Label J-Records
Release Date Mar 31, 2009
Soulful rocker Gavin McGraw follows up his well-received sophomore album with this 2009 release. The overall sound is a little more open and relaxed, with piano-based arrangements replacing the guitar-riffing of previous albums.Having released his self-titled sophomore album less then a year ago DeGraw quickly went to work on his new project. This time with a different approach to the recording process. He wanted to release a raw, organic-sounding recording that showcases his earthy charm and ever-evolving songwriting talent. That is exactly what we get with "Free" all of Gavin DeGraw. Most of these songs were written very early in DeGraw's career like "Dancing Shoes" & "Glass." He would preform them while on tour and such and he finally got the chance to record them. This is a great set for any Gavin DeGraw fan so, Check it out and BUY YOUR COPY MARCH 31ST!!
1. Indian Summer
2. Free
3. Stay
4. Mountains To Move
5. Glass
6. Lover Be Strong
06.Lover Be Strong - Gavin Degraw
7. Dancing Shoes
8. Waterfall
9. Why Do The Men Stray
Label J-Records
Release Date May 6, 2008
Following the success of his major-label debut, CHARIOT (later reissued with a bonus disc of acoustic versions called CHARIOT STRIPPED), New York singer-songwriter Gavin DeGraw returns with his self-titled second album. The album is just as ... Full Descriptionmelodic, mellow, and radio-friendly as his debut was, but overall GAVIN DEGRAW features stronger songwriting, as exemplified by the first single "In Love With A Girl" and the tender "Next To Me." Less sleepy than the likes of Jack Johnson or the Dave Matthews Band, Gavin DeGraw is a witty lyricist and tuneful songwriter in the style of Jason Mraz or Barenaked Ladies, both of whom he's toured with.Paste (magazine) (p.63) - "[H]e knows how to bend the notes and go for short vocal runs without overdoing it....Overall the record is easy on the ears."
◎唱片教父Clive Davis大力推存紐約實力偶像才子第二張專輯
◎專輯空降美國Top7,請到搖滾界炙手可熱的大師Howard Benson(My Chemical Romance、P.O.D.、Papa Roach)全權操盤
◎特收搭配電影「崔斯坦與伊索德」早於2006年率先暖身發行作「We Belong Together」;強力主打「In Love With A Girl」快速爬上美國成人抒情榜Top8+流行榜Top24
曾被當代唱片教父Clive Davis大力推存「將是位耀眼新星」、Time Out New York讚譽「來自紐約的秘密武器,他的創作融合Van Moorrison的人文與Billy Joel的細膩。」唱作俱佳的Gavin DeGraw,深受年輕樂迷的愛戴,「美國偶像」歌唱比賽四至六季連續三屆都出現翻唱高頻率,就連人氣小王子傑西麥卡尼在台灣舉行電視小型演唱會中,特別挑選Gavin出道之動人小品「Follow Through」重新演繹。
紐約出生的Gavin,從小就在家庭灌輸音樂訊息下成長,八歲開始學習鋼琴,學生時期的Gavin與哥哥合組翻唱樂團,在紐約當地表演,利用這個歷練,一邊累積多元樂器演奏技巧,一邊撰寫屬於自己的創作歌曲。於2003年夏天早已問世的《Chariot》,掩沒在新人如過加之鯽的流行樂壇中,就在結合青春無敵的偶像劇情節,新生代俊男美女的賞心悅目之組合,獲得全美收視率極佳的電視影集「One Tree Hill」青睞,將「I Don’t Want To Be」成為重點主題襯樂,迅速於2004年夏季挺進全美單曲榜Top10,熱潮未退的再將同名單曲「 Chariot」推上流行榜Top30,經過一年的銷售大逆轉,唱片公司立刻改版再推出《Chariot-Stripped》,攻上熱門潛力榜冠軍+流行專輯榜No.56,銷售突破百萬大關。
經過四年的沉澱,以同名專輯《Gavin DeGraw》二度再出發,空降美國Top7,請到搖滾界炙手可熱的大師Howard Benson (My Chemical Romance、P.O.D.、Papa Roach)全權操盤。描述一段千古不朽愛情故事的「We Belong Together」,配合電影「崔斯坦與伊索德/Tristan And Isolde」早於2006年率先暖身發行,安排在現代的抒情搖滾音韻中,強化更多耐人聆聽的順暢音符;主打歌「In Love With A Girl」,交雜在隆隆吉他彈奏與Gavin高亢靈韻詮釋下,已快速爬上美國成人抒情榜Top8+流行榜Top24之林中;完美呈現一支動人Piano Rock的「Cop Stop」,力度與旋律分量充足的平衡搭配,Gavin真假音轉換以及熱血演繹方式,皆替此曲增添回味且激昂之觸感;母親是位勒戒專家,面對越趨年輕化的毒品氾濫之問題而寫下「Medicate The Kids「,登上新世代的反毒主題歌;精緻動聽的「Untamed」、「 Let It Go」,同為Gavin更趨成熟自信的表徵。