Glasgow, Scotland
United Kingdom
Tracyanne Campbell - Vocals, Guitars
Gavin Dunbar - Bass
Lee Thomson - Drums
Kenny McKeeve - Guitars, Vocals
Nigel Baillie - Trumpet, Percussion
Carey Lander - Piano, Organ, Vocals
01. French Navy
French Navy - Camera Obscura
02. The Sweetest Thing
03. You Told A Lie
04. Away With Murder
05. Swans
06. James
07. Careless Love
08. My Maudlin Career
09. Forests And Sands
10. Other Towns And Cities
11. Honey In The Sun
Camera Obscura have been making music for a decade, carried through the ups and downs of various line-up changes and the tender pain of daily life by the sweetly sad voice of Tracyanne Campbell. Their greatest achievement to date is arguably the critically acclaimed 2006 album Let’s Get Out Of This Country.
Let’s Get Out Of This Country showcased the band’s ability to produce quality heartfelt pop that can sail unselfconsciously through six impassioned choruses in Lloyd, I’m Ready To Be Heartbroken, alongside the stark, sweeping wails of Country Mile.The album was made in Stockholm and was ably enhanced by the production magic of Sweden’s Jari Haapalainen, who was more than qualified to indulge the band’s enthusiasm for reverb.
The release of the album was supported by extensive touring through the UK, Europe, North America, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and has seen Camera Obscura develop from a somewhat timid live proposition into a confident, dynamic and hopefully charming spectacle.
Camera Obscura’s back catalogue is also a haven of treasures well worth investigation, featuring along the way the talents of Belle and Sebastian’s Richard drumming on early EP Park and Ride, the aforementioned Stuart Murdoch’s production sheen on Eighties Fan, and the many dulcet outings of erstwhile members John Henderson and David Skirving. A full discography can be found on their official website.