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Midem 2010 - Tuesday AM Update


  • The full MIDEM trade show was in full swing熱烈進行中 yesterday and it's now official: attendance出席人數 is down 13%. Many companies sent fewer delegates代表 and Universal has no presence at all.  But combining MidemNet with the Midem ticket was a big hit with higher attendance and more excitement from a broader cross section of attendees. Many are calling this year's program the best yet.
  • Two additional MidemNet 相關方案related initiatives are also very popular . 座無虛席Standing room only crowds have been regular occurrences at both MidemNet Lab, a showcase of 15 music tech startups and MidemNet Academy, a smaller seminar area offering practical digital advice. People are now looking for answers ar MIDEM in addition to making deals.
  • There has been lots of deal making going on at The A2IM Midem Pavilion. This hub of activity showcases over 100 U.S. based independent music companies in a single area. And those end of the day cocktail parties don't hurt popularity...
  • Lots of great response to our Topspin NARM Hello Music Hypebot Meetup tonight.  Get there early.

More Midem 2010 Deals & Announcements


  • MusicDNA 被吹捧為繼任者is being touted as the successor to the MP3. It is based on an MP3 file, but also displays everything from lyrics, artwork and tour dates to blog posts, videos and tweets within a custom player. If it is a合法購買的 legitimately purchased file, the added content automatically updates whenever the player is connected to the net.  The company behind MusicDNA, Bach Technology, worked on the development of the MP3 and Karlheinz Brandenburg, the 發明者inventor of the MP3 and Bach investor joined them at MIDEM for the launch.
  • EU digital distributor [PIAS] Entertainment Group have partnered with Digital Animal (direct sales), MAM Logistic (physical goods fulfillment實體供應) and direct to fan marketing platform Topspin Media to launch [PIAS] D2C, a range of services that provide [PIAS] related repertoire owners with集成的電子商務功能 integrated e-commerce capabilities.
  • RightsFlow, a provider of bulk mechanical licensing and royalty services, announced an agreement with UK copyright organization PRS for Music to allow RightsFlow to identify and license PRS for Music works for mechanical uses in the United States.  The project allows UK artists to receive royalties from digital transactions in the United States even when the content does not have North American representation.
  • Industry vets Seymour Stein (Sire Records) and Richard Gottehrer (The Orchard) announced they are relaunching the old Blue Horizon label at a press conference Monday.



BACH公司是該項技術的開發者,MP3格式的開發者和索尼音樂的前高管都是該公司的投資者。該公司辦事處位於挪威、德國和中國,並與德國弗朗霍夫數位媒體技術學院(Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology)形成合作夥伴關係。CEO Stefan Kohlmeyer說,公司正在同相關的音樂企業、網路零售商和樂隊等進行聯繫,並收到很好的回饋。BACH還將允許一些公司用自己的商標發佈新格式的音樂檔以加速其推廣。他們還鼓勵開發者為MusicDNA格式開發新的播放軟體。


MIDEM Continues

  • I hosted the afternoon of MidemNet yesterday and lead a great panel on Monetization and Live Music.  You can check out videos of it and all the other panels here.
  • Some companies to pay attention to: MusicDNA (think mp3 on steroids) MOG (this real comer hosted well attended party last night with DJ Rapture), (fan or brand sponsored music sponsorship platform), Silva Screen Music (exlporing some interesting projects in the soundtrack space), Slow Joe (Indian Street musician meets a modern French blues band), Artist Garage, (popular music liscenging site going global).
  • We've added partners Hello Music and NARM for the Topspin Hypebot Hello NARM Meetup on Tuesday night. It's at 7:30pm - 11:00pm at Morrison's Lounge Cannes 10 Rue Teissere in Cannes.  RSVP on Facebook

MIDEM 2010 So Far

( #MIDEM ) They say they numbers are down about 10% over last year to closer to 7000 attendees, but on the streets and cafes it seems as busy as always. They included admission to MidemNet in the MIDEM badge this year, so numbers their appeared to be up. A few highlights and impressions:

