Cobra Starship have come a long way since they released debut album "While the City Sleeps, We Rule the Streets" back in 06'. Now they are receiving more exposure then ever with latest single "Good Girls Gone Bad" featuring Leighton Meester which peaked to #10 on the Billboard Hot 100 this week. That makes it their most successful single to date and they hope to do the same with the new album. Going more into the dance/pop direction the band is having complete fun with this one. The album is filled with upbeat tracks that will have you moving for days. It may not be their best work lyrically but I don't think it's meant to be taken that way. It's a fun effort so Check it out and BUY YOUR COPY AUGUST 11TH!!

1. Nice Guys Finish Last
2. Pete Wentz Is The Only Reason We’re Famous
3. Good Girls Go Bad (Featuring Leighton Meester)
4. Fold Your Hands Child
5. You’re Not In On the Joke
6. Hot Mess
7. Living In The Sky With Diamonds
8. Wet Hot American Summer
9. The Scene Is Dead - Long Live The Scene
10. Move Like You Gonna Die
11. The World Will Never Do (Featuring B.o.B)
12. I May Be Rude But I’m The Truth (Bonus Track)
13. Cobras Never Say Die (Bonus Track)
14. Good Girls Go Bad (Suave Suarez on Pleasure Ryland Remix)
15. Good Girls Go Bad (Isom Innis Remix)
16. Good Girls Go Bad (Cash Cash Remix)

 結合電子合成音樂元素與暢快龐克搖滾的最潮樂團Cobra Starship!
 特別邀請影集【花邊教主】要角Leighton Meester合唱首支單曲「Good Girls Go Bad」

龐克名廠FBR旗下結合電子合成音樂元素與暢快龐克搖滾的最潮流樂團Cobra Starship,因為與Gym Class Heroes、瑞典新浪潮團The Sound以及The All-American Rejects等樂團中的成員一起替電影【飛機上有蛇】共同製作電影主題曲「Snakes On A Plane (Bring It)」,Cobra Starship因而聲名大噪。
Cobra Starship是由紐澤西EMO搖滾樂團Midtown中擔任詞曲與主唱的首腦Gabe Saporta,與貝斯手Alex Suarez、吉他手Ryland Blackinton、Keytar鍵盤手Victoria Asher以及鼓手Nate Navarro所組成,2006年,在Fall Out Boy貝斯手Pete Wentz引薦下,加入Wentz建立的Decaydance兄弟廠牌的Fueled by Ramen旗下,發行樂團首張專輯“While The City Sleeps, We Rule The Streets”,即獲得音樂權威網站All Music Guide四顆星推薦,並登上美國Top Heatseekers#1寶座,第二張專輯“¡Viva La Cobra!”也順利上榜美國告示牌主流搖滾專輯榜,也開始展開巡迴演唱,先是與Metro Station、The Cab等同輩巡迴,2008年再受龐克搖滾界指標性音樂盛會Warped Tour之邀,登上該盛會的主舞台表演。
2009年,樂團推出第三張錄音室專輯“Hot Mess”,請到S*A*M、Sluggo (Boys Like Girls、The Academy Is…)、曾替法國當紅電子團Justice混音、製作過Katy Perry、Britney Spears歌曲的Benny Blanco、Kevin Rudolf(Flo Rida、Kanye West)、Kara DioGuardi(Pink、Pussycat Dolls)、Fall Out Boy吉他手Patrick Stump等大牌名製作與詞曲創作人參與此專輯的譜寫與製作,打造出一張相當具可聽性十足的流行龐克電子搖滾專輯。首支單曲「Good Girls Go Bad」邀請了當紅美國影集【花邊教主Gossip Girl】中的要角Leighton Meester合作演唱,流行雜誌Nylon、Entertainment Weekly、滾石雜誌等皆給予積極的正面讚賞,歌曲中包含了吸引人的電子旋律,首次展露性感歌聲的Leighton與Gabe兩人,以啦啦隊隊呼方式互尬的歌曲橋段,逗趣且令人記憶深刻的節拍,肯定為此張專輯最受矚目的焦點;喜歡在歌曲名稱上搞笑的Cobra Starship,也寫了首「Pete Wentz Is The Only Reason We’re Famous」,當然就是為了感謝提拔他們的恩師Pete Wentz,展現樂團龐克底的堅強本質。Cobra Starship團員們不僅穿著新潮,更成功融會電子合成音樂元素與龐克搖滾的暢快節拍,因而廣受時下青年喜愛,並成為年輕人們追求流行的指標之一!

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    ☭ marselip0910 叶俊华™

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