Label Brushfire
Discs 2
Release Date Oct 27, 2009

Jack Johnson was one of the '00's most surprising success stories; an ex-professional surfer who's music matched James Taylor-esque mellow singer-songwriter fare with a Deadhead-style hippie vibe and positive messages, he seemed the polar opposite ... Full Descriptionof the slickly produced, bombastic pop and hip-hop that ruled the airwaves. His understated approach struck a chord with fans looking or something easy and breezy, quickly turning him into a major concert attraction and chart phenomenon. EN CONCERT reveals that Johnson's appeal isn't limited to American college kids, following the soft-spoken singer/guitarist on his tour of sold-out venues around the world. Along the way, the Hawaii native is joined by influences G. Love, Ben Harper, and Eddie Vedder, as well as contemporaries Mason Jennings and Matt Costa, but whether at the Bercy in Paris or Colorado's Red Rocks amphitheater, the spotlight always belongs to Johnson, his plainspoken, R&B-inflected vocals and deceptively catchy tunes speaking a universal language of hope, joy, and relaxed, thoughtful living.



2008年,生涯中最盛大的世界巡演,為傑克強森創造了無數動人的時刻,成就了他生平第一張原音精選【En Concert】。像是散發著親和力的暢銷曲"If I Had Eyes",與西雅圖搖滾名團Pearl Jam主唱Eddie Vedder同台合唱的真情小品"Constellations",獲得葛萊美獎提名的作品"Sitting, Waiting, Wishing",全美抒情榜冠軍曲"Flake";傑克強森還把自己的創作曲與喜愛的搖滾歌手作品來個混搭組曲的演唱,譬如"Do You Remember"中混搭了迷幻搖滾傳奇Jimi Hendrix的作品"Remember";還以描述物質生活的"The Horizon Has Been Defeated"混搭了民謠搖滾歌手Paul Simon的名曲"Mother And Child Reunion",或是把輕快逗趣的"Bubble Toes"跟放克/靈魂樂團Charles Wright & The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band的經典名曲"Express Yourself"兜在一塊兒。

本輯DVD則由傑克強森的好友兼老闆導演Emmett Malloy操刀,他全程參與了傑克強森的歐洲巡迴,他認為此片紀錄著一個藝人與樂迷間最真誠的關係,而其中最令他難忘的一幕,就是他拿著攝影機站在傑克身後,目睹兩萬名巴黎歌迷手中拿著打火機或手機,與傑克一同唱著“Better Together”,也是他此生見過最大且最美的合聲。這張DVD完整紀錄了這次歐洲巡迴的精華演出。如果說你偶爾會忘記什麼叫做生活的美好,你可以來聽聽看這張精選的主人,傑克強森。

1.Belle / Banana Pancakes 漂亮女孩/香蕉煎餅 –出自專輯「仲夏夜之夢」
2.If I Had Eyes 如果看見 -出自專輯「夢想國度」
3.Do You Remember / Remember你記得嗎-出自專輯「仲夏夜之夢」/記得
4.Sleep Through The Static 夢想國度 -出自專輯「夢想國度」
5.Flake 碎片 -出自專輯「虛擬故事」
6.Bubble Toes / Express Yourself腳趾情歌 -出自專輯「虛擬故事」/表達自己
7.Wasting Time 揮霍人生 -出自專輯「永不止息」
8.What You Thought You Need 你以為你需要 -出自專輯「夢想國度」
9.Country Road with Paula Fuga 鄉村道路 –夏威夷雷鬼歌手寶拉合唱
10.Staple It Together 緊緊相扣 -出自專輯「仲夏夜之夢」
11.Sitting, Waiting, Wishing 坐著 等著 想著 -出自專輯「仲夏夜之夢」
12.Constellations with Eddie Vedder 星星的故事 -珍珠果醬主唱跨刀合唱,原曲出自專輯「仲夏夜之夢」
13.The Horizon Has Been Defeated / Mother And Child Reunion征服地平線 -出自專輯「永不止息」/母子重逢
14.Good People 好人 -出自專輯「仲夏夜之夢」
15.All At Once 就是現在 -出自專輯「夢想國度」
16.Gone 完了 -出自專輯「永不止息」
17. Home 家 –出自衝浪電影「A Brokedown Melody」原聲帶
18. Times Like These 這樣的時代 -出自專輯「永不止息」
19. Angel / Better Together 天使 -出自專輯「夢想國度」/最好在一起 -出自專輯「仲夏夜之夢」

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