Release Date: March 31, 2009
Label: Capitol Nashville


01.Kiss a Girl (Keith Urban, Monty Powell) - 3:46
02.If Ever I Could Love (Urban, Darrell Brown) - 5:00
03.Sweet Thing (Urban, Powell) - 3:48
04.Til Summer Comes Around (Urban, Powell) - 5:31
05.My Heart Is Open (Urban, John Shanks) - 5:29
06.Hit the Ground Runnin (Jerry Flowers) - 3:24
07.Only You Can Love Me This Way (Steve McEwan, John Reid) - 4:07
08.Standing Right in Front of You (Urban, Rick Nowells) - 4:01
09.Why's It Feel So Long (Urban) - 3:24
10.I'm In (Radney Foster, Georgia Middleman) - 4:33
11.Thank You (Urban, Nowells) - 5:14

Thank You - Keith Urban

 澳大利亞鄉村歌手Keith Urban即將在本月31日發行的全新專輯《Dying Gravity》是一張充滿了甜蜜情歌的專輯。除了之前推出過的主打單曲《Kiss A Girl》和《Sweet Thing》之外,還有一首他特地為其愛妻妮可·基德曼創作的歌曲《Thank You》。
 而為了宣傳新專輯,Urban將會在今年5月份展開一場名為「Escape Together」的世界巡演。這場巡演的表演嘉賓可謂陣容強大。除了有如今在美國爆紅的鄉村美女泰勒·斯威夫特、還包括像Sugarland、Lady Antebellum這樣的鄉村音樂組合以及Dierks Bentley、Jason Aldean等著名鄉村歌手。

Keith Urban第5張錄音室專輯,妮可·基德曼的老公,女兒也快一歲了吧..《Kiss A Girl》和《Sweet Thing》,《Thank You》差不多都是唱給妮可聽的..也迫不及待的想表達他對家庭生活的滿意度,Keith Urban接受採訪時說:「我認為專輯的錄製過程就像是一次隨心所欲的旅程。所以我的音樂很能反映我創作時的心情。」換句話說,是哄老婆開心的一張專輯了,也是否能博得歌迷的歡心呢 FR:夏帆

Defying Gravity is the title of the fifth studio album by Australian country music artist Keith Urban. It will be released on March 31, 2009 (see 2009 in country music) on Capitol Records. The album's lead-off single is "Sweet Thing", which reached the top of the Billboard Hot Country Songs charts in March 2009. "Kiss a Girl" was released on March 7, 2009 as the second single. The title Defying Gravity comes from the lyrics of a song on the album, a phrase, in Urban's words, that "really defined the joyous, optimistic and uplifting spirit that seemed to show
itself while making the album." The track " I'm In" was previously released in 1998 by Radney Foster (as a duet with Abra Moore) from Foster's album See What You Want to See, and again in 2000 by The Kinleys from their album II.

齊斯艾本Keith Urban
愛與痛的邊緣:世界巡迴演唱全紀錄進口NTSC DVD
Love, Pain & The Whole Crazy World Tour Live

◎ 奧斯卡影后妮可基嫚的摯愛老公、葛萊美獎與Billboard音樂獎肯定的澳洲鄉村搖滾天王
◎ 沸騰百萬樂迷的最新演唱會精華、勇奪全美音樂DVD銷售排行榜亞軍
◎ 捕捉156分鐘的搖滾熱力,巡迴演唱幕後製作獨家花絮畫面、直擊演唱會後台現場
◎ 超過40張寫真畫面,加收暢銷單曲〈You Look Good In My Shirt〉獨家錄音室片段

超過千萬張的全球專輯銷售,累計寫下包括了八首冠軍曲在內的18首全美鄉村單曲榜Top 5暢銷曲,同時也是唯一一位在拿過鄉村音樂協會獎(C.M.A.)肯定新進歌手的Horizon Award獎之後,還能進一步勇奪鄉村音樂學院獎的至尊大獎,「年度娛樂界風雲人物獎」的人物,來自澳洲的鄉村搖滾歌手齊斯艾本Keith Urban的樂壇成績單可說是十分閃亮。他在2007年走出酗酒/藥癮的陰影,以定名為《愛與痛的邊緣:世界巡迴演唱Love, Pain & The Whole Crazy World Tour》的巡迴演唱重新出發,這趟跨越三大洲、超過150場演唱場次的巡迴行程,總計吸引了100萬名樂迷熱烈迴響,這些動人的情緒如今隨著這張同名現場演唱DVD的發行,將再度燃燒沸騰。此張DVD網羅了156分鐘的演唱會精華,搜盡巡迴演唱幕後製作花絮,還有直擊演唱會後台現場以及這位帥氣天王的寫真照。

