Label Island
Release Date Sep 29, 2009
Additional Info Deluxe Edition; Digipak

R&B Diva Mariah Carey has been around ever since I was born pretty much. I remember having to endure my moms attempts to mimic her voice during car rides. It's crazy to say she is still around now and doing her thing. Now on her twelfth effort and still going strong, single "Obsessed" has peaked to #7 on the Billboard Hot 100. As for the rest of the album provides with what she over the last couple of years. Contemporary R&B but this time around it all just feels right. The upbeat mainstream and hip-hop-heavy melodies aren't so obvious in this effort. Carey revisits her roots and creates an album filled with big ballads and R&B tunes about love and heartbreak. It's a solid effort from Carey and is definitely worth a listen so check it out and BUY YOUR COPY SEPTEMBER 29TH!!

1. Betcha Gon Know
2. Obsessed
3. H.A.T.E.U.
4. Candy Bling
5. Ribbon
6. Inseparable
7. Standing O
8. Its A Wrap
9. Up Out My Face
10. Up Out My Face (The Reprise)
11. More Than Just Friends
12. The Impossible
13. The Impossible (The Reprise)
14. Angel (Prelude)
15. Angels Cry
16. Languishing (The Interlude)
17. I Want To Know What Love Is

A play on the title of Minnie Riperton's album PERFECT ANGEL, Mariah Carey's 12th career outing, MEMOIRS OF AN IMPERFECT ANGEL, sees the singer flexing her prodigious vocal gifts on 13 tracks structured like intimate conversations or entries ... Full Descriptionin a private diary. Written and produced by Carey along with a host of longtime collaborators including Bryan-Michael Cox, Jermaine Dupri, The Dream, and Tricky Stewart, the album features the hit single "Obsessed" along with a cover of Foreigner's classic `80s ballad "I Want to Know What Love Is."

凡預購瑪麗亞凱莉2009全新大碟【Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel初回精裝盤】,除了擁有全球同步發行之初回精裝盤外,還可以獲得瑪麗亞凱莉精美隨身鏡。

此時此刻 再創流行
精彩收錄首支全美TOP10單曲"Obsessed",及感動人心經典"I Want To Know What Love Is"
超值加收單曲"Obsessed" 4種混音版本

「專輯中的每一首歌都像是一段親密的細語或是掀開一頁私密的日記。」 by Mariah Carey

從1990年首張同名專輯連創4首冠軍單曲以來,瑪麗亞凱莉開啟了無法被超越的璀璨歌唱生涯,她在90年代每年都有單曲登上告示牌冠軍,更以短短不到10年的時間,超越眾家天后,成為最多冠軍單曲女歌手、最暢銷女歌手。時間來到21世紀,當其他歌手逐漸凋零,瑪麗亞凱莉依然站在世界的頂端,05年開創現代節奏藍調新格局的【天后再臨The Emancipation Of Mimi】,不僅抱回三座葛萊美大獎肯定,更是當年度銷售總冠軍。08年推出超白金銷售認證的【蝴蝶效應E=MC2】,單曲"Touch My Body"登上告示牌冠軍後,累積冠軍單曲數達到18首,成為最多冠軍單曲歌手,冠軍總週數則累積至79週,分別超越貓王與披頭四所保持的紀錄!

「每一首歌就像是一場私密的對話或是一篇私人日記。」09年最新作品【不完美天使Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel】,瑪麗亞凱莉邀來前兩張專輯的鑽石級製作陣容The-Dream、Tricky Stewart等再次打造,藉著三個不同角度姿態的分身在專輯封面上各顯風情,瑪麗亞凱莉以這張專輯分享她的各種情感面向,創作靈感也來自於她一路走來的人生故事。專輯首支單曲"Obsessed"的創作靈感來自於瑪麗亞凱莉非常喜歡的電影「辣妹過招」,她根據影片中的對白’why are you so obsessed with me?’,發想成一首調侃愛情跟蹤狂的歌曲,這首逗趣又令人怦然心動的流行/節奏藍調單曲成為她第27首全美熱門單曲榜TOP10單曲,同時也登上全美熱門單曲銷售榜冠軍與全美舞曲榜亞軍。

專輯裡最動人的情歌,當屬她重新詮釋抒情搖滾名團Foreigner 1984年冠軍經典"I Want To Know What Love Is",瑪麗亞的歌聲由真誠的靈魂告白唱法轉向昂揚直入雲霄的福音告解唱法,堪稱是她歌唱生涯中最精湛的一次老歌新唱演出。專輯中也佈滿著幽默風趣的嘲諷歌曲,像是"Up Out My Face"這首歌就直截了當的嗆男友走人;而"Standing O"這首歌則帶著諷刺語氣表揚不忠男友的“成就”;至於描寫任性情人自食惡果的"Betcha Gon’ Know (The Prologue)"裡,她還不忘引用歐普拉、芭芭拉華特斯等談話秀吐真言的笑點,製造苦中作樂的感覺。瑪麗亞凱莉的抒情唱功也是精準到位,像是她為這張專輯所寫下的第一首歌曲"H.A.T.E.U."中的唱腔,令人回想起她在90年代初期自然柔美的流行情歌韻味,她同時也以海豚音的高音唱法向啟發自己招牌風格的節奏藍調歌手Minnie Riperton的金曲"Lovin’ You"致敬。”Angels Cry”則以完美合聲堆疊出好比是”I Stay In Love”二部曲的感傷情懷。


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