Label Octone
Release Date Nov 10, 2009
6025 271 987-98

新世代另類/金屬搖滾界超級製作人Howard Benson再度操盤

2006到2007年間,Flyleaf/飛葉樂團在世界各大城市巡演,和怒金屬天團Korn共享一個舞台,以首張專輯『Flyleaf』盤踞告示牌專輯榜長達133週之久,攻進重金屬專輯榜Top5及搖滾專輯榜Top15,挾著這些耀眼的成績,Flyleaf讓樂迷久等了!2009年最新專輯【Memento Mori】將引領你再度進入由Lacey Mosley放情嘶吼嗓音、穿透力十足的女聲搖滾和團員所共同營造的美妙暗黑氛圍。

生命之所以珍貴就在於它的易逝,Flyleaf沈潛之後推出的第二張大碟【Memento Mori】,吶喊出對生命的醒悟,也帶給樂迷新的領會。在這沈潛的四年中,貝斯手Pat說:「我們都經歷了一些生命的消逝,雖然哀傷,但死亡會讓你覺得活著真好。」也因此,新專輯的名字開門見山的選擇了拉丁文的Memento Mori(謹記死亡時刻終將來到)。專輯中14首歌互相關聯卻又能各自獨立成為一篇故事,主唱Lacey形容的好:「聆聽這張專輯就像搭上一列心靈雲霄飛車,每一個節拍都會讓我忍不住屏住呼吸,死亡這個議題毫無疑問地,絕對會讓人覺得有點沈重又喘不過氣來。」就在專輯發行前夕,他們遠赴阿富汗境內一個靠近巴基斯坦邊界的美軍基地,用“Circle”和“Chasm”這兩首新歌振作起一千名隨時處在生死邊緣的美國大兵的心。

在製作人Howard Benson號召之下,Flyleaf五名團員再度聚首,延續首張專輯的嘶裂吶喊,主唱Lacey再度展現不讓鬚眉的氣度,淋漓盡致的狂飆出每一句歌詞。首支單曲“Again”以鼓點重拍加上吉他弦音的攀升,吶喊出“希望”的真實;“Beautiful Bride”展現的是團員聚合產生的火花,隨手俯拾皆是美妙樂音;“This Close”背景不斷重複的旋律聲線將會一直盤旋在腦海;以高亢吉他刷奏引領而出的“Missing”不止是對生命的省思,更是對“愛”的存在必要性發出強烈呼喊;“Set Apart This Dream”及“Tiny Heart”兩首歌盡顯Lacey嘶吼嗓音的溫柔轉折,娓娓道出對妹妹的心聲--在最深的暗黑境地終會發現一絲光亮;一開始輕拍行進的“Arise”在副歌吶喊出的不止是對生命終結的恐懼,也是希望的重生。14首歌,14個故事,也是Flyleaf的14種生命歷程,讓你體悟死亡,面對未知的恐懼。

Memento Mori is the upcoming sophomore studio album by American rock band Flyleaf. The title is a Latin phrase meaning "Be mindful of death" or "remember you will die." The album was produced by Howard Benson and will be released on November 10, 2009.

Alternative Press (p.108) - 3 stars out of 5 -- "MEMENTO MORI is a good album, with the awesome 'Set Apart This Dream' and 'Again' shining with their anthemic choruses and deft use of pop melody.".

Lacey Mosley
Sameer Bhattacharya
Jared Hartmann
Pat Seals
James Culpepper

It's about 4 years now since Flyleaf released their self-titled debut album in 05'. Since the album has been certified Platinum and were even able to gain some mainstream success with single "All Around Me." Now back with their sophomore effort the band have defined their sound but weren't afraid to try some new things. Also noticeable is lead Lacey Mosley has ditched the screaming and lays down some of her best vocals yet. They've grown together and have still managed to deliver some great songs, making this a good effort. Fans who have been waiting should not be disappointed. Be sure to check it out and BUY YOUR COPY NOVEMBER 10TH!!

1. Beautiful Bride
2. Again
3. Chasm
4. Missing
5. This Close
6. The Kind
7. In The Dark
8. Set Apart This Dream
9. Swept Away
10. Tiny Heart
11. Melting (Interlude)
12. Treasure
13. Circle
14. Arise

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