  • image from MySpace really appears to get that they have problems and are working hard to turn them around. It's easy to be skeptical that it won't work, but wouldn't it be better for the music industry if we have choices beyond the less music friendly Facebook?
  • I wrote briefly about Follow Out Boy bassist Peter Wentz and Gina Bianchini of NING's Midem chat. I wish that they'd gotten more into their Friends Or Enemies project - a collective social network for Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco, Cobra Starship. The concept of sharing fans has a lot of potential.
  • I did not write about the MIDEM chat with Pharrell Williams because its best watched. He's very bright, driven and quite humble. Inspirational, I think, particularly if your on the creative end. Midem has it and lots of video from yesterday here.
  • Fortunately they don't have video of my 5 minute presentation on music monetization. I like what I wrote but not how I delivered it.  I'll try to get the text up here or on MidemNet soon.
  • The trade show opens today and I'm excited to see what's up. The MidemNet Labs startup area has real potential as does Midem+.
  • I'll have some coverage throughout the day (Sunday), but am playing MC to the gathering in the afternoon. Stuart Dredge from Music Ally is live blogging here and providing great coverage
  • Don't forget the Topspin Hypebot and Hello Music Meetup on Tuesday evening.

Fall Out Boy Wentz & Ning's Bianchini At MIDEM


Follow Out Boy bassist Peter Wentz and Gina Bianchini, The CEO of social networking platform NING are at MIDEM to talk about Friends Or Enemies.  The site is a collective social network for Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco, Cobra Starship and a number of other artists.
Other artists using Ning include Good Charlotte, Hollywood Undead, All American Rejects and 50 Cent.
Wentz: "We always wanted to have a cohesive community." "It's a great time to be in music and a horrible time to be in music." "

MySpace CEO VanNatta At MIDEM

This afternoon's MidemNet conversation is with MySpace CEO Owen VanNatta. The highlights:

  • MySpace is following the lead of Sonicbids and ReverbNation and linking with SoundExcange. They have already identified 25,000 artists that are owed $15 million 
  • Site has 180,000 playlists
  • 7% page view growth
  • 92% growth in unique users year over year
  • 30% growth just this past month
  • MySpace Music just launched in Australia and New Zealand
  • Now the #1 music site in Australia
  • Recently launched in UK and users are responding well
  • On the iLike purchase:  MySpace acquired great talent and the largest music app across other social networks. MySpace want to do more of that.
  • On imeem, VanNatta saying they picked the pieces after the company shut down primarily to take try to migrate their users.

#Midem: Global Music 消費調查Consumption Survey


8500 interviews in 13 countries

  • 63% are passionate狂熱的 about music
  • 14% would listen to music every minute of the day if they could.
  • Streaming a favorite delivery method最喜歡的傳送方式 for 21%
  • 29% admit to downloading without paying
  • 30% bought a CD in the last month
  • 11% bought a download within the month
  • Video via mobile growing fastest in emerging markets
  • 42% went to a concert last year
  • 16% bought a concert DVD in last year
  • 19% bought t-shirt / merch.
  • Many OK with listening to an ad to download (45%) and stream (41%)

More soon on

全球音乐消费者调查报告 by terry






Action Begins #Midem: The Artist's Perspective


On the artist's panel Amanda Palmer told about how sharing her frustration with her record label - i.e. when they told her she looked fat in her photos - cemented her relationship with her fans.

  • Palmer opened with ukulele and a short version of Radiohead's "Creep". Watch
  • Palmer remains constantly connected with her fans.  She twittered within 1 minute of waking up ("The light was so beautiful in my room".) and seconds before she walked on stage telling her fans where to watch the stream of her panel.
  • Hal Ritson, The Young Punx and Musical Director, Dizzee Rascal Live (UK) - He treats the right bloggers as Gods.  They get music first - before the mainstream press. Carefully manages the release of his content across platforms.
  • Ritson barely worries about actually selling records and concentrates on finding other revenue streams like sponsorships.
  • "We all know all these things - Facebook, Twitter, etc.  "The trick is to use them personally and professionally," sats Ritson.
  • Palmer playing out on the street for her fans at 6:30.

MIDEM Update & How To Follow The Action


I arrived Cannes Thursday evening before the start of the MIDEM gathering. All the usual suspects are just starting to appear. The first thing that I noticed, however, was that their was no main sponsor billboard above the main entrance of the Palais. Perhaps its still to go up, but I remember the ,assive Napster banner being installed already in 2009.

