Pixie Lott's new look in the 'Gravity' video

Her fourth UK singlefrom her debut album "Turn It Up."

琵希洛特 Pixie Lott - 希望盛開 Turn It Up

Label Mercury
Release Date Sep 15, 2009

turned her into something of a European sensation in 2009. Lott does indeed possess no small measure of mischief, blatantly lifting phrasing from Beyonc? Rihanna, Amy Winehouse, Duffy, and Joss Stone in equal measure but getting away with her magpie act through the sheer impish force of her personality. Of course, she's assisted by a strong set of songs, several co-written by Lott herself, that walk a line between classic and contemporary, a divide reminiscent of Mark Ronson productions, sometimes bringing to mind a lighter, brighter Back to Black. Despite this fondness for swinging girl group sounds and Pixie's predilection for belting out the songs, Turn It Up doesn't play as a retro-soul throwback, the way Winehouse or Duffy do. Lott never attempts to seem wiser than her years, not even during the mellow funk vamp of "The Way the World Works" or the Carole King groove of "Jack," and the production is wisely, slyly modern, playing with Auto-Tune on "Gravity," allowing Pixie to mimic Beyonc?s attack on "Band Aid" or groove on the irresistible "Shut Up and Drive" rewrite "Turn It Up." Sonically, it's just enough of a twist on tradition to be familiar, and fresh enough to be considerably appealing, as is Lott herself. Blessed with little of the showiness affectations of the X-Factor/American Idol generation, she can sell a song and inject it with age-appropriate enthusiasm that sustains her through the moments when Turn It Up glides by on its surface, while making the album -- at its best -- pretty damn infectious, too. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine

2009 debut album by the British singer, songwriter and actress. Though she is only 18, Pixie has already been the subject of a bidding war between labels and, after signing with Mercury, she has collaborated with a number of high profile songwriters for this debut. On Turn It Up, Pixie collaborates with numerous talents including Cutfather and Jonas Jeburg (Kylie, Pussycat Dolls), Red One (Lady Gaga's 'Just Dance') and others. Features the singles 'Mama Do (Uh Oh, Uh Oh)' and 'Boys And Girls'. Mercury.

Recording information: Gad Studio, Ibiza; Henson Studios, Los Angeles, CA; Strawberrybee Studio, New York, NY; Swamp Studio, West Hampstead, UK.

Photographers: Michael Labica; Sandrine Dulermo.

初試啼聲驚人連創兩首空降英國金榜冠軍單曲"Mama Do"、"Boys And Girls"
Lady Gaga、小野貓、碧昂絲、莉莉艾倫…等歌手超強幕後製作群全力打造

新世代流行女歌手的活潑可愛,傳統靈魂樂女歌手的深沉與成熟,這兩種相對的特質,在年僅18歲的英國小女生Pixie Lott身上卻完美地調和,創造出一種超迷人的流行音樂酷感。以時尚造型搭配令人驚嘆的嗓音,一身舞蹈功力還具備了譜寫節奏感十足的創作才華,Pixie Lott一出道就連創"Mama Do"、"Boys And Girls"兩首英國金榜冠軍曲,成為英國近年來首位沒有歌唱選秀節目的光環,卻照樣能締造空降排行冠軍的女歌手。

來自英國東南部肯特郡,小時候的Pixie調皮好動,朋友便給她取了有調皮小精靈意思的綽號-‘Pixie’。她在唸書時就展現了歌唱與跳舞的才華,讓她贏得英國老字號Italia Conti戲劇藝術學院的獎學金,隨後參與音樂劇「Chitty Chitty Bang Bang」演出及Roger Waters(前Pink Floyd貝斯手)的專輯錄製。14歲的Pixie看到英國週報「The Stage」上尋找才藝美少女的廣告,她帶著半信半疑的態度前去面試,沒想到這個廣告最終將她帶到紐約並展開了音樂冒險。隨著Pixie在MySpace上發表的歌曲數量激增,歐美各家主流唱片公司紛紛搶著跟她簽約,最後被英國的Mercury以及美國的Interscope兩家大廠簽下唱片合約。在長達一年半的專輯製作期間,Pixie與歐美流行樂壇的製作高手—Phil Thronalley [*娜塔莉暢銷曲"Torn"]、Cutfather & Jonas Jeburg [*小野貓]、Red One [*Lady Gaga冠軍曲"Just Dance"]、Greg Kurstin [*莉莉艾倫]、Toby Gad [*碧昂絲]與Kara DioGuardi [*「美國偶像」評審兼詞曲創作家]等,創作出一首首深富聽覺吸引力的歌曲。

首張專輯【Turn It Up】裡的歌曲,有怦然心動與黯然神傷的愛情故事,也有美夢成真與夢想幻滅的青春紀事。像是描寫在夜裡偷溜去約會的英國金榜冠軍曲"Mama Do";訴說一對戀人處於分手狀態,卻依然維持好友關係的輕快戀歌"Turn It Up";具有Alicia Keys鋼琴情歌風格,在歌曲中描寫著要對方接受戀情破裂的事實,俏皮的反映90年代後期青少年戀愛心理學的分手情歌"Cry Me Out";把情感關係的拉扯感覺比喻成高空彈跳的動人情歌"Gravity"。Pixie Lott的歌曲快樂卻不輕浮,歌詞筆鋒犀利絕不無病呻吟,她只是一個18歲的小女生,只想用最真誠的情感去唱自己有所體會的歌,然後一直以這樣的方式唱下去。

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