Kate Nash recently stated her new music would be inspired by Riot Grrrl and The Shangri-Las, and we can certainly hear a lot of the former in new song ‘I Just Love You More‘. Which is defiantly anti-commercial (we bet her label were thrilled). Perhaps that’s why she’s giving it away for free till Monday… Nash’s forthcoming album is out on the 19th April.

» Download ‘I Just Love You More’ by Kate Nash

凱特娜許 Kate Nash - Made Of Bricks

Label Geffen
Release Date Sep 11, 2007

English singer/songwriter Kate Nash is getting ready to release as-yet-untitled sophomore album on April 19th!! The album was produced by former Suede guitarist Bernard Butler and first single will be "Doo Wah Doo." Here we have a new album track titled "I Just Love You More." It looks like she has traded her acoustic ballads and piano based sound for a girl group-influenced pop sound. The new track has me interested, can't wait too hear more. Be sure to check it out, Enjoy!

On her impressive debut, MADE OF BRICKS, British singer/multi-instrumentalist Kate Nash presents a confident and dynamic collection of pop songs. While both the young performer's sultry voice and fearless delivery immediately recall her contemporary Lily Allen (see the caustic "Dickhead," in particular), Nash often occupies territory closer to the thoughtful musings of Fiona Apple and Regina Spektor, as evinced on the swooning narrative "Birds" and the playful, piano-led ditty "Skeleton Song." The clear high point of BRICKS, however, is the vibrant, electronica-tinged "Foundations," a track that catapulted Nash to fame in the U.K., and fully showcases her biting wit and keen sense of melody.

2007 debut album from the UK songstress Kate Nash. Pop music with indie sensibilities and an experimental edge permeate much of this album, and it is topped off with Nash's distinctive estuary vocal stylings. Since the album's release, Nash has been the talk of the town in the UK, where she regularly appears in most of the music magazines from NME to Q. She has quickly risen the ranks from 'darling of the critics' to commercially-successful artist, and deservedly so. Features 12 tracks including the single 'Foundations'. Universal.Rolling Stone (p.66) - 3 stars out of 5 -- "BRICKS is the sound of an eager kid making unconventional pop that works..."
Spin (p.96) - 4 stars out of 5 -- "Nash's bluntness and attention to detail make for a good spectacle....Nash has made the kind of vivid, wonderfully direct album that could only come from a beginner."
Spin (p.48) - Ranked #23 in Spin's "40 Best Albums Of 2008" -- "Kate Nash spray paints vivid sketches of young London....A startling debut..."
Entertainment Weekly (p.71) - "[H]er lilting alto and quirky sensibility are ultimately winning." -- Grade: B
Q (Magazine) (p.72) - Ranked #47 in Q's "The 50 Best Albums Of 2007" -- "[W]ith solid-gold songs, a heartwarming homespun philosophy and a denouncement of all of fame's fripperies..."

1. Play
2. Foundations
3. Mouthwash
4. Dickhead
5. Birds
6. We Get On
7. Mariella
8. Shit Song
9. Pumpkin Soup
10. Skeleton Song
11. Nicest Thing
12. Merry Happy

如同Lily Allen的鬼靈精怪,全英現正熱烈討論年僅20歲的音樂小才女

是誰將已蟬連全英三週冠軍並造成話題的Paul Potts擠下來勇奪桂冠?Vogue、NME各雜誌大肆與Lily Allen相提並論,更受Lily本人推崇美譽為「Next Big Thing」,現已成為英國熱烈討論的音樂小精靈Kate Nash,彩繪出繽紛亮麗音樂藍圖,卡通可愛中卻流露一絲企圖心。

 才剛滿20歲,操著濃濃英國腔,有著傑出創作才情的Kate,從小學習鋼琴彈奏,從音樂世界發掘自己的潛力。原本立志成為演員,卻在一次意外中跌傷雙腳而被困在家中休養,就在休養這段期間開始創作,同時將以前斷斷續續寫的舊作一一完成,也在心中給自己訂下一個目標,尋找些演唱場子將這些創作發表出來。傷癒之後Kate將未來轉向音樂領域,並申請MySpace網頁分享她的音樂,沒想到招攬到大批追隨粉絲,很快的被獨立廠牌相中出版雙A面單曲“Caroline’s A Victim/Birds”,限量一千張短時間內銷售一空,順利進入Fiction Records旗下成為Snow Patrol、Ian Brown、Yeah Yeah Yeahs師妹。

 正式發行第一張大碟【Made Of Bricks】,請到英籍當紅製作人Paul Epworth (Block Party、U2、New Order)操盤,甫推出便空降全英冠軍+愛爾蘭Top8,美國要到2008年初才問世,台灣樂迷有幸提早嚐鮮品味。首支主打歌“Foundations”,從英國金榜187名一躍至亞軍席次,蟬聯五週之久,以Acoustic吉他夾雜大量電子音線輔佐,併入強烈電吉他迎耳襲來,表達對戀人種種不滿的嚴厲語詞,戳破童話故事的美好情節;輕盈鋼琴包覆引出“Mouthwash”,可在週五夜晚隨之起舞的甜美佳作,入選第二波強勢主攻;於獨立廠初次見面的“Birds”,套入Acoustic新民謠味覺呈現,加值收錄新輯之中;像個頑皮的音樂家秀出最鬼靈精怪之樂曲編排,“Mariella”盡興玩出多齣不按牌理出牌的可愛跳躍橋段;短小精悍的“Pumpkin Soup”,迴繞舞曲能量散射出的放克節拍,不到三分鐘的鋪陳,著實令人回味再三;聽畢“Skeleton Song”後也許你會聯想到Lily Allen,但腦中卻也浮現如Bjork的才氣質感。Kate Nash一手打造的音樂異想世界會讓人上癮、愛不釋手,讓你腦中呈現多樣奇情畫面。

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