April 9, 2007
Label: Ruffa Lane
United Kingdom
Band Members
Ali Howard (Vocals)
Andrew Laidlaw (Rhythm Guitar)
Ivor Sims (Lead Guitar)
Malcolm Young (Keyboards)
Paul Atkins (Drums)
Russell Grooms (Bass)
1. Add Your Light to Mine, Baby
2. One Kiss Don't Make a Summer
3. Struck Dumb
4. Lips Are Unhappy
Lips Are Unhappy (Thai version feat. La-Ong-Fong) - Lucky Soul
5. My Darling, Anything
6. Get Outta Town!
7. Great Unwanted
8. Baby I'm Broke
9. My Brittle Heart
10. Ain't Never Been Cool
11. Towering Inferno
12. It's Yours
13. Last Song
來自英國的Lucky Soul 復古搖擺情懷
他們的音樂當中,不斷有著豐富的小號、薩克斯風等管弦演出,以60年代風格的復古搖滾風格,展現出俏皮動感,營造出宛如夢幻世界般的甜美氛圍。這是他們在發行幾張單曲之後,正式於以自然、可愛、復古等音樂走向為主的Elefant Records發行的首張大碟''The Great Unwanted''
搖擺歡樂的節奏可不只是The Pipettes的特權,來自英國倫敦的Lucky Soul同樣可以將復古風格徹底發揮.雖然音樂同是復古與甜蜜到可殺人的類型,但LuckySoul還多了豐沛弦樂和高貴成熟."這是一種來自於一個小鎮上的一幫不故作姿態的夢想家所做的靈魂音樂."這是樂隊核心,吉他手Andrew Laidlaw對於樂隊的一個最簡單的描述.在發行了多張EP之後,Lucky Soul終於推出了首張專輯"The Great Unwanted".Andrew Laidlaw的旋律不遜於經典流行舞曲,此外美麗嫵媚的主唱Ali Howard那入耳即化的甜美嗓音實在是太贊了.聽著這些甜美復古的音樂在耳畔邊搖擺,足以喚起你對往昔流行歲月的回憶.
From the stuttering snare drum notes that begin opener "Add Your Light to Mine, Baby," it's clear that Lucky Soul stands poised to revitalize the charming sounds of 1950s-era pop. Thankfully, the U.K. sextet--singer Ali Howard, guitarists Ivor Sims and Andrew Laidlaw, keyboardist Malcolm Young, bassist Toby Fogell, and drummer Nathaniel Perkins--plies its throwback aesthetic without a shred of the veiled insincerity endemic to all forms of musical nostalgia. Instead, Laidlaw's lush arrangements play less like studied reverence than inspired, single-handed attempts to reinvigorate the art of pop orchestration. (Particularly stunning horn work adorns the bombastic "Get Outta Town!") Howard's voice recalls any number of forgone antecedents and de rigueur indie contemporaries, from Petula Clark and Sandy Shaw, to El Perro del Mar (Sarah Assbring) and the Concretes' Victoria Bergsman. But just when the whole endeavor treads a hair's breadth from precious, "Ain't Never Been Cool" dissolves any notion of the band's pretensions in a two-and-a-half-minute slab of celebratory, dance-inducing apologetics. Lyrically, these 13 songs seem disproportionately obsessed with kissing, but then, if there's one thing Lucky Soul's music was tailor-made for, it's gettin' lucky. Try it. --Jason Kirk
Product Description
Japanese pressing includes two bonus tracks.
Lucky Soul