藏寶酷的精選收錄了14首歌曲,當中包括:出道驚艷單曲〈Caught Out There〉、舞池美國告示牌舞曲榜冠軍,征服全球的單曲〈Milkshake〉、英國金榜TOP 2〈Trick Me〉、和Gnarls Barkley靈魂人物Cee-Lo一同演譯,暢快滑順的性感之作〈Lil’ Star〉、電子節點分明,舞曲大師Timo Maas欽點鍾愛單曲〈Young, Fresh N` New〉、火力全開野心之作〈Bossy〉、和親密愛人Nas一同合作的〈In Public〉、史上最佳嘻哈團體流浪者合唱團(OutKast)首腦Andre 3000,跨刀助陣完美獻上〈Millionaire〉……等11首歌曲,除了這些歷年暢銷單曲之外,這張精選集還特地網羅了3首之前沒有收錄在酷莉絲專輯裡的珍貴歌曲,包括原收錄在電音怪傑Richard X首張專輯當中的英國金榜TOP8單曲〈Finest Dreams〉,以及收錄在由菲董領軍的嘻哈大團N.E.R.D.,專輯《In Search Of..》當中的〈Truth or Dare〉,另外還有收錄在武當幫旗下,最惡名昭彰也最有音樂才氣的骯髒壞傢伙(Ol` Dirty Bastard),專輯當中的美國告示牌饒舌榜TOP6的〈Got Your Money〉。

★ 酷莉絲的藏寶酷首張精選,完整見證這位節奏藍調界個性酷妹出道以來,令人激賞的音樂成長歷程!

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