Label Island
Release Date Nov 10, 2009

預購專輯版本:The Circle【CD+DVD首批限量盤】
出貨編號: 272 469-4
專輯條碼: 6025 272 469-49
批價: $ 430

邦喬飛 Bon Jovi - 天生領袖 We Weren't Born To Follow
6025 272 394-08

EU only four-track single includes the album version of the title track and three previously unreleased live tracks; Blaze of Glory, In These Arms and I'll Sleep When I'm Dead.

※2009年新碟首支主打單曲“We Weren't Born To Follow”,獲選為美國職棒大聯盟季後賽主題曲※

全球專輯總銷售突破一億張天量,入選史上50大搖滾樂團及名人堂之列的搖滾天團-邦喬飛,睽違兩年的2009最新專輯【The Circle】,首支主打單曲“We Weren't Born To Follow天生領袖”,MV收錄畫面包括:勇敢抗癌的自行車選手蘭斯阿姆斯壯、維京航空創辦人理察布蘭森、美國總統歐巴馬、英國黛安娜王妃、為黑人爭取民權的馬丁路德金恩牧師、喚起世人關注氣候問題的美國前副總統高爾,不過其中最引發討論的則是收錄1989年六四天安門的畫面。這首新歌推出後受到熱烈迴響,成為邦喬飛25年來電台播放成績攀升最快的一首單曲,同時獲選為美國職棒大聯盟季後賽主題曲。這張單曲還特別收錄了1990年他們在麥迪遜花園廣場演唱的三首經典曲目。

1. We Weren't Born To Follow
2. Blaze Of Glory - Live At Madison Square Garden/1990
3. In These Arms - Live At Madison Square Garden/1990
4. I'll Sleep When I'm Dead - Live At Madison Square Garden/1990

This one goes out to the man who minds the miracles
This one goes out the ones in need
This one goes out the sinner and the cynical
This ain't about no apology
This road was paved by the hopeless and the hungry
This road was paved by the winds of change
Walking beside the guilty and the innocent
How will you raise your hand when the call your name?

Yea, Yea, Yea,
We Weren’t born to follow
Come on and get up off your knees
When life is a bitter pill to swallow
You gotta hold on to what you believe
Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow
And that’s a saints and sinners pleas
We weren’t born to follow
You gotta stand up for what you believe
Let me hear you say
Yea, Yea, Yea, ooooohhh,, Yea

This ones about anyone who does it differently
This ones about the one who doesn’t sit and spits
This ain’t about our living in a fantasy
This ain’t about giving up or giving in

Yea, Yea, Yea,
We Weren’t born to follow
Come on and get up off your knees
When life is a bitter pill to swallow
You gotta hold on to what you believe
Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow
And that’s a saints and sinners pleas
We weren’t born to follow
You gotta stand up for what you believe
Let me hear you say
Yea, Yea, Yea, ooooohhh,, Yea

Let me hear you say
Yea, Yea, Yea, oooohhhhh, Yea


Yea, Yea, Yea,
We Weren’t born to follow
Come on and get up off your knees
When life is a bitter pill to swallow
You gotta hold on to what you believe
Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow
And that’s a saints and sinners pleas
We weren’t born to follow
You gotta stand up for what you believe
Let me hear you say
Yea, Yea, Yea, ooooohhh,, Yea

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