Are the days of the massive flashy sponsorships over? The big parties have given way to smaller, and I think more fun gatherings like our Topspin Hypebot meetup coming on Tuesday. Sonicbids sure got their money's worth with their banners the only ones over the entrance.

On The Ground In Cannes For #MIDEM(short for Marché International du Disque et de l'Edition Musicale)

I arrived Cannes Thursday evening before the start of the MIDEM gathering. All the usual suspects are just starting to appear. The first thing that I noticed, however, was that their was no main sponsor billboard above the main entrance of the Palais. Perhaps its still to go up, but I remember the ,assive Napster banner being installed already in 2009.

Are the days of the massive flashy sponsorships over? The big parties have given way to smaller, and I think more fun gatherings like our Topspin Hypebot meetup coming on Tuesday. Sonicbids sure got their money's worth with their banners the only ones over the entrance.

作為音樂界內最大規模的聚會,2010年MIDEM國際音樂展(Musikmesse Midem)日前在法國戛納開幕。音樂發行商、唱片公司、音樂家和經理人們將連續5天聚集一堂,而主辦方還希望世界各地的網上音樂平臺提供商一起參與本次盛會。

  來自瑞士巴塞爾(Basle)的數字音樂市場專家格特.羅倫納德(Gert Leonhard)要求音樂展必須組織對於在線音樂統一費率模式的討論。展會本身也必須處理此類由新型產業、採取新商業模式的供應商以及新技術所帶來的問題,否則無法繼續發展。


  最近幾年正版音樂在線銷售量的增加不大,而每首1歐元的標價也實在太貴。羅倫納德指出:“業內人士不能獲得更多收入,也無法控制消費者的行為。”英國樂隊Radiohead的吉他手埃德.奧布萊恩(Ed O’Brian)呼籲:“整個行業必須加速自我發展。很多14至16歲的孩子沒有信用卡用以購買正版音樂,人們要在這周內解決這個問題。”但羅倫納德認為目前音樂行業通過自身的努力依然不可能改變現狀,隻有立法機關能夠打破僵局。

  國際音樂經理人論壇的前任主席彼得.詹納(Peter Jenner)在一篇博客文章中戲稱歐盟委員會為“救世主”。歐盟的競爭和媒體委員們已明確認識到,數字化發行與傳統的唱片銷售方式相比,是“一種完全不同的存在”。詹納在文中寫到,歐盟立法者對於“擴大集體授權、統一許可証費率以及獲得版權費賠償的權利”都發表了意見。羅倫納德也認為歐盟的監管機構應該能夠有所作為。


法國坎城國際唱片展 盧廣仲范曉萱精彩獻藝
參加2010年法國坎城MIDEM國際唱片展的三代表團:盧廣仲、巴奈&Message樂團以及范曉萱&100%樂團,於1月25日在坎城著名表演場地-Hotel Martinez(馬丁尼茲大飯店)舉行的臺灣之夜演出再傳捷報,三種節截然不同音樂風格的演出,不但令在場專業音樂人士驚豔,全程兩小時的精彩表演,讓在場觀眾掌聲、尖叫聲不斷,贏得一場成功的勝仗,為這次的法國行畫下完美句點。









戛納唱片展演出 流行樂手提高國際知名度
中華娛樂網 2010/1/27




許秋煌在記者會上告訴媒體,台灣樂手在全中國和亞洲其它地方十分受歡迎。他說:“對台灣而言,與國際音樂產業界接觸,以及讓台灣樂手在各國聽眾前演出,十分重要。” 寫歌同時是電台主持人的陳樂融告訴法新社,台灣的現場演奏音樂十分蓬勃,而台灣的音樂產業不像許多鄰近國家,並未受到猖獗的非法音樂下載影響。



韓國今天則首度在坎城唱片展演出最佳韓國流行樂。韓國流行樂目前在國際間受高度歡迎,尤其是女子樂團Wonder Girls,近來進入告示牌排行榜100首熱門單曲榜(Billboard Hot 100),成為韓國第一個進入排名榜的樂團或歌手。

期待乘勝追擊效果,韓國此次在戛納推介5人女子樂團f(x)及嘻哈樂團Epik High。

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