齊斯艾本在1997年以鄉村搖滾樂團The Ranch的成員身分叩關美國流行音樂市場,他在1999年推出進軍美國市場的首張個人專輯《Keith Urban》,他以這張百萬張銷售的作品展現了搶眼的吉他彈奏技巧。緊接著,他以2002年的專輯《Golden Road》迅速激發了征服美國市場的搖滾能量,專輯熱銷300萬張,專輯裡頭的〈Somebody Like You〉、〈Who Wouldn't Wanna Be Me〉等單曲雙雙在全美排行榜中奪冠,隨後在2003年的全美告示牌Billboard鄉村單曲藝人年終榜登上第一名的位置,齊斯艾本的人氣隨著2004年專輯《Be Here》的發行而飆升,專輯稱霸全美鄉村專輯榜冠軍,專輯光在美國就狂賣400萬張,專輯中的單曲〈Better Life〉、〈Making Memories Of Us〉、〈Days Go By〉輪番坐上排行冠軍龍頭,這張專輯為他帶來了包含葛萊美獎以及來自世界各地的16項音樂獎的提名或得獎肯定。齊斯艾本在2006年繼續以專輯《Love, Pain & The Whole Crazy Thing》穩坐鄉村專輯榜冠軍王座,專輯中的單曲〈Once In A Lifetime〉同時改寫了近10年來鄉村單曲榜首週進榜名次最高的紀錄。儘管他忠於鄉村搖滾路線,但是,他的歌曲卻獲得了其它類型音樂電台的支持,像是〈You'll Think Of Me〉、〈Making Memories Of Us〉等單曲紛紛入主全美抒情榜Top 5之列。齊斯艾本在2005年的「Live 8」全球連線演唱會中與Alicia Keys合唱〈Gimme Shelter〉的演出,更是吸引了全球樂迷的目光,他在2007年受邀參加美國綜藝節目「週末夜現場」的演出,更讓他成為該節目30多年來少數的鄉村音樂嘉賓。

全球傳媒公認《Love, Pain & The Whole Crazy World Tour》是一趟音樂緊湊,視覺震撼且構思巧妙的巡迴演唱演出,齊斯艾本在百萬名樂迷面前渾身解數,持續不斷的帶給樂迷驚喜,就連坐在距離演唱會舞台很遠的樂迷,都能感受到齊斯艾本的搖滾活力,所有參加過這趟巡迴演唱行程的樂迷不但在音樂上得到了滿足的快感,而且還更加期待這位歌手在融合鄉村與搖滾類型音樂的唱作表現時,那種無與倫比的獨特風采。

影片格式:NTSC、Regin Free、DVD9
聲音格式:Hi Def、5:1 Surround Sound

01. Once In A Lifetime / 02. Where The Blacktop Ends / 03. Shine / 04. Raining On Sunday / 05. Stupid Boy / 6. Used To The Pain / 07. You're My Better Half / 08. Making Memories Of Us / 09. You'll Think Of Me / 10. I Told You So / 11. Days Go By / 12. You Look Good In My Shirt / 13. Tonight I Wanna Cry / 14. Who Wouldn't Wanna Be Me / 15. Somebody Like You / 16. Got It Right This Time (The Celebration) / 17. Better Life / 18. Everybody
- Making Of The Tour
- Outtakes
- Studio Footage (You Look Good In My Shirt)
- Photo Gallery / Keith Urban / Everybody

Alone in this house again tonight
I got the TV on, the sound turned down and a bottle of wine
There's pictures of you and I on the walls around me
The way that it was and could have been surrounds me
I'll never get over you walkin' away

I've never been the kind to ever let my feelings show
And I thought that bein' strong meant never losin' your self-control
But I'm just drunk enough to let go of my pain
To hell with my pride, let it fall like rain
From my eyes
Tonight I wanna cry

Would it help if I turned a sad song on
"All By Myself" would sure hit me hard now that you're gone
Or maybe unfold some old yellow lost love letters
It's gonna hurt bad before it gets better
But I'll never get over you by hidin' this way

I've never been the kind to ever let my feelings show
And I thought that bein' strong meant never losin' your self-control
But I'm just drunk enough to let go of my pain
To hell with my pride, let it fall like rain
From my eyes
Tonight I wanna cry

I've never been the kind to ever let my feelings show
And I thought that bein' strong meant never losin' your self-control
But I'm just drunk enough to let go of my pain
To hell with this pride, let it fall like rain
From my eyes
Tonight I wanna cry

    創作者 葉總裁 的頭像

    ☭ marselip0910 叶俊华™

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