Paramore really hit it big time shortly after the release of sophomore album "Riot!" in 07'. The album has been certified platinum and their singles have managed to sell very well in the digital market. After touring the world and taking some time to record they are back with their third effort. Single "Ignorance" has peaked to #8 on the U.S. Billboard Alternative Songs and has even charted to #14 on the UK singles chart. As for the album Hayley and the boys came together and have made a well-rounded album from start to finish. Sounding more confident then ever the band have clearly grown up and it's shown musically and lyrically. It's one of those albums you give a listen to then go back to it and it sounds completely different the second time around (but in a good way). With each listen I'm loving it more so be sure to check this one out and BUY YOUR COPY SEPTEMBER 29TH!!

1. Careful
2. Ignorance
3. Playing God
4. Brick By Boring Brick

5. Turn It Off 06. The Only Exception
7. Feeling Sorry
8. Looking Up
9. Where The Lines Overlap
10. Misguided Ghosts
11. All I Wanted
12. Decode *Bonus


*躍升新世代Emo龐克代表團Paramore醞釀兩年新作、名搖滾大製作Rob Cavallo親自坐鎮操刀!


在這滿是陽剛味濃的搖滾區中,尤其是90年代標榜引領復古龐克風潮,或是宣洩情緒的Emo-Punk樂派,紛紛大行其道所佔領的新世代搖滾樂界,Paramore的出現,讓我們聽到在龐克樂中女性也能唱出的飆悍感,也懷念起一樣是女主唱Gwen Stefani率領的No Doubt當年的輝煌興盛。Paramore由髮色多變的女主唱Hayley Williams,鼓手Zac Farro,吉他/合音的Josh Farro兩兄弟、貝斯手Jeremy Davis與主奏吉他Taylor York架構而成。經歷2005年初聲試啼的首張專輯“All We Know Is Falling”,與醞釀兩年的驚艷之作“Riot!”之後,祭出「Misery Business」(主流搖滾榜#3)、「crushcrushcrush」(#2)等歌曲,皆得到滾石、AP搖滾雜誌大大讚揚,又被葛萊美獎提名為「最佳新進藝人」,初嚐到成功的滋味,加上受當紅電影【暮光之城:無懼的愛】邀約獨家譜寫主題曲,讓他們在2009年的Teen Choice Awards大放異彩,打敗Green Day、聯合公園等樂團,蟬聯兩屆、贏得青年票選最佳搖滾團體獎,「Decode」也贏得最佳搖滾歌曲獎,可見Paramore在人氣與實力方面,都是受到各界樂迷傳媒的一致肯定。

就在「Decode」還在延燒之際,Paramore又再度進入錄音室,錄製樂團的第三張錄音室專輯,請到在「Decode」中合作愉快的搖滾大牌製作人Rob Cavallo(Green Day、MCR)指揮坐鎮。對於2008年間曾因團員間不和而一度取消歐洲巡迴演唱,而一度引起各方揣測Paramore解散危機,Paramore表示:「人們愈是注意我們、我們的空間就愈變愈小,各種憤怒與情緒需要有個管道宣洩」,所幸,Hayley與團員們也都意識到了樂團的潛在危機,並且基於對音樂有著一致熱情及對樂迷的責任感,使得Paramore得以渡過危機繼續運行,而新專輯

“brand new eyes”就象徵著Paramore多方面的改革與蛻變,其中,由「ignorance」這支歌曲就可預見新專輯的大器,令人窒息的鼓擊與鏗鏘的吉他相互沒命追趕、一向直言不穢的Hayley以爆發力十足的歌聲唱出「ignorance is your new best friend」,毫不留情地將所有壓抑情緒猛烈發洩,並已登上告示牌另類搖滾單曲榜#7!Rob Cavallo也大大稱讚Paramore強大的爆發力,將怒氣轉為龐克正面能量,讓諸位再次見識到這支龐克樂隊強勁的搖滾霸氣與音樂野心!

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