This guest post comes from Robb McDaniels, the founder & CEO of top tier digital distributor INgrooves.
"Wow – 2010 was quite a year!"
Over the past few weeks, the music bloggers and industry experts have been putting out their lists for everything that happened in 2009 and predictions for 2010. Well, I like to try to stay a step ahead, so I am going to go ahead and write my Top Ten Happenings for 2010. The year may be a few weeks old, but it’s over for me!
1. Why not start with the biggest – Apple launched a streaming subscription service訂購服務! I know, I’m really going out on a limb with this one (especially given Apple’s purchase of Lalag. 收購在线音乐服务商) but I promise to make a bolder iTunes prediction below.
2. Spotify launched in the US with only a very limited, scaled down free version (30 day trial?) and became larger than iTunes in more than 50% of the EU territories where they are both live.
3. Terra Firma spun off EMI Publishing as a public entity 將版權部獨立出來and sold EMI Music to Warner Music Group at a 50% discount to the purchase price 以50%的折扣賣給華納音樂(the value of just the recorded music side – so probably less than $1b now大概不到10億美元).
4. Amazon bought eMusic and Microsoft/Zune bought Real/Rhapsody
5. Google’s new Nexus phone actually began to compete with the iPhone, taking 8-10% market share in the US by the end of the year (I don’t think it is a coincidence that this is similar to Amazon’s digital market share after the first year in operation)
6. Independent labels increased market share by 3% in North America; they have had more access to distribution and more major label artists have been dropped.
7. An ISP in Europe or Canada became the first one to charge it’s users a monthly surcharge for unlimited music based on amount of consumption – it seems to work for mobile phones and cable TV, so why not music?
8. Mid-year 2010 marked the low point for sales in the industry – my god they have started to rise again!
9. Everything eBooks, Apps and online TV/films! Digital music is so 5 minutes ago.
10. And finally…since I promised it. iTunes allowed music to be sold as part of a subscription service directly from an artist application- finally merging the app, subscription models and music downloads into one product.
11. iTunes launched “MyTunes” where you can customize and design your own iTunes store so that you only see content from labels and artists that you want to see and purchase.- Oh, I couldn’t resist one more iTunes speculation- Robb McDaniels, Founder & CEO, INgrooves
德國在2009年中數位音樂的銷售額增長了20%,聯邦音樂工業協會的發言人Sebastian Knöll表示“增長的潛力還很大,因為德國人不喜歡通過互聯網付費”。另外一個原因是德國的線上音樂銷售還很滯後:物理格式的唱片,如CD、密紋唱片(LP)和DVD仍占市場份額的90%。IFPI主席John Kennedy說,美國已經佔據數位音樂市場40%-50%的份額。
2009年網上銷售額最高的是Lady Gaga的歌曲《Poker Face》,這首流行歌曲有統計的收費下載次數為980萬次;第二名是Black Eyed Peas的《Boom Boom Pow》,下載次數為850萬次;第三名是Jason Mraz的《I'm Yours》,下載次數為810萬次。音樂行業占到全球所有數位內容銷售總額的27%,此外遊戲占32%、電影占5%、報紙占4%、雜誌占2%。2009年,有超過1100萬首歌曲在網上銷售,而2003年只有約100萬首。(編譯自heise.de)