Now that Gabriella Cilmi is 18, she’s ready to sex things up. And the message is clear, Gabriella is a woman on a mission. Check out a preview of her new single and some new promotional photos.

Gabriella has once more teamed up with Xenomania on her forthcoming album, but also had help from Greg Kurstin (Lily Allen, Kylie Minogue, Little Boots, Ke$ha). The album is said to be heavily influenced by the 70s and 80s, taking inspiration from Blondie, Donna Summer and Flashdance. Could she be a new gay icon in the making? If you’re not sure, listen to the Wideboys remix of ‘I’m On a Mission‘.

Gabriella Cilmi: On A Mission (video premiere)

If you were wondering whether Gabriella Cilmi’s return would live up to the hoo-ha we made yesterday, we strongly advise you to watch her video to new single ‘On A Mission‘. Visually she’s mixing up Kylie, Little Boots and Barbarella while a stomping disco backing helps turn the whole thing into one stupendous explosion of fun.

Based on this new song and video, we expect Gabi has a lot to look forward to in 2010.

Label Universal Records Asai / Zoom
Release Date Oct 14, 2008

International pressing of the 2008 debut album from the Aussie singer/songwriter featuring one bonus track: 'Echo Beach'. Lessons To Be Learned was produced by the ever-popular Xenomania, also responsible for acts like Sugababes and others Often compared to Amy Winehouse without any addictions, Cilmi (pronounced 'chill me') is a young talent with Pop hooks to match her good looks. Already wowing the UK and Europe with her sophisticated Pop, Cilmi is one of the few artists assured for world domination in 2008. If not, then we'll just have to come over to your house and destroy your drapes...and you wouldn't want that, would you? 12 tracks including the single 'Sweet About Me'. Island.

動人小品“Sweet About Me”搶下澳洲冠軍+英國TOP6~成為澳洲史上最年輕的奪冠者

若是你對Amy Winehouse、Duffy或是Adele這些英國復古靈魂樂新勢力感到驚艷不已,那麼請注意這位來自墨爾本、年僅16歲的小女生Gabriella Cilmi,將從澳洲出發,準備踏上國際舞台散發全然魅力。

從小在充滿音樂的環境下長大,父親迷戀美籍新浪潮/龐克大團Blondie、母親鍾愛英國硬式/華麗搖滾代表之一Sweet、叔叔則在車庫搖滾樂團中賣力演出,三歲被雷鬼饒舌紅星Shaggy的歌曲逗得手舞足蹈,揚名國際Silverchair的專輯是Gabriella七歲時買下的生平第一張唱片,寬廣的接受度從Nina Simone到Led Zeppelin都不放過。以14歲稚齡替電影「我的同班靚女Hating Alison Ashley」合力撰寫兩首插曲,並贏得華納唱片執行長Michael Parisi賞識,安排她在當地音樂祭典上獻聲初亮相,不僅征服台下所有長輩們挑剔的雙耳,更飛赴英美兩地洽談合約事宜,一口氣拿下四張主流公司的入場券,最後決定簽給名廠Island。

Gabriella的首航大碟【Lessons To Be Learned】大展創作真本事,請到超級製作團隊Xenomania(凱莉米洛、雪兒、寵物店男孩)齊力譜寫製作,直奔澳洲亞軍+英國Top8。包裹在躍動式的Funky搖滾氣流竄升之“Save The Lies”作開場,會發現Gabriella的狂野不輸Anastacia和Taylor Dayne,更不可思議驚覺這竟會是才16歲的小妹妹聲音;濃郁動人的Soulful小品“Sweet About Me”,很有Joss Stone剛出道時的相同氣勢與白人靈魂高質感,已搶下澳洲NO.1並寫下澳洲排行榜史上最年輕獲冠者紀錄,英國也衝進Top6席次;踩著輕快步伐高聲演唱“Got No Place To Go”,將時光轉換到70年代的復古風情,不斷挑逗聽覺感應的散發多變聲音頻率;透著不妥協搖滾霸氣的“Don`t Want To Go To Bed Now”,宣洩過癮的鄉村藍調律動;以順耳鋼琴線條勾引之“Safer”搭上絃樂柔美伴隨,譜出一幅動人圖像;超齡的性感之作“Cigarettes And Lies”,完全沉浸在爵士的慵懶和即興調調裡頭。百變且揮灑自若的Gabriella流露著純淨靈性,又兼具狂放不羈的野性,這位小妮子的功力絕對要你刮目相看!

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