Label Mercury
Release Date Aug 11, 2009
21 year-old Georgia newcomer Jessie James was lucky enough to get signed quickly shortly after releasing her demo recordings. They made their way to David Massey, president of Mercury Records which lead to her contract with Island/Def Jam. She quickly went to work on her debut album and released "Wanted" as her first single. It has peaked to #22 on the Pop 100 and #67 on the Billboard Hot 100. As for the album she delivers her pop/country sound with tracks reminiscent of hits from late-'90s pop acts. James has a voice that works with both genres and she mixes them well bringing a charged attitude to each track. It's a nice effort and I'm interested in seeing where this takes her. Check it out and BUY YOUR COPY AUGUST 11TH!!
1. Wanted
2. Bullet
3. I Look So Good (Without You)
4. Burnin' Bridges
5. Blue Jeans
6. My Cowboy
l7. Big Mouth
8. Burn It Up
9. Psycho Girlfriend
10. Inevitable
11. Girl Next Door
12. Guilty
★交付Pop Punk團SR-71靈魂人物Mitch Allan(Faith Hill、The Jonas Brothers)製作的“Wanted”飆至數位榜Top17席次;正夯怪怪女Katy Perry奉上“Bullet”和”Girl Next Door”兩首歌曲;“Blue Jeans”曾收錄於賣座電影「購物狂的異想世界」原聲帶★
擁有21歲的年輕氣息、美麗野性的討喜外型、超齡嗓音和絕不吹噓的創作能力,Jessie James入主流行/鄉村樂界最受矚目的耀眼新彗星。曾隻身前往鄉村樂大本營納許維爾尋求歌唱之夢,一方面磨練撰寫技能,另一方面認識志同道合的音樂人。錄製出的DEMO帶,接連令Mercury Records和Def Jam的總裁David Massey與L.A. Reid激賞不已,很快贏得一紙合約,進入環球國際音樂的大家庭懷抱。
首張同名專輯【Jessie James】甫問世,立即空降全美數位榜Top7+流行榜第23名。交付Pop Punk團SR-71靈魂人物Mitch Allan(Faith Hill、The Jonas Brothers)製作的“Wanted”,勁道十足的飆至數位榜Top17席次;正夯的怪怪女Katy Perry一口氣奉上“Bullet”和“Girl Next Door”兩首歌曲,散發狂放以及溫馴兩樣風情;第二波攻勢“I Look So Good (Without You)”,瀰漫性感的街頭異國味覺;“Blue Jeans”則率先出現於賣座電影「購物狂的異想世界Confessions Of A Shopaholic」原聲帶裡頭。
Diva outlaw Jessie James first caught a flash of attention with the hoedown-meets-crunk-jam "Blue Jeans." The call-and-response ode to the apparel's curves featured prominently in the 2009 summer movie CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC, and its offbeat ... Full Descriptionsensual drive and girl power themes stirred a minor buzz. Her self-titled debut, released later that same year, featuring said track, continues to frolic in the gulf between sultry-sweet pop strut and country girl coyness. However, while James is not averse to basking in a classic Nashville theme, as on "My Cowboy" or the Katy Perry co-penned "Bullet," or throw in a sizzling banjo in at the bridge, she is at heart a pop singer. Tracks like opening single "Wanted" and "Girl Next Door" bask in gigantic hooks as James hurls her soul into the simple, seductive rockers.
Recording information: Blackbird Studio, Nashville, TN; Mitch's Bedroom, North Hollywood, CA; Sleepwalker Studio, Studio City, CA; Garage Studio; Dub Room Studio, Los Angeles, CA; The Orphanage, Calabasas, CA; Wishbone, North Hollywood, CA; Rondor Studio; The Safe House, Burbank, CA.Entertainment Weekly (p.60) - "[H]er boots-and-beats debut is equal parts Carrie Underwood and Christina Aguilera."